Providing External Access to Istio Services With Kong

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where all your service mesh services are running in Kubernetes, and now you need to expose them to the outside world securely and reliably?

Ingress management is essential for your configuration and operations when exposing services outside of a cluster. You need to take care of the authentication, observability, encryption, and integration with other third-party vendors alongside other policies.

Full Stack Kubernetes with Kong Ingress Controller

Kubernetes has become the name of the game when it comes to container orchestration. It allows teams to deploy and scale applications to meet changes in demand while providing a great developer experience.

The key to handling modern dynamic, scalable workloads in Kubernetes is a networking stack that can deliver API management, a service mesh and an ingress controller. Kong Ingress Controller allows users to manage the routing rules that control external user access to the service in a Kubernetes cluster from the same platform.

Kubernetes Adoption Accelerates but Operational Challenges Persist


Kubernetes adoption is on the rise as organizations increasingly get a grasp on what is needed to effectively manage and scale the popular platform.

That’s one of the key takeaways from a recent Traefik Labs survey of 1,097 respondents, the majority of which were software engineers and DevOps professionals. The survey found that the adoption of Kubernetes is at a strong 70%, indicating that the platform is rapidly increasing in adoption. Yet 58% say they run less than half of their business-critical applications on the container-orchestration system, implying room for wider Kubernetes uses throughout most organizations.

Expose Your App to The Internet Using Ingress Controller

Do you have many internet-facing applications and worried about the cost of Load Balancer? Well, this article will help you expose your applications to the Internet using a single Load Balancer, saving you hundreds of dollars.

What is Ingress?

Let us first understand what Ingress is. An Ingress is an API object that manages external access to the services in a cluster and may provide load balancing, SSL termination, and name-based virtual hosting.

Seeing 5XXs When Configuring a Kubernetes API Gateway for the First Time?

Kubernetes is a fantastic foundation for an application platform, but it is just that: a foundational component. In order for K8s to be useful for application developers the following components must be added to Kubernetes: ingress, an API gateway, and observability; you need to get user traffic into your applications, and you need to be able to understand what is going on. 

Getting K8s Ingress up and running for the first time can be challenging due to the various cloud vendor load balancer implementations. I've seen my fair share of 5XX HTTP errors, and have not been able to identify where the problem lies...

Testing the Performance of the NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes

Kubernetes has become the de-facto standard for managing containerized applications, with many enterprises adopting it in their production environments. In this blog, we describe the kind of performance you can achieve with the NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes, detailing the results of our performance testing of three metrics: requests per second, SSL/TLS transactions per second, and throughput. We also include the full NGINX and Kubernetes configurations we used.

You can use our performance numbers and configuration to help you determine the right topology, specs, and Kubernetes configuration for delivering your own apps at the level of performance and scale you require.