Why Golang Is Top of Mind for DevOps Professionals

Golang, also known as “Go,” is a compiled language, fast and high-performance language intended to be simple and is designed to be easy to read and understand. Go was created at Google by Rob Pike, Robert Griesemer, and Ken Thompson, and it first appeared in Nov 2009.
The syntax of Golang is designed to be highly clean and accessible.

Here is a classic “hello world” example code with Golang,

A Beginner’s Guide to Kotlin

This post will provide you with:

  • A brief overview of Kotlin’s features
  • A guide for solving a basic problem and building a “Hello, World!” app.
  • A brief breakdown on running a Kotlin Spring Boot application with authentication via Okta 

Kotlin is a modern language that is statically typed within the JVM. It’s a multi-purpose, cross-platform, free and open-source language developed by JetBrains under the Apache 2.0 license. Kotlin has constructs for both Object Oriented and Functional programming styles (as well as mixed). It can be used for many types of development; web, server, and client, and mobile—using most Java IDEs.

Introduction to Ballerina: Language of Integration

Ballerina language

There are more than a thousand programming languages out there. Why do you need another programming language? Ballerina language intended to simplify the particular programming domain known as integration. You may be a developer who develops different kinds of web services and intends to interconnect those services. Then the Ballerina language will be your next programming companion.

You may also like:  Developing Ballerina Project With Ballerina CLI Tool

This post is intended to give you an introduction to Ballerina, a flexible, powerful and beautiful programming language that helps you implement any sort of integration requirements. You can download and install Ballerina from the official Ballerinalang website.

A First Look at Slim 4

With Slim 4, we have continued the tradition of allowing you to use the framework in the way that best fits you and your project. You can create a Slim application entirely in a single file, suitable for prototyping through to a few files for a simple web hook or serverless action, all the way to a fully-decoupled application suitable for an enterprise.

From my point of view, the big changes with Slim 4 are:

Create a BOOT.bin, Program an SD Card, and Boot a ZC706 Using Windows

This post shows you how to create a BOOT.bin with a Hello World bare-metal application and a bitstream created in [Run Hello World on a ZC702], how to program the BOOT.bin onto the SD Card using Windows (copy it to the SD card), and how to boot the ZC702 from the SD card and see output from the serial port.

Before You Get Started

Generate Bitstreams, Hello World Binaries, and Test Everything

This post assumes you've generated the bitstreams, Hello World binaries, and have tested everything as listed in [Run Hello World on a ZC702], but on the ZC706. All of the instructions are the same except for two things:

Spring Boot Tutorial for Beginners: Hello World Program

We will create a simple Hello world program in this article. We will use Spring Boot to create our first Hello World program.

Developing your first Spring Boot application is quite easy. As we know, Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based applications that you can "just run." It's basically used to minimize the configuration or the boiler plate code.

Creating a Calculator With wxPython

A lot of beginner tutorials start with “Hello World” examples. There are plenty of websites that use a calculator application as a kind of “Hello World” for GUI beginners. Calculators are a good way to learn because they have a set of widgets that you need to lay out in an orderly fashion. They also require a certain amount of logic to make them work correctly. For this calculator, let’s focus on being able to do the following:

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division

I think that supporting these four functions is a great starting place and also give you plenty of room for enhancing the application on your own.

“Hello, WP!” A New Podcast About WordPress by WPMU DEV

We made a Podcast! And we can’t wait to share it with you. Literally. Our trailer and a special episode about Gutenberg and the release of WordPress 5.0 are now available for you to enjoy :) Listen and subscribe! The entire first season will be available for your binge listening pleasure in January 2019. So […]