Cloud Computing Architecture for Healthcare

Due to the changing environment of technological innovations and its transition to cloud computing architecture, the demand for exploring its possibilities within various industries and markets emerges. It is a valuable tool for dealing with various operational, managerial, and research issues. Delivering such benefits, cloud computing architecture became a desirable target for diverse on-premises applications to switch from a traditional model. And the healthcare industry, with its online patient care, clinical applications, and medical records analysis, is not an exception. Continue reading to learn more about cloud computing, the several types of cloud computing services, and how healthcare SaaS platforms may help modern society.

How Can Cloud Computing Architecture Initiate Beneficial Changes?

Let’s take it from the top and define what cloud computing is. It refers to data centers accessible over the internet to many users and is spread across various locations from a centralized server. Cloud relates to providing computer system resources such as data storage and processing power at request. Its architecture enables robust and scalable computation-intensive capabilities through on-demand delivery and the pay-as-you-go model. So, what is so beneficial about cloud computing architecture? Would it be any different for your business if just the internal structure were changed?

Importance of Testing Virtual Care and Remote Medicine Apps

The healthcare industry is growing expeditiously as healthcare practitioners are looking for ways to improve patient care and give them easy access to care options while reducing the overall cost of maintaining the infrastructure.

Fortunately, digital technology has made it easier for healthcare specialists and patients to communicate with each other. Virtual care and remote medicine are breaking down the barriers that would previously prevent patients from accessing doctors and other healthcare options.

The Top 5 Big Data Applications in the Healthcare Industry

In this modern era of leveraging technology, the enhancement of healthcare sectors is crucial especially during the pandemic of COVID-19. Technological advancements can either make or break the future of healthcare and can control the second wave of coronavirus. One method which can be acquired to make healthcare more efficient, accurate, and affordable is by utilizing big data. 

Big data has completely revolutionized the way data is analyzed, managed, and leveraged across numerous industries. Noticeable sectors where data analytics is making prominent changes in healthcare. It is estimated that the global big data in the healthcare market will tend to reach $34.27 billion by the year 2022 at a CAGR of 22.07%. Moreover, big data in the healthcare market is expected to bypass the figure of $68.03 billion by the year 2024. 

How to Develop a Telemedicine App?

Today, you can get anything on demand, from taxis to food, personal tutors and even doctors. While the first three services have been popular for some time, on-demand doctor consultations came into the picture not so long ago. Telemedicine app development has drawn lots of interest from doctors, hospitals, clinics and patients.

According to a report by MarketWatch, the US telemedicine market saw revenue of around $11.8 billion. 50% of the hospitals in the US use telemedicine programs, but it has now also become interesting for private medical practices, healthcare systems, entrepreneurs, healthcare systems, and insurance companies.