Using Bing Maps to remove Shapes With Angular in a Spring Boot Application

This is the third article of the series. The first article is about integrating Bing Maps with Angular and Spring Boot with Jpa. The second article is about adding a new shape to the map and storing it in the Spring Boot backend.

This article is about removing properties of a map with a modal panel to confirm and delete it in the database. The project AngularAndSpringWithMaps is used as an example. To remove a property the property has to be clicked on.

Using Bing Maps to add Shapes With Angular in a Spring Boot Application

This is the second part of a series. In the first part, the setup of the AngularAndSpringWithMaps project was described. In this part, we'll describe adding and reseting properties.

Create a New Property at a companySite

To create a new property the user can click on the map. The first click is the center of the property and the following click defines the shape of the property. The locations are shown on the map with icons in the CompanySiteComponent:

Bing Maps With Angular in a Spring Boot Application

The AngularAndSpringWithMaps project shows how to integrate Bing Maps, Angular, and Spring Boot with a Gradle build. The property data of the sites is stored with JPA in H2/PostgreSQL databases. 

The purpose of the AngularAndSpringWithMaps project is to show the site properties at different points in time. To choose the site and then choose the time and have the site properties displayed in a map. New properties can be added and deleted on the map and then persisted. This article will show how to store and display company sites.