The Ultimate JSON Library: JSON.simple vs. GSON vs. Jackson vs. JSONP

JSON is the accepted standard these days for transmitting data between servers and web applications. We often don’t think about the JSON libraries we use, but there are some differences between them.

JSON is often used to transport and parse big files. This is a scenario that is common in data processing applications running in Hadoop or Spark clusters. Given the size of these files, you can be looking at significant differences in parsing speed between libraries.

What Developers Need to Know About Java Security

Java gained a reputation as a secure programming language when it was introduced in the mid-1990s. At that time, C or C++ was used for the majority of business programming. Java removed many pitfalls and vulnerabilities of those languages, like manual memory allocation.

This reputation as a more secure language does not mean that all Java code is automatically secure. Developers still have to make sure that they deliver secure code. Fortunately, you can stay on top of your Java security by keeping an eye on possible Java threats.

Consuming Variable Responses in Gson

Learn more about using Gsonhow to handle variable response structures. 

No matter public or private, Restful APIs are the most popular way to integrate our applications with the world outside. This means you do not have a chance to alter the services you consume; instead, you should adapt your code most of the time.

Since Java is a static-typed language, it can be a challenge while you are consuming and mapping the data into your model objects, especially if the response data changes depending on the use-case.