Getting Wicked Cool with the Wicked Coolkit

Image a world where simply using Google isn't an option, where the biggest benefit of the service is the collection of similar results matching your request. Before modern search engines, you were pretty much on your own to figure out "where do I go next?" In fact, I remember seeing the following commercial which focused on the main character exploring the entire Internet:

Remembering Webrings

Back in the Internet age of the 1990s and the 2000s, there was an idea to make global web navigation easier. It was called a "webring" and it introduced a common section on participating web sites. This common section provided a way to navigate to other sites which contained similar or recommended content. I was able to dig up the following example from a (pretty stale) website about the Canadian power-trio band Rush:

Bringing Back the 90s with the Wicked Coolkit

Remember the 90s? Pokémon, Beanie Babies, Crazy Bones, Super Nintendo, Pogs, and neon windbreakers... Those were the good old days. The web was a simpler place too, with barebones websites composed of mostly text and hyperlinks. I remember it like it was yesterday. Or, wait – 30 years ago?

I recently found Wicked Coolkit – a nifty retro-themed toolkit – and I thought it would be fun to play around with it to briefly relive those years. The toolkit includes a hit counter, webrings, and developer trading cards.