An Analysis of Near-Field Communication


From telegraphs to online video calls and from fax machines to emails, the communication means have evolved exceptionally. Now the world has shifted from wired networks to wireless transmission, the internet being the most significant model. 

Nowadays people do not want to wait for replies; messages are sent and received in milliseconds. Modern messaging apps are an example of it. Transferring large files was a problem for businesses in the past, as it could take hours to load. Currently, centralized cloud storage is giving easy access to data anywhere in no time. 

Blockchain to Revolutionize Banking Sector

The banking sector forms the backbone of any economy. With the technology innovations making way into the arena, the banking sector has been moving away from traditional methods. It has shown steady acceptance of modern age banking methods for the faster and more dependable outcome. On the other hand, blockchain technology has gained popularity on a large scale since its introduction in 2008. This development has presented the impending benefits of blockchain technology in the banking sector in terms of transparency and security.

Concerns Related to Present Day Banking

One of the primary aspects of the banking sector is security. Though in India, with more than 90 percent of the transactions are performed in cash, digital channels are increasingly popular nowadays. This has increased the scenario for cybercrime. Cyber attacks are prominent in recent times. The massive data breach of over 3 million debit and credit cards that occurred around 2 years back has shown the prominent security gaps in the banking segment. Another area of concern is the increased occurrence of fraudulent transactions. Reports and sources reveal that there has been approximately a 20 percent increase in bank fraud cases over the past five years.