How to Make a WordPress Website: Ultimate Guide for Beginners and Advanced Users Alike

Many people wonder how to make a WordPress website. They’ve heard about WordPress, its incredible popularity, excellent features and designs, and now they want to join the pack and build a WordPress website of their own. So, where does one get started? Regardless of how advanced you might be with the platform, we have a tailor-made resource for you here. What follows is a choose-your-own-adventure guide on how to make a WordPress website.

Micro-Interactions Tutorial for Beginner Developers: How to Create an Interactive “Like” Button With CSS and JavaScript

I think it’s safe to say that micro-interactions are cool. We – web people – universally all enjoy them. And no matter if you’re noticing them or not, they provide a significant user experience improvement. By making your website or web tool come to life subtly and in a friendly way, they simply make the user enjoy the whole interaction a tiny bit more.

A Different WordPress Development Tutorial: How to Automate Your Workflow

As a WordPress developer, staying up to date with the recent techniques and trends can be intimidating. Take automation, for example – are you on top of what can be done in terms of automating your workflow? Not quite? Okay, this article can help you with that. It is a bit different from your usual WordPress development tutorial, though. It focuses on automating whatever can be automated when working on your next WordPress project.

How to Buy a Domain That Is Taken (5 Steps to Your Dream Domain Name)

You’ve decided to start a new venture and you’ve come up with the perfect name. But when you search for the domain you want, you discover that someone already owns it. So what do you do? Do you give up and change your business name, or do you figure out how to buy a domain that is taken? If you want to choose the latter option, you’ve come to the right place.

Website Speed Optimization: How to Do It in 2019

About a decade back, Google announced that that site speed would affect web search ranking. Although the post did not clarify the impact of speed on the rankings, webmasters reading the announcement understood that website speed optimization should be at the top of their development plans.