The Best WordPress Pop-Up Plugin, Now With New Security Options

The best WordPress opt in plugin just keeps getting better. Improve your hustle with the latest features of Hustle!

The new security features covered in this blog post are included with the free version of Hustle, but you get a lot more with Hustle Pro 4 in the Pro version. If you’re not already a member, try out our 100% risk-free, 30-day trial and get full access to all of our WordPress plugins.

Telling you about our new plugin features is great, but showing you how to use these is even better, right? Well, that’s how we’re gonna roll here at WPMU DEV. From now on, when new features get added to our plugins, we’ll not only tell you about it, we’ll also show you exactly how these work and how these can improve your results. So, make sure to subscribe to receive our latest updates if you haven’t already.

Ok, enough chit-chat. It’s time to Hustle.

What Is Hustle?

Hustle WordPress marketing plugin
Get more subscribers, leads, and customers using Hustle’s slick and sassy marketing tools.

Hustle is not only the best free WordPress opt in plugin…

Or the best free WordPress GDPR plugin…

Or the best WordPress pop-up plugin…

It’s all the above, plus more!

Hustle is WPMU DEV’s super easy, super slick email opt-in and marketing plugin that turns your visitors into loyal subscribers, leads, and customers using email opt-ins, slide-ins, pop-ups, and social sharing to grow your business.

More Hustle, Less Hassle

The introduction of GDPR compliance regulations in 2018 means that all businesses now need to check how they handle information areas like user privacy and data protection. It also means that their websites have to comply with security and protection measures, providing measures and give users not only with access to information about how their data is being used, but also the data itself upon request.

For businesses, website owners, and website developers implementing GDPR regulations,  and ensuring that user security, privacy, and data requirements are met can be a hassle. We know this because our plugin users and members tell us so, and we do our best to listen.

So, how do Hustle’s new features help halve the hassle? Let’s find out.

More Muscle, Safer Hustle

Hustle 4 offers new features, integrations, and WordPress pop-up plugin security options for handling personal data and user privacy on your WordPress site.

Here is some of the new razzle-dazzle you’ll find under the hood:

GDPR Compliance Integrations With More Email Services

Hustle email integrations
Hustle has improved email integrations for better GDPR data handling.

Email companies need to integrate better GDPR-related processes into their services. Hustle takes the hassle out of doing this by letting you configure various data handling options directly through our integration settings.

GDPR Compliance With Sendy Integration

Sendy is a self-hosted email newsletter application that lets you send trackable emails via Amazon Simple Email Service (SES).

In response to a user request posted in the support forum by @thebeefchief, we have updated Hustle to include the GDPR tag in the information sent to Sendy, so users can be marked as GDPR compliant.

If you use Sendy and have either the free Hustle plugin or the WPMU DEV Dashboard installed on your WordPress site, all you have to do is navigate to the Hustle > Integrations menu, click on the ‘Add Integration’ button, and configure Sendy to get your API Key and list ID, and you’re all good to go.

Hustle plugin dashboard, Sendy integration button.
Configuring Sendy in your list of Hustle integrations is easy.

Set MailChimp GDPR Fields from Hustle

We’ve also made improvements to Hustle’s integration with MailChimp.

With Hustle, you can look up the interest groups on a MailChimp list and add people to that group. Now, you can also set the marketing preferences for MailChimp’s GDPR options and email consent.

Store or Sync Consent in Active Campaign

When a HelpScout user posted a question asking if it was possible to sync or store the reply from the GDPR option in Hustle to ActiveCampaign, we caught wind of the conversation and added it to Hustle 4 as a new feature. So, yes ActiveCampaign users — you can do that now!

WPMU DEV Hustle character
User data and privacy concerns? Hustle’ll help ya!

New Data And Privacy Options And Settings

In addition to Hustle’s new integrations, we’ve also improved the way you control your stored data options and privacy settings.

Anonymize GDPR Data Tracking Periodically

We have added an option to anonymize the stored GDPR data periodically for submissions (local list entries) and tracking (views and conversions) under Hustle -> Settings -> Viewer’s privacy.

Anonymize stored GDPR data periodically with Hustle.

Uninstall & Reset Plugin Options

What happens to data and settings if you temporarily lose your mind and decide to uninstall Hustle?

Hustle now lets you decide what to do with stored data and settings when you uninstall the plugin. It also gives you the option of resetting the plugin to its default state. Just go to the Settings > Data screen under your site’s Hustle menu, set your preferences and save your settings … done!

Hustle plugin settings - data screen
Hustle Settings > Data screen.

Handling Account Erasure Requests

We have added a new option to remove entries when performing account erasure requests under Settings > Viewer’s Privacy > Submissions Privacy.  You can now specify whether to keep or remove email addresses from submissions. Your preferences will be followed when processing account erasure requests in the Tools > Erase Personal Data screen.

Hustle now lets you easily erase users' personal data.

Why Bustle When You Can Hustle?

The introduction of GDPR regulations means that some businesses may now have to spend more time bustling around, dealing with issues of compliance. While obviously important, it also takes you away from growing your business.  instead of growing their business.

Hopefully, these shiny new Hustle features will save you time and cut the hassle of dealing with GDPR data and privacy compliance.

The More You Fuss And Cuss, The More We Improve The Huss

Our team of superheroes are always hard at work improving our plugins. Huge thanks to Designer Mukul Chawla, Developer Danae Millan, and QA Bal Krishna Mishra for hustling the Hustle.

Uh, we mean… doing a thorough and speedy job, of course!

Check out our Roadmap to see what’s coming up around the corner, and tell us what else you’d like Hustle to rustle up for you in the comments below.

How To Increase Your Newsletter Sign Ups And Reduce Unsubscribes

Creating an email newsletter can be a great way to provide valuable content for your customers and build a loyal following. The challenge is convincing someone to open their inbox to you in an overcrowded digital world…

Start an email newsletter they said…

Create a simple sign up form and watch as new subscribers come FLOODING in they said…

It will be EASY they said…

If only it were that simple!

Then we’d all be swimming in more email subscribers than we can handle.

But sadly, as far as I’m aware, this is not the case.

Therefore, if you…

  • Think your amazing email newsletter deserves more subscribers than it currently boasts.
  • Are looking to create an optimized newsletter signup form or page that converts better than your current effort.
  • Want to outdo your annoying competitor (let’s call him Steve) who constantly brags about the tens of thousands of subscribers he has (typical Steve).
  • Are tired of potential customers constantly bailing out of your current opt-in form or sign up page like the flash.

Then stick around…

Because in this article we’re going to look at the simple conversion tactics high level companies use to boost their newsletter and list sign-ups.

We’ll also talk about what NOT to do, and what might be causing potential customers to hastily exit your opt-in… never to be seen again!

On that sombre note, let’s kick things off with:

Why Your Newsletter Sign Up Pages Aren’t Converting

Signing up to a new email list or newsletter is a big commitment for most people.

As you know, some lists are a no brainer to sign up for, while others definitely require some vetting before you hit that subscribe button.

Aside from trust issues, the reality is that most people are already overwhelmed by the emails already flowing into their inbox on a daily basis.

So why should they let you into their lives?

Here are three truths about content in this day and age according to Professor John Lavine of Northwestern University:

The 3 Truths That Shape And Limit Our Content:

  • “There is an ever-rising tidal wave of information and it will continue to rise forever.”
  • “Everyone you want to reach has 1440 minutes in their day; not a minute more.”
  • “The world is becoming ever more complicated, but people will give you their time and attention if you give them more of what they want.”

The lesson here?

People Will Let You Into Their Inboxes Providing You Give Them What They Want

However, you also need to be aware of the things that may scare potential subscribers off.

And on that note, here are some common reasons people might be running for the door instead of signing up…

They’re Afraid You’re Going To Spam Them

People don't want spam emails in their inbox!

No one wants their inbox flooded with spam or unwanted emails.

It’s also the number one reason users will unsubscribe from your list, or hesitate to sign up in the first place.

To overcome this fear, try to be clear on what they should expect from you content wise, as well as frequency wise.

You’re Giving Them Too Many Form Fields To Fill Out

An example of a sign up form thats far too long
If you had a choice would you fill in this form?

Yes, in general the more information you can capture from a customer the better. But not if getting those insights means you’re losing just as many customers!

Giving the user tonnes of fields to fill out is asking for trouble and likely to turn them off.

Remember you can always find out more information once they have subscribed.

You’re “Popping Up” At Inappropriate Times

People don't appreciate unwanted pop ups

Pop ups can be a tricky devil.

People love to hate them, however, they can still be effective if used correctly.

Just remember user experience and satisfaction should always come first.

For example, if a reader has been directed to an article page, it’s probably not a good idea to hit them with an entry pop up right away.


Because they’re there to read! Not sign up to your newsletter.

So it’s important to wait until the time is right.

In this case, you might want to employ a “scroll pop-up” which activates when a user has scrolled a certain distance down the page:

A look at how scroll pop-ups are activated
An example of how a scroll pop-up works

Another alternative is a “timed pop-up” which initiates once the user has been on the page for a certain amount of time.

This way you’re not interrupting the users intended experience, and they can still get the value they were originally seeking from the page.

They’re also far more likely to engage with your pop-up when they see it at a more appropriate time.

Okay Enough With The Bad Stuff…

Let’s look at some tactics and examples to help you get those subscribers flowing in…

5 Proven Conversion Hacks To Help Increase Your Newsletter Sign Ups:

1.Get Creative With Your Newsletter Forms And Landing Pages

When someone lands on your opt-in page they’re probably expecting the same thing they see everywhere else.

And although there’s nothing wrong with this (if it works), why not try spicing things up a little?!

Like this creative and self-aware example from Shinesty:

An example of Shinesty's sign up form

What’s great about this example is that the headlines instantly grab your attention.

They also do a great job of “going against the grain” so to speak, by pointing out “emails normally suck” and theirs don’t.

Although these statements could be backed up by a little more proof, overall, this sign up page is a great example of adding personality and being creative with your copy.

It also emphasises the importance of grabbing the reader’s attention and setting the tone of what’s to come.

2. KISS! (Keep It Simple Stupid)

As mentioned earlier, it’s best to keep your sign up forms as simple and brief as possible.

The idea here being to reduce as much friction as possible and to not overwhelm your potential customers.

You’ll also be far more likely to convert “on the fence types” who might not be totally convinced of the value you’re offering them.

But don’t take my word for it…

In one study participants replaced an 11 field form with a 4 field form. This simple change resulted in a 160% increase in the number of forms submitted, as well as a 120% increase in conversion rate.

Of course, you also have to take into account the quality of the forms.

But in general, the shorter you can make your signup form (while still capturing the necessary info) the better.

Here’s a great (and incredibly cute) example by Hipmunk:

An example of a simple sign up form by Hipmonk

3.“Sweeten The Deal” Of Signing Up To Your Email List

There’s nothing wrong with a good old fashioned ethical bribe to help tip on-the-fence prospects over the edge.

And the truth is few people can resist a good deal or discount.

In fact, according to a study by the Social Habit, 70% of people open emails from brands or businesses just to get their hands on a deal, discount, or coupon.

Typically you’ll see SAAS companies offering clever incentives to get users to sign up for their services.

Here’s an example from SEMrush:

An example of using an offer in your sign up form

And another signup form by Copytesting:

An example of how copytesting use an incentive in their sign up form

However, discounts and offers can also work for newsletter subscriptions.

As shown by this sign up form by TOMS:

An example of TOMS offering a deal in exchange for a newsletter sign up

In this particular example TOMS does a clever job of leveraging the products they sell and using a 10% discount as an incentive for people to sign up for their newsletter.

Land’s End also do a similar job:

An example of how Land End get more subscribers by making offers

If you’re using this tactic just make sure to provide relevant and helpful newsletter content.

Otherwise subscribers will simply opt out once they’ve taken advantage of the deal or incentive you’ve offered them.

4.Use Social Proof To Entice Newsletter Subscribers

Utilizing social proof in your signup forms or landing pages is another great way to increase conversions.

Social proof is effective in two ways:

1. It proves to the reader that they can trust that your newsletter is legitimate.

2. It also taps into people’s “FOMO” (fear of missing out).

After all, it’s one of our most basic instincts as humans to get the inside scoop, or to not miss out on anything we deem important.

In other words, if you can show that a number of people have signed up to your newsletter, it’s going to help alleviate the fears a potential subscriber might have.

It’s also gonna have them wanting to know what all the fuss is about.

Here are a few examples of newsletter opt-ins that use social proof:

An example of Base Camp using social proof in their sign up form


An example of HubSpot using social proof in their sign up form
Using social proof can be a great way to attract subscribers
An example of social proof at work in a sign up form

5.Be Clear About Your Intentions And The Type Of Content You’re Offering

Providing your readers with irrelevant content is the quickest way to have them hitting that unsubscribe button.

That’s why it’s important to clearly communicate what kind of content they can expect.

The New York Times does a great job of this by giving readers a look at past newsletters:

An example of The New York Times offering highly relevant content

This tactic is highly effective as it reassures readers will be receiving the kind of content they’ll be interested.

Another great thing about this sign up page is that it displays the different types of newsletters on offer.

This helps raise awareness and ensures users are signing up for the appropriate newsletter.

If possible, also try to mention how often readers can expect you to email them.

Especially if you plan to email them quite frequently, as this can be annoying for some people if they’re not ready for it.

Now Not To Brag Or Anything But…

If you want a near-perfect example of a newsletter sign up page that ticks pretty much all of the boxes…

Check out the sign up page of our very own quirky newsletter: the Whip!

We’re pretty proud of this one, and as you’ll see below it employs many of the tactics mentioned in this article:

A Simple Sign Up Form:

An example of the whip sign up form

Value Prop / Social Proof:

The whip outlines its value prop perfectly


an example of how the whip uses social proof

Clear Expectations:

An example of the whip making expectations clear

Overcomes Spam Objection:

An example of stating your spam free
Let users know your emails are spam free!

Psst… Looking For A Free And Easy Way To Create Your Own Sign Up Forms?

Hustle makes creating pop-ups, slide-ins, and widgets for your website a breeze.

Learn more about this handy WordPress Plugin below:

Before We Wrap Up Let’s Recap…

If You Want To Increase Your Newsletter Sign Ups Remember To:


  • Ensure your form suits your readers preferences, helps them through the sign up process, and delivers on your promise.
  • Make sure your opt-in form is simple, to the point, and contains the fewest number of fields possible (where practical).
  • Be clear about your intentions and what readers can expect from your emails.
  • Ensure the copy of your form is clear, concise, and easy to read and understand.
  • Use incentives and offers to sweeten the deal for your potential subscribers.
  • Use social proof and FOMO as a way to build trust with your audience.
  • Make sure you have fun with it! Create a form that reflects your brand, personality, and what you’re all about.

And Finally… Don’t Forget To Test!

Try a combination (or all) of the tactics mentioned in this article.

Certain tactics may work better for some niches, businesses, and newsletters than others.

The true test is in the results they bring in!

Be sure to let us know what works best for you.

Hustle Adds Hot New Marketing Opt-ins and reCAPTCHA for WordPress Blocks

Your favorite WordPress marketing plugin got another upgrade! Hustle’s new Gutenberg and reCAPTCHA integrations make it easier and less spammy to grab new users with pop-ups. Want to make a special offer, get more social followers, or grow your mailing list? Hustle handles all the technical-backend-code-jiberish so you can publish stunning campaigns quickly. Hustle adds […]