Implementing Dynamic Heat Maps In Angular Applications

In the article, I would like to describe a way to easily implement a simple heat map in an Angular application. For that, I will use two external libraries, which are going to be Leaflet.js and Heatmaps.js. Before the implementation of the heat map, I prefer to begin with a brief introduction to the libraries I mentioned above.


It is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for interactive maps. It has over 30k stars on GitHub. There is an alternative to it such as OpenLayers. But in my example, I picked a leaflet.

Forrester Research: What Quality Metrics Matter Most for DevOps?

The way that we develop and deliver software has changed dramatically in the past five years — but the metrics we use to measure quality remain largely the same. Despite seismic shifts in business expectations, development methodologies, system architectures, and team structures, most organizations still rely on quality metrics that were designed for a much different era.

Every other aspect of application delivery has been scrutinized and optimized as we transform our processes for DevOps. Why not put quality metrics under the microscope as well?

How to Identify and Manage Risks at Software Project Planning Stage

Once upon a time, several blind sages groped an elephant in order to understand what it looks like. But everyone studied only the part of the animal that was closest to him. One said the elephant was like a snake, holding it by its trunk. Another held its leg and insisted that it looked like a tree. The third held a tail and said the elephant looked like liana. In the end, the wise men could not agree and understand how the elephant looks like.

An interesting fact is that each of them was right in his own way; each simply saw the situation only from his own side and refused to accept information from his peers. If they had put together their observations, then, most likely, they could compile complete information and see the whole picture.