Google Maps JavaScript API Tutorial: Add a Custom Map to Your Website

Google Maps helps us every day in navigating our way through roads and finding places in a manner that was unimaginative just a few decades ago. It is not only useful in wayfinding, but we also see many examples of maps used for data visualization, such as how recently many websites are using maps to visualize the spread of COVID-19 throughout the globe. Today, let’s learn how we can use the Google Maps JavaScript API to build custom maps for our websites and applications.

10+ Best JavaScript Animation Libraries to Use in 2020

If you’re looking to grab your website visitor’s attention, what can be better than animations? Using the many application engines freely available on the web, you can easily get your website’s elements to fade, bounce or whoosh. In today’s post, we’ll see how JavaScript animation libraries can help with all that.

15+ Ways to Prevent Burnout (Today and in the Future)

When you’re suffering from burnout, it can feel endless. You might feel like there is no cure for your exhaustion, like it is a permanent condition you must accept. But there are numerous ways to cope with burnout, heal from it, and even prevent burnout from happening again.

Best Contract Management Software: 6 Tools Compared for Businesses of Any Size

Contract management may not be an exciting discussion topic, but it is essential to the smooth operation of any business. Investing in the best contract management software makes it much easier. This guide will explore everything there is to know about contract management software: what it does, what to look for, and what programs you can rely on to get the job done.

6 Best Free Website Builders for People With No Coding Experience

Building a website used to require significant knowledge of programming languages like HTML and CSS or a large budget for a web designer. Today, however, there are many different free website builders. These website builders allow you to create a beautiful site in a matter of hours, no programming skills or budget required.

How to Start an eCommerce Business From Scratch (In 10 Steps)

Is 2020 going to be the year you learn how to start an eCommerce business from scratch? You’re certainly in the right place! This guide will give you a roadmap to getting from 0 to a fully functional eCommerce business. We go step-by-step through the entire process to start an eCommerce business and make everything as straightforward as possible.

20-ish Best Business Books for Entrepreneurs, Professionals and Creatives to Read in 2020

Nowadays, it’s tempting to believe we can learn everything from blogs, but nothing could be further from the truth. If you want to deepen your understanding of a highly specific topic or gain insight into someone else’s perspectives, there is no substitute for a good ol’ book. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of the best business books for entrepreneurs and professionals to read.

How to Make Money on Fiverr: The Exact Steps I Took to Make $2-3k Every Month

“How do you find success on Fiverr? How to make money on Fiverr?” I get these questions several times a week, from fellow Fiverr sellers who are just getting started on the platform. Of course, the answer is too complicated to distill into a quick response, hastily sent off. Luckily for the next person who asks, I can send a link to this guide: a comprehensive look at my best tips for how to make money on Fiverr.

Learn How to Stay Focused at Work With “Deep Work” Methods

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew how to stay focused at work rather than think about your uncle’s birthday? Or whatever happened to that kid from Home Alone? Or is that just me? Sure, your distracting thoughts might be more interesting than mine, but I bet they’re still an intrusion you can do without. Do you know what could help? Using some deep work methods in your daily grind.

10+ Best Themes for Thrive Architect in 2020 (Beautiful & Functional)

Page builders take away much of the grunt work in building websites, and make it (almost) a fun activity. This is true especially for non-coders. What’s even better is when you have a base theme that’s compatible with your page builder! In today’s post, we round up the best themes for Thrive Architect, a page builder from Thrive Themes.

On Page SEO Techniques for WordPress: 15+ Do’s and Don’ts You Must Know

On page SEO techniques … I think this is the part where I tell you that “content is king” and if you create “high-quality content,” Google is going to love you and magically rocket your site to the top of the rankings without any additional effort on your part. Unfortunately, in the real world, creating great content alone isn’t a ticket to the top of the SERPs – you also need to optimize that content using on page SEO techniques that you’re going to learn in this post.

How to Choose the Best Domain Name Registrar: 8 of the Top Firms

What is the best way to get a domain name? Should you choose a hosting package with the domain included, or buy your domain and hosting in separate places? And with all of the options available, how do you choose the best domain name registrar for your business? In this guide, we'll take a look at what makes a good domain registrar, list the best options available, and share which registrars we would suggest for different types of businesses.