AWS IAM Policy Simulator

Recently I started experimenting with AWS. Following the least privilege principle, I created a separate development account for my experiments. Right at the beginning, I ran into a brick wall – AccessDenied! I know I am doing something wrong, but what exactly? This is where the AWS IAM Policy Simulator saved my day.

Let me first express my frustration with AWS IAM. It could be that I am naïve and that the problem with access management is really complex. Or it could be, that AWS built an overly complex solution and is now stuck with it. In both cases, there is no excuse for an official AWS tutorial about Elastic Kubernetes Service starting with the prerequisite that you grant yourself full access admin privileges. I decided to do it the right way and create a separate account with the least privileges it needs to work with EKS.

Generate Google Cloud API Credentials [Video]

This blog is a quick walkthrough for downloading GCP API credentials (keys). The credentials are at the core of any cloud computing service. Different public cloud service providers use different types of credentials to connect their services through API. So, without much ado, here are the steps required to generate API keys for GCP (Google Cloud Platform).

If you feel lazy reading this blog, here is a 100 seconds long step-by-step video to generate API keys for GCP.

Improving Systems Management With AWS Systems Manager Session Manager

Session Manager is a capability within AWS’s fully managed System Manager service, which allows you to connect your EC2 instances with temporary credentials as well as launch servers without a key pair. In addition, it doesn’t require an SSH port in the security group. SSH is useful but optimizing AWS Systems Manager Session Manager means you can interact with your EC2 instances much easier. 

The benefits of opting for AWS Systems Manager Session Manager rather than SSH include: