One in a Million: How to Survive as a New Cloud Vendor

Over the last few years, the adoption of cloud has significantly grown to become a norm among both large businesses as well as SMBs. According to RightScale’s 2019 State of the Cloud Report, 94% of enterprises around the world are using the cloud. Further, Gartner predicts that the global public cloud services market will be worth $331 billion by 2022.

Profitability for Cloud Sellers in 2019

With the growth in cloud adoption, a lot of service providers see opportunities in selling cloud to other businesses. Therefore, more and more of them are entering into the managed cloud services’ business.

Improving Analytics With a Hybrid Cloud Workflow

The public cloud has changed computing forever. It moves information technology into a world of utility where compute and storage are available as needed — easy to implement and decommission. It provides a flexible infrastructure for a data-centric world increasingly based on analytics, where experimentation is the foundation of digital transformation.

Analytics are a complex workflow that relies on both large data sets to take advantage of historic data for analytic models, and also high performance for making timely decisions and generating more iterations to derive deeper insights to your data.

5 Ways to Improve Your IT Infrastructure

No matter how up-to-date your datacenter may seem, there’s always room for improvement. Growing means consistently examining your existing infrastructure for weak spots and asking if what you have in place is not only meeting the demands of your business today, but also setting you up for success in the increasingly multi-cloud focused future.

If you’re ready for an infrastructure revamp, here are a few recommendations to help you along your journey.

Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Labs Roadmap

Red Hat Summit 2019 is rocking Boston, MA from May 7-9th in the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.

Everything you need to know about the current state of open-source, enterprise-ready software can be found at this event. From customers talking about their experiences leveraging open source in their solutions, to the creators of open-source technologies you're using, and all the way down to hands-on lab experiences on these technologies.

The Open Cloud for The Future

When cloud computing emerged, the question on many organization leaders' minds was whether to adopt it at all. Eventually, the question became not whether, but when. Now it’s which cloud tools and platforms to use—and how to ensure they work together seamlessly and securely. One of the great opportunities of the recent movements in technology is the ability to combine and integrate different tools, services, and cloud platforms. We are entering a future marked by openness and interoperability: According to recent research, 82 percent of enterprises have a hybrid cloud strategy, running applications in an average of 1.5 public clouds and 1.7 private clouds, and IDC predicts increasing adoption of hybrid cloud architectures. That’s good news for businesses. Open architectures protect companies from vendor lock-in, add critical redundancies, and enable IT leaders to tap the best solutions to meet their unique business needs without arbitrary constraints that impede progress.

The Cloud was built to help companies succeed in this open, multi-cloud world. Our commitment to openness ensures seamless user experiences across multiple environments and empowers our customers to choose the right tools and platforms to meet their business needs.

Hybrid API Management Use Cases

Photo by from Pexels

API Management

The world is heading towards a more advanced digital era, and the digital transformation requirements that contemporary organizations require need to be addressed with state-of-the-art, robust solutions that can provide a seamless service to their stakeholders.

Today, where the trend is for organizations to provide services through various apps, there is an exponential increase in the number of apps required to cater to end-user requirements. This has led to the need for businesses to expose more and more data through APIs. Exposing data through APIs facilitate businesses to securely expose content within and beyond the scope of their enterprise. However, due to the proliferation of the number of APIs, organizations face yet another challenge to maintain and manage them. This is where a full API life-cycle management platform comes into play and currently these platforms are available as both on-premises and on cloud solutions.

Five Signs Winter Is Coming For Enterprise Cloud (And How To Prepare)

In HBO's hit series Game of Thrones, the mythical seven kingdoms are preparing for winter brought on by a force of zombie-like creatures called "White Walkers." The phrase "Winter is coming" is repeated throughout the course of the series, foreshadowing perils that lie ahead.

With the changing seasons upon us, let's consider what challenges are in store for enterprise cloud, and how to best prepare for the winter that is coming for software delivery and operations.

The Gorilla Guide to Serverless on Kubernetes, Chapter 4: What is Fission?

Fission: Open Source, Kubernetes-Native Serverless Framework

Fission is an open source, Kubernetes-native serverless functions framework with support for public, private, and hybrid clouds. Support for Kubernetes enables the portability of Fission functions with the ability to create once and deploy anywhere for consistency in code development. This accelerates your software delivery pipeline without sacrificing quality.

Fission is made up of three core concepts:

Challenges and Tips for Taking Legacy Systems to the Cloud

Recently, I had the opportunity to chat with Alan Shimmel from about some of the challenges and tips for cloud-ifying legacy applications and on-prem infrastructure.

For many modern companies, growth often means growing through acquisition. As organizations become larger, it often makes sense to acquire existing companies who are already creating the solutions they need than try to build them from scratch. However, this can often create a variety of conflicts and challenges—one of which is around infrastructure. For other companies that have grown more organically, it often can be difficult to modernize their legacy systems and bring their technology stack into the 21st century.