CSS Grid and Custom Shapes, Part 1

In a previous article, I looked at CSS Grid’s ability to create complex layouts using its auto-placement powers. I took that one step further in another article that added a zooming hover effect to images in a grid layout. This time, I want to dive into another type of grid, one that works with shapes.

Like, what if the images aren’t perfectly square but instead are shaped like hexagons or rhombuses? Spoiler alert: we can do it. In fact, we’re going to combine CSS Grid techniques we’ve looked at and drop in some CSS clip-path and mask magic to create fancy grids of images for just about any shape you can imagine!

Let’s start with some markup

Most of the layouts we are going to look at may look easy to achieve at first glance, but the challenging part is to achieve them with the same HTML markup. We can use a lot of wrappers, divs, and whatnot, but the goal of this post is to use the same and smallest amount of HTML code and still get all the different grids we want. After all, what’s CSS but a way to separate styling and markup? Our styling should not depend on the markup, and vice versa.

This said, let’s start with this:

<div class="gallery">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <!-- as many times as we want -->

A container with images is all that we need here. Nothing more!

CSS Grid of Hexagons

This is also sometimes referred to as a “honeycomb” grid.

There are already plenty of other blog posts out there that show how to make this. Heck, I wrote one here on CSS-Tricks! That article is still good and goes way deep on making a responsive layout. But for this specific case, we are going to rely on a much simpler CSS approach.

First, let’s use clip-path on the images to create the hexagon shape and we place all of them in the same grid area so they overlap.

.gallery {
  --s: 150px; /* controls the size */
  display: grid;

.gallery > img {
  grid-area: 1/1;
  width: var(--s);
  aspect-ratio: 1.15;
  object-fit: cover;
  clip-path: polygon(25% 0%, 75% 0%, 100% 50%, 75% 100%, 25% 100%, 0 50%);
clip-path: polygon(25% 0%, 75% 0%, 100% 50%, 75% 100%, 25% 100%, 0 50%)

Nothing fancy yet. All the images are hexagons and above each other. So it looks like all we have is a single hexagon-shaped image element, but there are really seven.

The next step is to apply a translation to the images to correctly place them on the grid.

Notice that we still want one of the images to remain in the center. The rest are placed around it using CSS translate and good ol’ fashioned geometry. Here’s are the mock formulas I came up with for each image in the grid:

translate((height + gap)*sin(0deg), (height + gap)*cos(0))
translate((height + gap)*sin(60deg), (height + gap)*cos(60deg))
translate((height + gap)*sin(120deg), (height + gap)*cos(120deg))
translate((height + gap)*sin(180deg), (height + gap)*cos(180deg))
translate((height + gap)*sin(240deg), (height + gap)*cos(240deg))
translate((height + gap)*sin(300deg), (height + gap)*cos(300deg))

A few calculations and optimization later (let’s skip that boring part, right?) we get the following CSS:

.gallery {
  --s: 150px; /* control the size */
  --g: 10px;  /* control the gap */
  display: grid;
.gallery > img {
  grid-area: 1/1;
  width: var(--s);
  aspect-ratio: 1.15;
  object-fit: cover;
  clip-path: polygon(25% 0%, 75% 0%, 100% 50% ,75% 100%, 25% 100%, 0 50%);
  transform: translate(var(--_x,0), var(--_y,0));
.gallery > img:nth-child(1) { --_y: calc(-100% - var(--g)); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(7) { --_y: calc( 100% + var(--g)); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(3),
.gallery > img:nth-child(5) { --_x: calc(-75% - .87*var(--g)); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(4),
.gallery > img:nth-child(6) { --_x: calc( 75% + .87*var(--g)); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(3),
.gallery > img:nth-child(4) { --_y: calc(-50% - .5*var(--g)); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(5), 
.gallery > img:nth-child(6) { --_y: calc( 50% + .5*var(--g)); }

Maybe that’ll be easier when we get real trigonometry functions in CSS!

Each image is translated by the --_x and --_y variables that are based on those formulas. Only the second image (nth-child(2)) is undefined in any selector because it’s the one in the center. It can be any image if you decide to use a different order. Here’s the order I’m using:

With only a few lines of code, we get a cool grid of images. To this, I added a little hover effect to the images to make things fancier.

Guess what? We can get another hexagon grid by simply updating a few values.

If you check the code and compare it with the previous one you will notice that I have simply swapped the values inside clip-path and I switched between --x and --y. That’s all!

CSS Grid of Rhombuses

Rhombus is such a fancy word for a square that’s rotated 45 degrees.

Same HTML, remember? We first start by defining a 2×2 grid of images in CSS:

.gallery {
  --s: 150px; /* controls the size */

  display: grid;
  gap: 10px;
  grid: auto-flow var(--s) / repeat(2, var(--s));
  place-items: center;
.gallery > img {
  width: 100%; 
  aspect-ratio: 1;
  object-fit: cover;

The first thing that might catch your eye is the grid property. It’s pretty uncommonly used but is super helpful in that it’s a shorthand that lets you define a complete grid in one declaration. It’s not the most intuitive — and not to mention readable — property, but we are here to learn and discover new things, so let’s use it rather than writing out all of the individual grid properties.

grid: auto-flow var(--s) / repeat(2,var(--s));

/* is equivalent to this: */
grid-template-columns: repeat(2, var(--s));
grid-auto-rows: var(--s);

This defines two columns equal to the --s variable and sets the height of all the rows to --s as well. Since we have four images, we will automatically get a 2×2 grid.

Here’s another way we could have written it:

grid-template-columns: repeat(2, var(--s));
grid-template-rows: repeat(2, var(--s));

…which can be reduced with the grid shorthand:

grid: repeat(2,var(--s)) / repeat(2,var(--s));

After setting the grid, we rotate it and the images with CSS transforms and we get this:

Note how I rotate them both by 45deg, but in the opposite direction.

.gallery {
  /* etc. */
  transform: rotate(45deg);
.gallery > img {
  /* etc. */
  transform: rotate(-45deg);

Rotating the images in the negative direction prevents them from getting rotated with the grid so they stay straight. Now, we apply a clip-path to clip a rhombus shape out of them.

clip-path: polygon(50% 0, 100% 50%, 50% 100%, 0 50%)

We are almost done! We need to rectify the size of the image to make them fit together. Otherwise, they’re spaced far apart to the point where it doesn’t look like a grid of images.

The image is within the boundary of the green circle, which is the inscribed circle of the grid area where the image is placed. What we want is to make the image bigger to fit inside the red circle, which is the circumscribed circle of the grid area.

Don’t worry, I won’t introduce any more boring geometry. All you need to know is that the relationship between the radius of each circle is the square root of 2 (sqrt(2)). This is the value we need to increase the size of our images to fill the area. We will use 100%*sqrt(2) = 141% and be done!

.gallery {
  --s: 150px; /* control the size */

  display: grid;
  grid: auto-flow var(--s) / repeat(2,var(--s));
  gap: 10px;
  place-items: center;
  transform: rotate(45deg);
.gallery > img {
  width: 141%; /* 100%*sqrt(2) = 141% */
  aspect-ratio: 1;
  object-fit: cover;
  transform: rotate(-45deg);
  clip-path: polygon(50% 0, 100% 50%, 50% 100%, 0 50%);

Like the hexagon grid, we can make things fancier with that nice zooming hover effect:

CSS Grid of Triangular Shapes

You probably know by now that the big trick is figuring out the clip-path to get the shapes we want. For this grid, each element has its own clip-path value whereas the last two grids worked with a consistent shape. So, this time around, it’s like we’re working with a few different triangular shapes that come together to form a rectangular grid of images.

The three images at the top
The three images at the bottom

We place them inside a 3×2 grid with the following CSS:

.gallery {
  display: grid;
  gap: 10px; 
  grid-template-columns: auto auto auto; /* 3 columns */
  place-items: center;
.gallery > img {
  width: 200px; /* controls the size */
  aspect-ratio: 1;
  object-fit: cover;
/* the clip-path values */
.gallery > img:nth-child(1) { clip-path: polygon(0 0, 50% 0, 100% 100% ,0 100%); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(2) { clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 50% 100%); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(3) { clip-path: polygon(50% 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(4) { clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 50% 100%, 0 100%); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(5) { clip-path: polygon(50% 0, 100% 100%, 0% 100%); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(6) { clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0 ,100% 100%, 50% 100%); } }

Here’s what we get:

The final touch is to make the width of the middle column equal 0 to get rid of the spaces between the images. The same sort of spacing problem we had with the rhombus grid, but with a different approach for the shapes we’re using:

grid-template-columns: auto 0 auto;

I had to fiddle with the clip-path values to make sure they would all appear to fit together nicely like a puzzle. The original images overlap when the middle column has zero width, but after slicing the images, the illusion is perfect:

CSS Pizza Pie Grid

Guess what? We can get another cool grid by simply adding border-radius and overflow to our grid or triangular shapes. 🎉

CSS Grid of Puzzle Pieces

This time we are going to play with the CSS mask property to make the images look like pieces of a puzzle.

If you haven’t used mask with CSS gradients, I highly recommend this other article I wrote on the topic because it’ll help with what comes next. Why gradients? Because that’s what we’re using to get the round notches in the puzzle piece shapes.

Setting up the grid should be a cinch by now, so let’s focus instead on the mask part.

As illustrated in the above demo, we need two gradients to create the final shape. One gradient creates a circle (the green part) and the other creates the right curve while filling in the top part.

--g: 6px; /* controls the gap */
--r: 42px;  /* control the circular shapes */

  radial-gradient(var(--r) at left 50% bottom var(--r), green 95%, #0000),
  radial-gradient(calc(var(--r) + var(--g)) at calc(100% + var(--g)) 50%, #0000 95%, red)
  top/100% calc(100% - var(--r)) no-repeat;

Two variables control the shape. The --g variable is nothing but the grid gap. We need to account for the gap to correctly place our circles so they overlap perfectly when the whole puzzle is assembled. The --r variable controls the size of circular parts of the puzzle shape.

Now we take the same CSS and update a few values in it to create the three other shapes:

We have the shapes, but not the overlapping edges we need to make them fit together. Each image is limited to the grid cell it’s in, so it makes sense why the shapes are sort of jumbled at the moment:

We need to create an overflow by increasing the height/width of the images. From the above figure, we have to increase the height of the first and fourth images while we increase the width of the second and third ones. You have probably already guessed that we need to increase them using the --r variable.

.gallery > img:is(:nth-child(1),:nth-child(4)) {
  width: 100%;
  height: calc(100% + var(--r));
.gallery > img:is(:nth-child(2),:nth-child(3)) {
  height: 100%;
  width: calc(100% + var(--r));

We are getting closer!

We created the overlap but, by default, our images either overlap on the right (if we increase the width) or the bottom (if we increase the height). But that’s not what we want for the second and fourth images. The fix is to use place-self: end on those two images and our full code becomes this:

Here is another example where I am using a conic gradient instead of a radial gradient. This gives us triangular puzzle pieces while keeping the same underlying HTML and CSS.

A last one! This time I am using clip-path and since it’s a property we can animate, we get a cool hover by simply updating the custom property that controls the shape.

Wrapping up

That’s all for this first part! By combining the things we’ve already learned about CSS Grid with some added clip-path and mask magic, we were able to make grid layouts featuring different kinds of shapes. And we used the same HTML markup each time! And the markup itself is nothing more than a container with a handful of image elements!

In the second part, we are going to explore more complex-looking grids with more fancy shapes and hover effects.

I’m planning to take the demo of expanding image panels we made together in this other article:

…and transform it into a zig-zag image panels! And this is only one example among the many we will discover in the next article.

CSS Grid and Custom Shapes, Part 1 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Zooming Images in a Grid Layout

Creating a grid of images is easy, thanks to CSS Grid. But making the grid do fancy things after the images have been placed can be tricky to pull off.

Say you want to add some fancy hover effect to the images where they grow and zoom beyond the rows and columns where they sit? We can do that!

Cool, right? If you check the code, you won’t find any JavaScript, complex selectors, or even magic numbers. And this is only one example among many we will explore!

Building the grid

The HTML code to create the grid is as simple as a list of images within a container. We don’t need more than that.

<div class="gallery">
  <!-- etc. -->

For the CSS, we first start by setting the grid using the following:

.gallery {
  --s: 150px; /* controls the size */
  --g: 10px;  /* controls the gap */

  display: grid;
  gap: var(--g);
  width: calc(3*var(--s) + 2*var(--g)); /* 3 times the size plus 2 times the gap */
  aspect-ratio: 1;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(3, auto);

In short, we have two variables, one that controls the size of the images and one that sets the size of the gap between images. aspect-ratio helps keep things in proportion.

You might be wondering why we are only defining three columns but no rows. No, I didn’t forget the rows — we just don’t need to explicitly set them. CSS Grid is capable of automatically placing items on implicit rows and columns, meaning we get as many rows as needed to any number of images we throw at it. We can explicitly define the rows instead but we need to add grid-auto-flow: column to make sure the browser will create the needed columns for us.

Here is an example to illustrate both cases. The difference is that one flows in a row direction an the other in a column direction.

Check out this other article I wrote for more about the implicit grids and the auto-placement algorithm.

Now that we have our grid, it’s time to style the images:

.gallery > img {
  width: 0;
  height: 0;
  min-height: 100%;
  min-width: 100%;
  object-fit: cover;

The hover effect we’re making relies on this CSS. It probably looks weird to you that we’re making images that have both no width or height but have a minimum width and height of 100%. But you will see that it’s a pretty neat trick for what we are trying to achieve.

What I’m doing here is telling the browser that the images need to have 0 width and height but also need to have a minimum height equal to 100%… but 100% of what? When using percentages, the value is relative to something else. In this case, our image is placed inside a grid cell and we need to know that size to know what’s 100% is relative to.

The browser will first ignore min-height: 100% to calculate the size of the grid cells, but it will use the height: 0 in its calculation. That means our images will not contribute to the size of the grid cells… because they technically have no physical size. This will result in three equal columns and rows that are based on the size of the grid (which we defined on the .gallery’s width and aspect-ratio). The height of each grid cell is nothing but the variable --s we defined (same for the width).

Now that we have the dimensions of our grid’s cells, the browser will use it with min-height: 100% (and min-width: 100%) which will force the images to completely fill the space of each grid cell. The whole thing may look a bit confusing but the main idea is to make sure that the grid defines the size of the images rather than the other way around. I don’t want the image to define the size of the grid and you will understand why after adding the hover effect.

Creating the hover effect

What we need to do is increase the scale of the images when they’re hovered. We can do that by adjusting an image’s width and height on :hover:

.gallery {
  --f: 1.5; /* controls the scale factor */

.gallery img:hover{
  width:  calc(var(--s) * var(--f));
  height: calc(var(--s) * var(--f));

I added a new custom variable, --f, to the mix as a scale factor to control the size on hover. Notice how I’m multiplying the size variable, --s, by it to calculate the new image size.

But you said that the image size needs to be 0. What is going on? I am lost…

What I said is still true but I am making an exception for the hovered image. I am telling the browser that only one image will have a size that’s not equal to zero — so it will contribute to the dimension of the grid — while all the others remain equal to 0.

The left side shows the grid in its natural state without any hovered images, which is what the right side is showing. All the grid cells on the left side are equal in size since all the images have no physical dimensions.

On the right side, the second image in the first row is hovered, which gives it dimensions that affect the grid cell’s size. The browser will make that specific grid cell bigger on hover, which contributes to the overall size. And since the size of the whole grid is set (because we set a fixed width on the .gallery), the other grid cells will logically respond by becoming smaller in order to keep the .gallery‘s overall size in tact.

That’s our zoom effect in action! By increasing the size of only one image we affect the whole grid configuration, and we said before that the grid defines the size of the images so that each image stretches inside its grid cell to fill all the space.

To this, we add a touch of transition and use object-fit to avoid image distortion and the illusion is perfect!

I know that the logic behind the trick is not easy to grasp. Don’t worry if you don’t fully understand it. The most important is to understand the structure of the code used and how to modify it to get more variations. That’s what we will do next!

Adding more images

We created a 3×3 grid to explain the main trick, but you have probably guessed that we there’d no need to stop there. We can make the number of columns and rows variables and add as many images as we want.

.gallery {
  --n: 3; /* number of rows*/
  --m: 4; /* number of columns */
  --s: 150px; /* control the size */
  --g: 10px;  /* control the gap */
  --f: 1.5;   /* control the scale factor */

  display: grid;
  gap: var(--g);
  width:  calc(var(--m)*var(--s) + (var(--m) - 1)*var(--g));
  height: calc(var(--n)*var(--s) + (var(--n) - 1)*var(--g));
  grid-template-columns: repeat(var(--m),auto);

We have two new variables for the number of rows and columns. Then we simply define the width and height of our grid using them. Same for grid-template-columns which uses the --m variable. And just like before, we don’t need to explicitly define the rows since the CSS Grid’s auto-placement feature will do the job for us no matter how many image elements we’re using.

Why not different values for the width and height? We can do that:

.gallery {
  --n: 3; /* number of rows*/
  --m: 4; /* number of columns */
  --h: 120px; /* control the height */
  --w: 150px; /* control the width */
  --g: 10px;  /* control the gap */
  --f: 1.5;   /* control the scale factor */

  display: grid;
  gap: var(--g);
  width:  calc(var(--m)*var(--w) + (var(--m) - 1)*var(--g));
  height: calc(var(--n)*var(--h) + (var(--n) - 1)*var(--g));
  grid-template-columns: repeat(var(--m),auto);

.gallery img:hover{
  width:  calc(var(--w)*var(--f));
  height: calc(var(--h)*var(--f));

We replace --s with two variables, one for the width, --w, and another one for the height, --h. Then we adjust everything else accordingly.

So, we started with a grid with a fixed size and number of elements, but then we made a new set of variables to get any configuration we want. All we have to do is to add as many images as we want and adjust the CSS variables accordingly. The combinations are limitless!

What about a full-screen version? Yes, that’s also possible. All we need is to know what values we need to assign to our variables. If we want N rows of images and we want our grid to be full screen, we first need to solve for a height of 100vh:

var(--n) * var(--h) + (var(--n) - 1) * var(--g) = 100vh

Same logic for the width, but using vw instead of vh:

var(--m) * var(--w) + (var(--m) - 1) * var(--g) = 100vw

We do the math to get:

--w: (100vw - (var(--m) - 1) * var(--g)) / var(--m)
--h: (100vh - (var(--n) - 1) * var(--g)) / var(--n)


It’s the same exact HTML but with some updated variables that change the grid’s sizing and behavior.

Note that I have omitted the formula we previously set on the .gallery‘s width and height and replaced them with 100vw and 100vh, respectively. The formula will give us the same result but since we know what value we want, we can ditch all that added complexity.

We can also simplify the --h and --w by removing the gap from the equation in favor of this:

--h: calc(100vh / var(--n)); /* Viewport height divided by number of rows */
--w: calc(100vw / var(--m)); /* Viewport width divided by number of columns */

This will make the hovered image grow a bit more than the previous example, but it is no big deal since we can control the scale with the --f variable we’re using as a multiplier.

And since the variables are used in one place we can still simplify the code by removing them altogether:

It’s important to note this optimization applies only to the full-screen example and not to the examples we’ve covered. This example is a particular case where we can make the code lighter by removing some of the complex calculation work we needed in the other examples.

We actually have everything we need to create the popular pattern of expanding panels:

Let’s dig even deeper

Did you notice that our scale factor can be less than 1? We can define the size of the hovered image to be smaller than --h or --w but the image gets bigger on hover.

The initial grid cell size is equal to --w and --h, so why do a smaller values make the grid cell bigger? Shouldn’t the cell get smaller, or at least maintain its initial size? And what is the final size of the grid cell?

We need to dig deeper into how the CSS Grid algorithm calculates the size of the grid cells. And this is involves understanding CSS Grid’s default stretch alignment.

Here’s an example to understand the logic.

On the left side of the demo, I defined a two-column with auto width. We get the intuitive result: two equal columns (and two equal grid cells). But the grid I set up on the right side of the demo, where I am updating the alignment using place-content: start, appears to have nothing.

DevTools helps show us what’s really happening in both cases:

In the second grid, we have two columns, but their widths equal zero, so we get two grid cells that are collapsed at the top-left corner of the grid container. This is not a bug but the logical result of the grid’s alignment. When we size a column (or row) with auto, it means that its content dictates its size — but we have an empty div with no content to make room for.

But since stretch is the default alignment and we have enough space inside our grid, the browser will stretch both grid cells equally to cover all that area. That’s how the grid on the left winds up with two equal columns.

From the specification:

Note that certain values of justify-content and align-content can cause the tracks to be spaced apart (space-around, space-between, space-evenly) or to be resized (stretch).

Note the “to be resized” which is the key here. In the last example, I used place-content which is the shorthand for justify-content and align-content

And this is buried somewhere in the Grid Sizing algorithm specs:

This step expands tracks that have an auto max track sizing function by dividing any remaining positive, definite free space equally amongst them. If the free space is indefinite, but the grid container has a definite min-width/height, use that size to calculate the free space for this step instead.

“Equally” explains why we wind up with equal grid cells, but it applies to “the free space” which is very important.

Let’s take the previous example and add content to one of the divs:

We added a square 50px image. Here’s an illustration of how each grid in our example responds to that image:

In the first case, we can see that the first cell (in red) is bigger than the second one (in blue). In the second case, the size of the first cell changes to fit the physical size of the image while the second cell remains with no dimensions. The free space is divided equally, but the first cell has more content inside which makes it bigger.

This is the math to figure out our free space:

(grid width) - (gap) - (image width) = (free space)
200px - 5px - 50px = 145px 

Divided by two — the number of columns — we get a width of 72.5px for each column. But we add the size of the image, 50px, to the first column which leaves us with one column at 122.5px and the second one equal to 72.5px.

The same logic applies to our grid of images. All the images have a size equal to 0 (no content) while the hovered image contributes to size — even if it’s just 1px — making its grid cell bigger than the others. For this reason, the scale factor can be any value bigger than 0 even decimals between 0 and 1.

To get the final width of the grid cells, we do the same calculation to get the following:

(container width) - (sum of all gaps) - (hovered image width) = (free space)

The width of container is defined by:

var(--m)*var(--w) + (var(--m) - 1)*var(--g)

…and all the gaps are equal to:

(var(--m) - 1)*var(--g)

…and for the hovered image we have:


We can calculate all of that with our variables:

var(--m)*var(--w) - var(--w)*var(--f) = var(--w)*(var(--m) - var(--f))

The number of columns is defined by --m ,so we divide that free space equally to get:

var(--w)*(var(--m) - var(--f))/var(--m)

…which gives us the size of the non-hovered images. For hovered images, we have this:

var(--w)*(var(--m) - var(--f))/var(--m) + var(--w)*var(--f)
var(--w)*((var(--m) - var(--f))/var(--m) + var(--f))

If we want to control the final size of the hovered image, we consider the above formula to get the exact size we want. If, for example, we want the image to be twice as big:

(var(--m) - var(--f))/var(--m) + var(--f) = 2

So, the value of our scale multiplier, --f, needs to be equal to:

var(--m)/(var(--m) - 1)

For three columns we will have 3/2 = 1.5 and that’s the scale factor I used in the first demo of this article because I wanted to make the image twice as big on hover!

The same logic applies to the height calculation and in case we want to control both of them independently we will need to consider two scale factors to make sure we have a specific width and height on hover.

.gallery {
  /* same as before */
   --fw: 1.5; /* controls the scale factor for the width */
   --fh: 1.2; /* controls the scale factor for the height */

  /* same as before */

.gallery img:hover{
  width:  calc(var(--w)*var(--fw));
  height: calc(var(--h)*var(--fh));

Now, you know all the secrets to create any kind of image grid with a cool hover effect while also having control of the sizing you want using the math we just covered.

Wrapping up

In my last article, we created a complex-looking grid with a few lines of CSS that put CSS Grid’s implicit grid and auto-placement features to use. In this article, we relied on some CSS Grid sizing trickery to create a fancy grid of images that zoom on hover and cause the grid to adjust accordingly. All of this with a simplified code that is easy to adjust using CSS variables!

In the next article, we will play with shapes! We will combine CSS grid with mask and clip-path to get fancy grid of images.

Zooming Images in a Grid Layout originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Implicit Grids, Repeatable Layout Patterns, and Danglers

Dave Rupert with some modern CSS magic that tackles one of those classic conundrums: what happens when the CSS for component is unable to handle the content we throw at it?

The specific situation is when a layout grid expects an even number of items, but is supplied with an odd number instead. We’re left with a “dangling” element at the end that throws off the layout. Sounds like what’s needed is some Defensive CSS and Dave accomplishes it.

He reaches for :has() to write a nifty selector that sniffs out the last item in a grid that contains an odd number of items:

.items:has(.item:last-of-type:nth-of-type(odd)) .item:first-of-type { }

Breaking that down:

  • We have a parent container of .items.
  • If the container :has() an .item child that is the last of its type,
  • …and that .item happens to be an odd-numbered instance,
  • …then select the first .item element of that type and style it!

In this case, that last .item can be set to go full-width to prevent holes in the layout.

If… then… CSS has conditional logic powers! We’re only talking about support for Safari TP and Edge/Chrome Canary at the moment, but that’s pretty awesome.

As chance has it, Temani Afif recently shared tricks he learned while experimenting with implicit grids. By taking advantage of CSS Grid’s auto-placement algorithm, we don’t even have to explicitly declare a fixed number of columns and rows for a grid — CSS will create them for us if they’re needed!

No, Temani’s techniques aren’t alternative solutions to Dave’s “dangler” dilemma. But combining Temani’s approach to repeatable grid layout patterns with Dave’s defensive CSS use of :has(), we get a pretty powerful and complex-looking grid that’s lightweight and capable of handling any number of items while maintaining a balanced, repeatable pattern.

Implicit Grids, Repeatable Layout Patterns, and Danglers originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

Exploring CSS Grid’s Implicit Grid and Auto-Placement Powers

When working with CSS Grid, the first thing to do is to set display: grid on the element that we want to be become a grid container. Then we explicitly define the grid using a combination of grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows, and grid-template-areas. And from there, the next step is to place items inside the grid.

This is the classic approach that should be used and I also recommend it. However, there is another approach for creating grids without any explicit definition. We call this the implicit grid.

“Explicit, implicit? What the heck is going on here?”

Strange terms, right? Manuel Matuzovic already has a good explanation of what we may by “implicit” and “explicit” in CSS Grid, but let’s dig straight into what the specification says:

The grid-template-rows, grid-template-columns, and grid-template-areas properties define a fixed number of tracks that form the explicit grid. When grid items are positioned outside of these bounds, the grid container generates implicit grid tracks by adding implicit grid lines to the grid. These lines together with the explicit grid form the implicit grid.

So, in plain English, the browser auto-generates extra rows and columns in case any elements happen to be placed outside the defined grid.

What about auto-placement?

Similar to the concept of implicit grid, auto-placement is the ability of the browser to automatically place the items inside the grid. We don’t always need to give the position of each item.

Through different use cases, we are going to see how such features can help us create complex and dynamic grid with a few lines of code.

Dynamic sidebar

Here, we have three different layouts but we only have one grid configuration that works for all of them.

main {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr;

Only one column is taking up all the free space. This is our “explicit” grid. It’s set up to fit one grid item in the main grid container. That’s all. One column and one row:

But what if we decided to drop another element in there, say an aside (our dynamic sidebar). As it’s currently (and explicitly) defined, our grid will have to adjust automatically to find a place for that element. And if we do nothing else with our CSS, here’s what DevTools tells us is happening.

The element takes up the entire column that is explicitly set on the container. Meanwhile, the falls onto a new row between implicit grid lines labeled 2 and 3. Note that I’m using a 20px gap to help separate things visually.

We can move the <aside> to a column beside the <section>:

aside {
  grid-column-start: 2;

And here’s what DevTools tells us now:

The element is between the grid container’s first and second grid column lines. The starts at the second grid column line and ends at a third line we never declared.

We place our element in the second column but… we don’t have a second column. Weird, right? We never declared a second column on the <main> grid container, but the browser created one for us! This is the key part from the specification we looked at:

When grid items are positioned outside of these bounds, the grid container generates implicit grid tracks by adding implicit grid lines to the grid.

This powerful feature allows us to have dynamic layouts. If we only have the <section> element, all we get is one column. But if we add an <aside> element to the mix, an extra column is created to contain it.

We could place the <aside> before the <section> instead like this:

aside {
  grid-column-end: -2;

This creates the implicit column at the start of the grid, unlike the previous code that places the implicit column at the end.

We can have either a right or left sidebar

We can do the same thing more easily using the grid-auto-flow property to set any and all implicit tracks to flow in a column direction:

Now there’s no need to specify grid-column-start to place the <aside> element to the right of the <section>! In fact, any other grid item we decide to throw in there at any time will now flow in a column direction, each one placed in its own implicit grid tracks. Perfect for situations where the number of items in the grid isn’t known in advance!

That said, we do still need grid-column-end if we want to place it in a column to the left of it because, otherwise, the <aside> will occupy the explicit column which, in turn, pushes the <section> outside the explicit grid and forces it to take the implicit column.

I know, I know. That’s a little convoluted. Here is another example we can use to better understand this little quirk:

In the first example, we didn’t specify any placement. In this case, the browser will first place the <aside> element in the explicit column since it comes first in the DOM. The <section>, meanwhile, is automatically placed in the grid column the browser automatically (or implicitly) creates for us.

In the second example, we set the <aside> element outside of the explicit grid:

aside {
  grid-column-end: -2;

Now it doesn’t matter that <aside> comes first in the HTML. By reassigning <aside> somewhere else, we’ve made the <section> element available to take the explicit column.

Image grid

Let’s try something different with a grid of images where we have a big image and a few thumbnails beside it (or under it).

We have two grid configurations. But guess what? I am not defining any grid at all! All I am doing is this:

.grid img:first-child {
  grid-area: span 3 / span 3;

It’s surprising we only need one line of code to pull off something like this, so let’s dissect what’s going on and you will see that it’s easier than you may think. First of all, grid-area is a shorthand property that combines the following properties into a single declaration:

  • grid-row-start
  • grid-row-end
  • grid-column-start
  • grid-column-end

Wait! Isn’t grid-area the property we use to define named areas instead of where elements start and end on the grid?

Yes, but it also does more. We could write a whole lot more about grid-area, but in this particular case:

.grid img:first-child {
  grid-area: span 3 / span 3;

/* ...is equivalent to: */
.grid img:first-child {
  grid-row-start: span 3;
  grid-column-start: span 3;
  grid-row-end: auto;
  grid-column-end: auto;

We can see the same thing when cracking open DevTools to expand the shorthand version:

This means that the first image element in the grid needs to span three columns and three rows. But since we didn’t define any columns or rows, the browser does it for us.

We’ve essentially placed the first image in the HTML to take up a 3⨉3 grid. That means that any other images will be placed automatically in those same three columns without the need to specify anything new.

To summarize, we told the browser that the first image needs take up the space of three columns and three rows that we never explicitly defined when setting up the grid container. The browser set those columns and rows up for us. As a result, the remaining images in the HTML flow right into place using the same three columns and rows. And since the first image takes up all three columns in the first row, the remaining images flow into additional rows that each contain three columns, where each image takes up a single column.

All this from one line of CSS! That’s the power of “implicit” grid” and auto-placement.

For the second grid configuration in that demo, all I’ve done is change the automatic flow direction using grid-auto-flow: column the same way we did earlier when placing an <aside> element next to a <section>. This forces the browser to create a fourth column it can use to place the remaining images. And since we have three rows, the remaining images get placed inside the same vertical column.

We need to add a few properties to the images to make sure they fit nicely inside the grid without any overflow:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-gap: 10px;

/* for the second grid configuration */
.horizontal {
  grid-auto-flow: column;

/* The large 3⨉3 image */
.grid img:first-child {
  grid-area: span 3 / span 3;

/* Help prevent stretched or distorted images */
img {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  object-fit: cover;

And of course, we can easily update the grid to consider more images by adjusting one value. That would be the 3 in the styles for the large image. We have this:

.grid img:first-child {
  grid-area: span 3 / span 3;

But we could add a fourth column simply by changing it to 4 instead:

.grid img:first-child {
  grid-area: span 4 / span 4;

Even better: let’s set that up as a custom property to make things even easier to update.

Dynamic layouts

The first use case with the sidebar was our first dynamic layout. Now we will tackle more complex layouts where the number of elements will dictate the grid configuration.

In this example, we can have anywhere from one to four elements where the grid adjusts in way that nicely fits the number of elements without leaving any awkward gaps or missing spaces.

When we have one element, we do nothing. The element will stretch to fill the only row and column automatically created by the grid.

Bit when we add the second element, we create another (implicit) column using grid-column-start: 2.

When we add a third element, it should take up the width of two columns — that’s why we used grid-column-start: span 2, but only if it’s the :last-child because if (and when) we add a fourth element, that one should only take up a single column.

Adding that up, we have four grid configurations with only two declarations and the magic of implicit grid:

.grid {
  display: grid;
.grid :nth-child(2) {
  grid-column-start: 2;
.grid :nth-child(3):last-child {
  grid-column-start: span 2;

Let’s try another one:

We’re doing nothing for the first and second cases where we have only one or two elements. When we add a third element, though, we tell the browser that — as long as it’s the :last-child — it should span two columns. When we add a fourth element, we tell the browser that element needs to be placed in the second column.

.grid {
  display: grid;
.grid :nth-child(3):last-child {
  grid-column-start: span 2;
.grid :nth-child(4) {
  grid-column-start: 2;

Are you starting to get the trick? We give the browser specific instructions based on the number of elements (using :nth-child) and, sometimes, one instruction can change the layout completely.

It should be noted that the sizing will not be the same when we work with different content:

Since we didn’t define any sizes for our items, the browser automatically sizes them for us based on their contents and we may end up with different sizing than what we just saw. To overcome this, we have to explicitly specify that all the columns and rows are equally sized:

grid-auto-rows: 1fr;
grid-auto-columns: 1fr;

Hey, we haven’t played with those properties yet! grid-auto-rows and grid-auto-columns set the size of implicit rows and columns, respectively, in a grid container. Or, as the spec explains it:

The grid-auto-columns and grid-auto-rows properties specify the size of tracks not assigned a size by grid-template-rows or grid-template-columns.

Here is another example where we can go up to six elements. This time I will let you dissect the code. Don’t worry, the selectors may look complex but the logic is pretty straightforward.

Even with six elements, we only needed two declarations. Imagine all the complex and dynamic layouts we can achieve with a few lines of code!

What’s going on with that grid-auto-rows and why does it take three values? Are we defining three rows?

No, we are not defining three rows. But we are defining three values as a pattern for our implicit rows. The logic is as follows:

  • If we have one row, it will get sized with the first value.
  • If we have two rows, the first one gets the first value and the second one the second value.
  • If we have three rows, the three values will get used.
  • If we have four rows (and here comes the interesting part), we use the three values for the first three rows and we reuse the first value again for the fourth row. That’s why it’s a kind of pattern that we repeat to size all the implicit rows.
  • If we have 100 rows, they will be sized three-by-three to have 2fr 2fr 1fr 2fr 2fr 1fr 2fr 2fr 1fr, etc.

Unlike grid-template-rows which defines the number of rows and their sizes, grid-auto-rows only sizes row that may get created along the way.

If we get back to our example, the logic is to have equal size when two rows are created (we will use the 2fr 2fr), but if a third row is created we make it a bit smaller.

Grid patterns

For this last one, we are going to talk about patterns. You have probably seen those two column layouts where one column is wider than the other, and each row alternates the placement of those columns.

This sort layout can be difficult too pull off without knowing exactly how much content we’re dealing with, but CSS Grid’s auto-placement powers makes it a relative cinch.

Take a peek at the code. It may look complex but let’s break it down because it winds up being pretty straightforward.

The first thing to do is to identify the pattern. Ask yourself: “After how many elements should the pattern repeat?” In this case it’s after every four elements. So, let’s look at using only four elements for now:

Now, let’s define the grid and set up the general pattern using the :nth-child selector for alternating between elements:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-auto-columns: 1fr; /* all the columns are equal */
  grid-auto-rows: 100px; /* all the rows equal to 100px */
.grid :nth-child(4n + 1) { /* ?? */ }
.grid :nth-child(4n + 2) { /* ?? */ }
.grid :nth-child(4n + 3) { /* ?? */ }
.grid :nth-child(4n + 4) { /* ?? */ }

We said that our pattern repeats every four elements, so we will logically use 4n + x where x ranges from 1 to 4. It’s a little easier to explain the pattern this way:

4(0) + 1 = 1 = 1st element /* we start with n = 0 */
4(0) + 2 = 2 = 2nd element
4(0) + 3 = 3 = 3rd element
4(0) + 4 = 4 = 4th element
4(1) + 1 = 5 = 5th element /* our pattern repeat here at n = 1 */
4(1) + 2 = 6 = 6th element
4(1) + 3 = 7 = 7th element
4(1) + 4 = 8 = 8th element
4(2) + 1 = 9 = 9th element /* our pattern repeat again here at n = 2 */

Perfect, right? We have four elements, and repeat the pattern on the fifth element, the ninth element and so on.

Those :nth-child selectors can be tricky! Chris has a super helpful explanation of how it all works, including recipes for creating different patterns.

Now we configure each element so that:

  1. The first element needs to take two columns and start at column one (grid-column: 1/span 2).
  2. The second element is placed in the third column (grid-column-start: 3).
  3. The third element is placed at the first column: (grid-column-start: 1).
  4. The fourth element takes two columns and starts at the second column: (grid-column: 2/span 2).

Here that is in CSS:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-auto-columns: 1fr; /* all the columns are equal */
  grid-auto-rows: 100px; /* all the rows are equal to 100px */
.grid :nth-child(4n + 1) { grid-column: 1/span 2; }
.grid :nth-child(4n + 2) { grid-column-start: 3; }
.grid :nth-child(4n + 3) { grid-column-start: 1; }
.grid :nth-child(4n + 4) { grid-column: 2/span 2; }

We could stop here and be done… but we can do better! Specifically, we can remove some declarations and rely grid’s auto-placement powers to do the job for us. This is the trickiest part to grok and requires a lot of practice to be able to identify what can be removed.

The first thing we can do is update grid-column: 1 /span 2 and use only grid-column: span 2 since, by default, the browser will place the first item into the first column. We can also remove this:

.grid :nth-child(4n + 3) { grid-column-start: 1; }

By placing the first, second, and fourth items, the grid automatically places the third item in the correct place. That means we’re left with this:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-auto-rows: 100px; /* all the rows are equal to 100px */
  grid-auto-columns: 1fr; /* all the columns are equal */
.grid :nth-child(4n + 1) { grid-column: span 2; }
.grid :nth-child(4n + 2) { grid-column-start: 3; }
.grid :nth-child(4n + 4) { grid-column: 2/span 2; }

But c’mon we can stroll do better! We can also remove this:

.grid :nth-child(4n + 2) { grid-column-start: 2; }

Why? If we place the fourth element in the second column while allowing it to take up two full columns, we’re forcing the grid to create a third implicit column, giving us a total of three columns without explicitly telling it to. The fourth element cannot go into the first row since the first item is also taking two columns, so it flows to the next row. This configuration leave us with an empty column in the first row and an empty one in the second row.

I think you know the end of the story. The browser will automatically place the second and third items in those empty spots. So our code becomes even simpler:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-auto-columns: 1fr; /* all the columns are equal */
  grid-auto-rows: 100px; /* all the rows are equal to 100px */
.grid :nth-child(4n + 1) { grid-column: span 2; }
.grid :nth-child(4n + 4) { grid-column: 2/span 2; }

All it takes is five declarations to create a very cool and very flexible pattern. The optimization part may be tricky, but you get used to it and gain some tricks with practice.

Why not use grid-template-columns to define explicit columns since we know the number of columns?

We can do that! Here’s the code for it:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); /* all the columns are equal */
  grid-auto-rows: 100px; /* all the rows are equal to 100px */
.grid :nth-child(4n + 1),
.grid :nth-child(4n + 4) {
  grid-column: span 2;

As you can see, the code is definitely more intuitive. We define three explicit grid columns and we tell the browser that the first and fourth elements need to take two columns. I highly recommend this approach! But the goal of this article is to explore new ideas and tricks that we get from CSS Grid’s implicit and auto-placement powers.

The explicit approach is more straightforward, while an implicit grid requires you to — pardon the pun — fill in the gaps where CSS is doing additional work behind the scenes. In the end, I believe that having a solid understanding of implicit grids will help you better understand the CSS Grid algorithm. After all, we are not here to study what’s obvious — we are here to explore wild territories!

Let’s try another pattern, a bit quicker this time:

Our pattern repeats every six elements. The third and fourth elements each need to occupy two full rows. If we place the third and the fourth elements, it seems that we don’t need to touch the others, so let’s try the following:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-auto-columns: 1fr;
  grid-auto-rows: 100px;
.grid :nth-child(6n + 3) {
  grid-area: span 2/2; /* grid-row-start: span 2 && grid-column-start: 2 */
.grid :nth-child(6n + 4) {
  grid-area: span 2/1; /* grid-row-start: span 2 && grid-column-start: 1 */

Hmm, no good. We need to place the second element in the first column. Otherwise, the grid will automatically place it in the second column.

.grid :nth-child(6n + 2) {
  grid-column: 1; /* grid-column-start: 1 */

Better, but there’s still more work, We need to shift the third element to the top. It’s tempting to try placing it in the first row this way:

.grid :nth-child(6n + 3) {
  grid-area: 1/2/span 2; 
    /* Equivalent to:
       grid-row-start: 1;
       grid-row-end: span 2;
       grid-column-start: 2 

But this doesn’t work because it forces all the 6n + 3 elements to get placed in the same area which makes a jumbled layout. The real solution is to keep the initial definition of the third element and add grid-auto-flow: dense to fill the gaps. From MDN:

[The] “dense” packing algorithm attempts to fill in holes earlier in the grid, if smaller items come up later. This may cause items to appear out-of-order, when doing so would fill in holes left by larger items. If it is omitted, a “sparse” algorithm is used, where the placement algorithm only ever moves “forward” in the grid when placing items, never backtracking to fill holes. This ensures that all of the auto-placed items appear “in order”, even if this leaves holes that could have been filled by later items.

I know this property is not very intuitive but never forget it when you face a placement issue. Before trying different configurations in vain, add it because it may fix your layout with no additional effort.

Why not always add this property by default?

I don’t recommend it because, in some cases, we don’t want that behavior. Note how the MDN’s explanation there mentions it causes items to flow “out-of-order” to fill holes left by larger items. Visual order is usually just as important as the source order, particularly when it comes to accessible interfaces, and grid-auto-flow: dense can sometimes cause a mismatch between the visual and source order.

Our final code is then:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-auto-columns: 1fr;
  grid-auto-flow: dense;
  grid-auto-rows: 100px;
.grid :nth-child(6n + 2) { grid-column: 1; }
.grid :nth-child(6n + 3) { grid-area: span 2/2; }
.grid :nth-child(6n + 4) { grid-row: span 2; }

Another one? Let’s go!

For this one, I will not talk too much and instead show you an illustration of the code I have used. Try to see if you get how I reached that code:

The items in black are implicitly placed in the grid. It should be noted that we can get the same layout more ways than how I got there. Can you figure those out, too? What about using grid-template-columns? Share your works in the comment section.

I am gonna leave you with a last pattern:

I do have a solution for this one but it’s your turn to practice. Take all that we have learned and try to code this by yourself and then compare it with my solution. Don’t worry if you end with something verbose — the most important thing is finding a working solution.

Want more?

Before we end I want to share a few Stack Overflow questions related to CSS Grid where I jumped in with answers that use many of the techniques we covered here together. It’s a good list that shows just how many real use cases and real-world situations come up where these things come in handy:

Wrapping up

CSS Grid has been around for years, but there are still a lot of little-known and used tricks that aren’t widely discussed. The implicit grid and auto-placement features are two of them!

And yes, this can get challenging! It has taken me a lot of time to grok the logic behind implicit grids and I still struggle with auto-placement. If you want to spend more time wrapping your head around explicit and implicit grids, here are a couple of additional explanations and examples worth checking out:

Similarly, you might want to read about grid-auto-columns in the CSS-Tricks Almanac because Mojtaba Seyedi goes into great detail and includes incredibly helpful visuals to help explain the behavior.

Like I said when we started, the methods we covered here are not meant to replace the common ways you already know for building grids. I am simply exploring different ways that can be helpful in some cases.

Exploring CSS Grid’s Implicit Grid and Auto-Placement Powers originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.