How To Build a Strong Incident Response Process

When building an incident response process, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the moving parts. Less is more: focus first on building solid foundations that you can develop over time. Here are three things we think form a key part of a strong process.

I’d recommend taking these one at a time, introducing incident response throughout your organization.

What To Look For In Your Next SIEM Provider

Security information and event management (SIEM) software is a security information system that analyzes security alerts and data generated from devices on a network in real-time. It will act as a platform that efficiently collects and stores security data at a central point and then converts it into actionable intelligence. SIEM tooling has become highly relevant, especially if you have a deal with a data/security breach and you need to 'know' how and what happened in such a ‘cyber-security’ incident.

A SIEM tool can oversee this type of incident and improve the management of it by: