5 Things to Consider Before You Build Your App

When mobile app development came on the market, it was a game-changer. It allowed for an unprecedented level of mobile optimization that has never been seen before. With mobile apps now being one of the most popular ways to not just run your business but also promote and advertise it, many people are considering getting into mobile app development themselves. However, there are several things to think about before developing an app to ensure that you want to pursue it in the long run.

When you're making mobile apps, you must have a clear idea about what mobile platform it will be on. Will it be a native app, a hybrid app, or even a progressive web app (PWA)? Then there's the dilemma of whether to use an existing mobile development provider or not. In this blog post, we'll cover these important factors that you should think about before commencing mobile development and building your app!

Low-Code Enterprise Application Development: The Future of Technology

FACT CHECK: Low-code Enterprise Application Development is the Future of Technology

What is enterprise application development if not making business-centric apps which help companies make money?! While that is a rough description of apps per se, it holds a deeper meaning in terms of usability, customer care and service, and, most of all, in terms of branding. 

4 Great Hybrid Mobile Application Development Tools To Help Your Project Succeed

As businesses envision new business mobile applications and new mobile applications for the consumer market, the hybrid mobile application development environment is front and center. For the best device coverage and user accessibility, businesses must create hybrid mobile applications that will be suitable for iOS and Android devices. This article will focus on four (4) great hybrid mobile application development tools that will help your mobile application development project succeed. 

‘In this article, we focus on four great hybrid mobile application development tools including, React Native, jQuery Mobile, Mobile Angular UI and Framework 7.’ 

5 Common Myths Debunked: Hybrid Vs Native

Mobile applications are now what consumer software was in the early 90s and what websites were in the 1st decade of the 21st century. Every company has a mobile application out there; well, almost every company. And though some mobile applications directly impact a business by generating leads and enabling sales like apps that facilitate ticket booking or the ones which support eCommerce, there are other kinds of apps that help increase brand awareness.

So whether you are selling tickets to your motivational seminar (event application), want to sell your real estate (property listing apps with virtual tour), or want to connect local businesses with end customers (service listing app) there is an app for all your business need. And if you are considering whether or not to invest in a mobile application, here is one important piece of information which you should consider – YOUR COMPETITION ALREADY HAS A MOBILE APPLICATION OUT IN THE MARKET, AND PEOPLE ARE USING AND LOVING IT.

Benefits of Hybrid App Development With the Ionic Framework

These days there's a mobile application for everything: dating, music, insurance claims, gaming, email, ride sharing, and so forth. By the time that you imagine an application, it's most likely available for download. More importantly, as clients connect with organizations, they hope to work with them by means of their smartphones.

Hybrid mobile app development with Ionic guarantees that you have the speed of web advancement alongside the customized client experience that comes through local portable application improvement. These Ionic framework applications are worked through HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript web measures and run inside a compartment that lets them be introduced likewise to a local application. Furthermore, once made, you can distribute your hybrid application in the Apple, Google, and Windows App Stores.

React Native Developers: Create Your First App

Developing a mobile app entails several challenges. To make things harder, many of these challenges reside in mutually exclusive silos. A good example of this is when you are looking to develop an app in a short period but with great performance. Another case is when you want to publish an app quickly but also want to do so for as many platforms and devices as possible. In such a scenario, there was no choice but to compromise on some aspects when creating your mobile app — until hybrid apps and React Native came along.

A hybrid app framework allows you to overcome the many shortfalls of native app development. An app created using a hybrid framework looks and feels like a native mobile app but unlike the latter, it’s powered by a website. React Native is the most advanced manifestation of this technology. It brings together the best of native applications and React on the web. This means you get the feel, fidelity, and speed of native apps while retaining the best aspects of React on the web, viz. self-contained UI components and fast development cycles.