Brain to the Cloud: Examining the Relationship Between Brain Activity and Video Game Performance

A few months back, I read a really excellent (but pretty old) blog post that explained how to hack a toy called a Mind Flex to extract and analyze the data within it. At first, I couldn't believe that such a thing existed. I mean, sure — gimmicky toys have been around for ages, so I wasn't shocked that the toy claimed to read the user's mind. It's not uncommon to fake this kind of gimmick. But, the fact that the Mind Flex contains a real, legit EEG chip that read your mind seemed almost too good to be true. I wondered if it was possible to take this hack a step further. Instead of just reading the data, or using the data to "control" something else, what if I were to read the data while performing some task and see what the data reveals about my performance during that task? I would need to complete an activity with quantifiable data to properly compare the brain activity to the task results to see if my attention levels correlated to the task's success or failure. Deciding on the actual action to measure wasn't tricky. I am a pretty avid video game player and had recently been trying to think of a way to integrate my gameplay statistics into a project, so I surmised that the combination would be an intriguing one.

So I asked myself: "if I could hack the Mind Flex and wear it while playing Call of Duty, what would the data show?" Could I establish a relationship between cognitive function and video game performance? In other words, when I'm focused and attentive, do I play better? Or, when I'm distracted, do I play worse? Is there no connection at all? I wasn't sure if my tests would succeed, but I decided to find out.

Hacking Third-Party APIs on the JVM

The JVM ecosystem is mature and offers plenty of libraries, so you don't need to reinvent the wheel. Basic — and not so basic — functionalities are just a dependency away. Sometimes, however, the dependency and your use-case are slightly misaligned.

The correct way to fix this would be to create a Pull Request. But your deadline is tomorrow: you need to make it work now! It's time to hack the provided API.

Changing a Field’s Type in Recent JDKs

A couple of years ago, I attended a talk of my former colleague (but still friend) Volker Simonis. It gave me the idea to dig a bit into the subject of how to secure the JVM. From the material, I created a series of blog posts as well as a talk.

From that point on, I submitted the talk at meetups and conferences, where it was well-received. Because I like to explore different areas, I stopped to submit other proposals. Still, the talk is in my portfolio, and it was requested again in 2021. I have already presented it twice since the beginning of the year at the time of this writing.

Top 6 New Programming Languages Born in the Last Decade

When it comes to programming languages, progress does not standstill. While the most influential ones like Python, C, Java were created a long time ago, new valuable coding languages appear all the time. In many use cases, it is the new programming language that is driving innovations and helps build truly amazing software. Let’s look at the most promising ones that were born in the last decade.

What Is Rust Programming Language?

Rust is a system programming language, created by Mozilla, which was announced in 2010. Rust is positioned as an incredibly fast language, that prevents memory violations and guarantees thread safety. Rust is syntactically similar to C ++ and in terms of speed, it can be compared to C or C ++. This means that the applications written in Rust can be just as fast as those written in C or C ++ and faster than those written in other dynamic languages. 

British Airways Faces 183m EU Fine Following Data Breach

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has handed British Airways what it claims is the biggest penalty — and the first to be made public under new rules — since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into play last year. According to the ICO, 500,000 customers had their personal information compromised during the 2018 breach, and the airline needs to pay up - to the tune of £183 million.

BA data breach facilitated by poor website security. 1.5% of global turnover or £185M GDPR fine levied.

Reverse Engineering of a Not-So-Secure IoT Device

The Internet of Things is coming! It started out as overused marketing hype with no real use case (who needs internet-connected fridges? And who wants the internet-connected toilet paper?).

New ‘things’ start to pop up, whether useful or not: from smart bulbs (Philips Hue), thermostats (Nest), smart TVs (Samsung and others), to voice assistants (Alexa, Cortana, Google). You might even have installed one of these, right? What about temperature and humidity sensors? There is probably nothing wrong with that?

What Goals Are Right for Your AppSec Program?

Clear objectives and goals are key to success for any initiative, and AppSec is no exception. But many organizations struggle to establish application security goals or focus on the wrong goals to the detriment of their program. Below, we outline factors to consider when creating goals for your application security program.


At a high level, the goals for your AppSec program should focus on a set of core metrics: