AWS EKS Implementation


Kubernetes nowadays is a de-facto industry standard for container orchestration. More and more businesses are quickly adopting this approach. Developers have gladly accepted it but there is no denial that Kubernetes cluster management is quite demanding and requires a lot of time and effort.

To ease out the things, all the major cloud players have hosted and managed Kubernetes. In this article, we are going to discuss the AWS-managed EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Services) and the steps to deploy it.

How To Choose the Best RPA Tool

In today’s evolving market, digital transformation has become a competitive parameter for companies, therefore, Robotic Process Automation has become a hot topic. Even though the technology gets more popular with every day, many companies still do not know about RPA’s features or, at least, they take the idea of implementing a whole new software with a pinch of salt. Yet, a company should learn more about how and which tool they should use to digitize their own company before implementing and investing for sure.

What Is RPA?

Robotic Process Automation is an application that interacts with the user interface and imitates human behavior. It performs human-like tasks in a more efficient way in terms of accuracy and speed. Software robots can conduct multiple, repetitive tasks such as validating and migrating data, automating reports, auditing, etc. 

Building Microservices Through Event-Driven Architecture, Part 8

During this article, I will talk about Event-Sourcing implementation of your application. This layer surrounds the domain and implements the uses cases (the application-specific business rules). It orchestrates the data flow and uses the domain model and infrastructures, and has no dependency on a database, UI or special frameworks.

You may also like: Building Microservices Through Event-Driven Architecture, Part 7

For our event-sourcing system, I will take all the uncommitted events from the aggregate and call a function of the repository which will have the responsibility to save the events in the eventstore. So I will call the function AppendAsync(EventStore @event) of IEventStoreRepository.

Lessons From the Daily Scrum

What is Scrum?

Scrum, as you can see in the image below, and as per Wikipedia, is the method of restarting play in a Rugby game that involves players packing closely together with their heads down and attempting to gain possession of the ball.

I am pretty sure that is not the definition that you wanted to see, at least not in this blog. But, bear with me for a couple of seconds. It was not a failed attempt at a bad joke. I just wanted you to see the imagery and get a feel of what is happening. Also, I wanted to throw some light on the history of that name. How did a Rugby method give its name to the popular Agile methodology that we use almost throughout the software engineering world?

Digital Transformation Is Tougher Than You Think. Here’s What Can Help.

How hard is it to digitally transform an enterprise? A lot harder than you might imagine. That’s the message delivered by a recent survey, the “MuleSoft Connectivity Benchmark Report 2018.” MuleSoft surveyed 650 IT decision makers around the world and found how important they believe digital transformation is. The report also highlights how difficult it has been for them to digitally transform their enterprises and far they are from achieving their goals.

The report starts out warning, “To put it bluntly, those organizations that fail to digitally transform will start to lose revenue, and fast…But for many organizations, there are still huge barriers to digital transformation like integration, lack of resources, and misalignment between IT and the rest of the business.”