5 Thrilling Questions About Digital Age Verification Answered!

Do you know that presently, 94% of the people with an age group of 3 to 18 can access the internet effortlessly? Among them, 88% can access the internet via computers and the remaining 6% can access the internet only via smartphones. The rest of the 6% do not have any in their houses. 

With great numbers comes great responsibility. The pandemic year was a major excuse for online education. Parents have to permit their children to have internet access for their online studies. But also, parents these days are busy enough that they do not have spare time to keep a critical eye on their child’s activities. This results in unauthorized child access to age-restricted content and products, resulting in child exploitation. Children are getting smarter and smarter in parallel to technological innovations and advancements. Effortless access to age-restricted content has become a major concern of teachers, parents, and e-retailers. There exist a wide range of e-commerce platforms that sell tobacco, alcohol, etc. 

Cyber Hackers Are Advancing! 8 Tips To Ensure Ultimate Security Online

With the vast amount of internet fraud, security breaches, and digital crime, the call to fortify your key business data has never been louder!

Well, the world wide web is not what it used to be. As businesses grow globally, and more business infrastructures are connected, cybercriminals have come to realize the importance of the data that organizations are protecting. Also, the recent surge in technological advancement has made everyone from solopreneurs to large scale firms more vulnerable to attacks now more than ever.