Implementing HTTP Load Balancer Using HAProxy on AWS


HAProxy (High Availability Proxy) is an open source, fast, and reliable solution that provides load balancer and reverse proxy features for TCP- and HTTP-based applications. HAProxy load balancer handles heavy load traffic and reroutes requests seamlessly across multiple servers. 

HAProxy also supports the following features:

Easy Session Sharing in Spring Boot With Spring Session and MySQL

Session management in multi-node applications presents multiple challenges. When the architecture includes a load balancer, client requests might be routed to different servers each time, and the HTTP session might be lost. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the configuration of session sharing in a multi-node Spring Boot application.

Prerequisites: Table of Contents

Session Persistence

Session Persistence is a technique for sticking a client to a single server, using application layer information-like a cookie, for example. In this tutorial, we will implement session persistence with the help of HAProxy, a reliable, high performance, TCP/HTTP load balancer.

Service Mesh and Cloud-Native Microservices

We all want this kind of service.

You may also like: Istio Service Mesh, the Step-by-Step Guide, Part 1: Theory

Microservices need to be decoupled, flexible, operationally transparent, data-aware and elastic. Most material from last year only discusses point-to-point architectures with tightly coupled and non-scalable technologies like REST / HTTP. This blog post takes a look at cutting edge technologies like Apache Kafka, Kubernetes, Envoy, Linkerd and Istio to implement a cloud-native service mesh to solve these challenges and bring microservices to the next level of scale, speed, and efficiency.