How to Mutate Data in a System Designed for Immutable Data

In a post published on our blog earlier this year, we described some of the decision-making that went into the design and architecture of Snuba, the primary storage and query service for Sentry’s event data. This project started out of necessity; months earlier, we discovered that the time and effort required to continuously scale our existing PostgreSQL-based solution for indexing event data was becoming an unsustainable burden.

Sentry’s growth led to increased write and read load on our databases, and, even after countless rounds of query and index optimizations, we felt that our databases were always a hair’s breadth from the next performance tipping point or query planner meltdown. Increased write load also led to increased storage requirements (if you’re doing more writes, you’re going to need more places to put them), and we were running what felt like an inordinate number of servers with a lot of disks for the data they were responsible for storing. We knew that something had to change.

Immutable Data With

Immutability is an important principle of functional programming. Mutable objects hide changes. And hidden changes can lead to unpredictability and chaos.

FunctionalJ provides ways to create and manipulate immutable data. In this article, I discuss @Struct, which generates custom immutable classes. On the surface, it is very similar in concept with Lombok's @Value. However, FunctionalJ's @Struct comes with its own unique features, such as: