Your dev team lead is not controlling enough

Three phases of a controlling engineering manager

Every morning, I see the unfiltered thoughts of 1200+ engineering leaders as one of the community moderators in the Dev Interrupted Discord server. We start every day with a Daily Interruption topic about how to make agile work in real life; scaling teams, building culture, hiring, continuous improvement, metrics - fun stuff like that. 

Recently this Daily Interruption popped up and stopped me in my tracks:

How to Set Up Container Development on Your Local Machine in Minutes

Code Ready Containers

It's been a while since I've talked about running OpenShift Container Platform on your local machine.

This means a container platform at your finger tips, one you can use to experience the joys of cloud-native development and automated rolling deployments. Since I started pulling together ways to easily experience this with OpenShift Container Platform (back with version 3.3, believe it or not) we've come a long way.

DevOpsDays Raleigh 2019: Creating Real DevOps Heroes (Workshop)

Here's a presentation from the recent DevOpsDays 2019.

Today was the launch of this new workshop, focused on creating real DevOps heroes by sharing a brand new (for most) tool for their toolboxes at DevOps Days Raleigh.

Whether you're a developer or and operations-minded person, it's always nice to have a powerful selection of tooling to choose from when tackling the various problems in your daily work.

Beginner’s Guide to Building an Online Retail Web Shop Workshop (Guided Rules)

With the release of Red Hat Decision Manager 7.3, I've started updating my free online workshop, a beginners guide to building an online retail web shop.

The previous article covered creating a domain-specific language or DSL for your online retail web shop.. This update is the for the fifth lab in this workshop, with more to follow. Learn how to create guided rules with Red Hat Decision Manager.