Build Your First App with JavaScript, Node.js, and DataStax Astra DB

This is the first of a three-part app development workshop series designed to help developers understand technologies like Node.js, GraphQL, React, Netlify, and JavaScript to kickstart their app development portfolio. In this post, we’ll cover the fundamental concepts of website applications and introduce DataStax Astra DB as your free, fast, always-on database based on Apache Cassandra®.

In the U.S. we spend almost 88% of our mobile internet time buried in apps like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and games. With nearly a million new apps released each year and 218 billion app downloads in 2020, learning how to build them is an essential step in any front-end developer’s career.

Blasting Off Into Stargate Using HTTPie

As a DataStax Developer Advocate, my job is to help our amazing teams provide you with the best possible experience with Cassandra and our products.

Datastax Astra is built on Apache Cassandra. In addition to great documentation, Astra offers a robust free tier that can run small production workloads, pet projects, or just let you play—all for free, no credit card required. Cassandra can be tricky for hardcore SQL developers, because it uses a different slightly different query language (CQL), but when you get Astra, Stargate is there to let you interact with your data through APIs. Our open source Stargate product provides REST, GraphQL, and schemaless document APIs in addition to native language drivers. If you like them but don’t want to use our products, that’s fine! It’s completely open source and you can implement it on your own system.

Stargate and Cassandra 4.0 – Better Together

Six years in the making, Apache Cassandra has reached its 4.0 GA release. This is a big milestone for one of the most important open source projects, and a significant step forward in the world of NoSQL and Fast Data.

Highlights in 4.0

This new release brings a lot of exciting features to Apache Cassandra. A few highlights include:

GraphQL Essentials

As an alternative to REST, GraphQL is quickly gaining popularity as a tool for building APIs and fetching declarative data. This Refcard introduces GraphQL concepts such as core design principles, schemas and types, fields, arguments, and lastly, how to secure your GraphQL APIs.

GraphQL: A Deep Dive Into Benefits, Use Cases, and Strategies

This is an article from DZone's 2022 Enterprise Application Integration Trend Report.

For more:

Read the Report

As the complexity of software applications grows, the number of interfaces among their various components also increases. This leads to an ever-growing API footprint and an explosion of integrations. Even minor changes start taking more and more time to implement, ultimately resulting in a maintenance nightmare. Refactoring your interfaces often appears to be the only solution, but refactoring is a costly business. It is usually not approved by the management unless there is a very strong reason to do so. 

Choosing Between REST and GraphQL

This is an article from DZone's 2022 Enterprise Application Integration Trend Report.

For more:

Read the Report

To create a data-driven web or mobile app, you'll need an API through which you can access data from your back-end server. The most popular architecture for APIs is REST. But while REST is widely known and generally easy to use, it has some downsides including overfetching and inefficiencies concerning nested data. 

Where Does GraphQL Fit In the Stack?

GraphQL is a popular language, and it’s getting more popular by the day. We hear front-end developers, mobile developers, and back-end developers talking about GraphQL. So it’s clear that developers use GraphQL across the stack. But where exactly does GraphQL fit in the stack, and what benefits do you gain by using it?

In this article, we’ll first do a quick recap of what “the stack” looks like without GraphQL, and then we’ll dive into how adding GraphQL changes it and what that means for building applications.

Federated Schema Design


If you’ve been building with GraphQL, you likely know how essential good schema design is. As the entry-point to all your GraphQL operations, it’s desirable to design a schema that’s easy to understand and work with, serves the needs of our clients today, and can be changed to fit their needs tomorrow.

This article teaches about the supergraph, platform thinking, and why it’s key to designing your graph for extensibility. We also discuss considerations that make federated schema design different from the monolithic approach. Finally, we cover the macro-level principles that help us design extensible and maintainable federated graphs.

Designing Your First GraphQL Schema

Building schemas are a key part of building a graph. Schemas are one of the major benefits of using GraphQL. The schema defines how clients can retrieve data from your GraphQL API. With schemas, you can easily shape and evolve your data to fit your specific business, product, or project needs. If you’re new to the GraphQL world, you might be wondering how you can build flexible and evolvable schemas.

In this article, we’ll go over some principles to keep in mind when designing your own GraphQL schema. Before getting started, here are a few things you should know:

How To Set Up a Scalable and Highly-Available GraphQL API in Minutes

A modern GraphQL API layer for cloud-native applications needs to possess two characteristics: horizontal scalability and high availability. 

Horizontal scalability adds more machines to your API infrastructure, whereas vertical scalability adds more CPUs, RAM, and other resources to an existing machine that runs the API layer. While vertical scalability works to a certain extent, the horizontally scalable API layer can scale beyond the capacity of a single machine. 

API Security Weekly: Issue 158

This week, we have news on a breach affecting 400 000 users of a popular German school app, and another vulnerability in a popular WordPress plugin. In addition, there’s a thought-provoking opinion piece on the value of GraphQL on public interfaces, and an article featuring nine useful API testing tools.

Breach: Sensitive Data of 400 000 German Students Exposed by API Flaw

Last week, the news broke of a breach on a popular German student community app, Scoolio, discovered by security researcher Lilith Wittmann. Conservative estimates put the number of affected students to 400 000 students, but how Scoolio creates user accounts throws some uncertainty to the exact figure here.

How To Create a GraphQL Schema With GraphQL.js and Express?

In case you are completely new to GraphQL, I will recommend you to start with our Introduction to GraphQL or GraphQL Core Concepts

A schema is the core component of a GraphQL application. It defines the capabilities of the GraphQL application. To elaborate further, a GraphQL schema is like a description of the data available from your application. It also defines the various queries and mutations that clients can use to interact with the server. In a way, the schema is the heart of a GraphQL application.

GraphQL Core Concepts You Should Definitely Know

GraphQL is a remarkable tool to build APIs. However, it is quite different from REST. This can make it difficult for developers who have been accustomed to working with REST. There are some core concepts of GraphQL that are important to understand how GraphQL actually works.

We will be covering those core concepts in this post. However, if you are completely new to GraphQL, you should start with our Introduction to GraphQL and then, return to this post.

GraphQL Postgres Metrics Dashboard With Cube

You're bound to have heard the term GraphQL. Unless you live under a rock. I doubt that though. GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.

This tutorial will show you a step-by-step guide on how to use a GraphQL API to build Postgres metrics dashboards.

Working With Built-in GraphQL Directives

Directives are one of GraphQL’s best — and most unspoken — features.

Let’s explore working with GraphQL’s built-in schema and operation directives that all GraphQL spec compliant APIs must implement. They are extremely useful if you are working with a dynamic front-end because you have the control to reduce the response payload depending on what the user is interacting with.

An overview of directives

Let’s imagine an application where you have the option to customize the columns shown in a table. If you hide two or three columns then there’s really no need to fetch the data for those cells. With GraphQL directives, though, we can choose to include or skip those fields.

The GraphQL specification defines what directives are, and the location of where they can be used. Specifically, directives can be used by consumer operations (such as a query), and by the underlying schema itself. Or, in simple terms, directives are either based on schema or operation. Schema directives are used when the schema is generated, and operation directives run when a query is executed.

In short, directives can be used for the purposes of metadata, runtime hints, runtime parsing (like returning dates in a specific format), and extended descriptions (like deprecated).

Four kinds of directives

GraphQL boasts four main directives as defined in the specification working draft, with one of them unreleased as a working draft.

  • @include
  • @skip
  • @deprecated
  • @specifiedBy (working draft)

If you’re following GraphQL closely, you will also notice two additional directives were merged to the JavaScript implementation that you can try today — @stream and @defer. These aren’t part of the official spec just yet while the community tests them in real world applications.


The @include directive, true to its name, allows us to conditional include fields by passing an if argument. Since it’s conditional, it makes sense to use a variable in the query to check for truthiness.

For example, if the variable in the following examples is truthy, then the name field will be included in the query response.

query getUsers($showName: Boolean) {
  users {
    name @include(if: $showName)

Conversely, we can choose not to include the field by passing the variable $showName as false along with the query. We can also specify a default value for the $showName variable so there’s no need to pass it with every request:

query getUsers($showName: Boolean = true) {
  users {
    name @include(if: $showName)


We can express the same sort of thing with just did, but using @skip directive instead. If the value is truthy, then it will, as you might expect, skip that field.

query getUsers($hideName: Boolean) {
  users {
    name @skip(if: $hideName)

While this works great for individual fields, there are times we may want to include or skip more than one field. We could duplicate the usage of @include and @skip across multiple lines like this:

query getUsers($includeFields: Boolean) {
  users {
    name @include(if: $includeFields)
    email @include(if: $includeFields)
    role @include(if: $includeFields)

Both the @skip and @include directives can be used on fields, fragment spreads, and inline fragments which means we can do something else, like this instead with inline fragments:

query getUsers($excludeFields: Boolean) {
  users {
    ... on User @skip(if: $excludeFields) {

If a fragment is already defined, we can also use @skip and @include when we spread a fragment into the query:

fragment User on User {

query getUsers($excludeFields: Boolean) {
  users {
    ...User @skip(if: $excludeFields)


The @deprecated directive appears only in the schema and isn’t something a user would provide as part of a query like we’ve seen above. Instead, the @deprecated directive is specified by the developer maintaining the GraphQL API schema.

As a user, if we try to fetch a field that has been deprecated in the schema, we’ll receive a warning like this that provides contextual help.

A zoomed in example of a syntax-highlighted GraphQL query for getUsers, which contains a users object with id and title properties. The title property is underlined in yellow with a contextual tooltip open below it showing a warning in yellow and white that suggests using the name field instead.
In this example, the title field has been marked deprecated and the directive provides a helpful hint to replace it.

To mark a field deprecated, we need to use the @deprecated directive within the schema definition language (SDL), passing a reason inside the arguments, like this:

type User {
  id: ID!
  title: String @deprecated(reason: "Use name instead")
  name: String!
  email: String!
  role: Role

If we paired this with the @include directive, we could conditionally fetch the deprecated field based on a query variable:

fragment User on User {
  title @include(if: $includeDeprecatedFields)

query getUsers($includeDeprecatedFields: Boolean! = false) {
  users {


@specifiedBy is the fourth of the directives and is currently part of the working draft. It’s set to be used by custom scalar implementations and take a url argument that should point to a specification for the scalar.

For example, if we add a custom scalar for email address, we will want to pass the URL to the specification for the regex we use as part of that. Using the last example and the proposal defined in RFC #822, a scalar for EmailAddress would be defined in the schema like so:

scalar EmailAddress @specifiedBy(url: "")

It’s recommended that custom directives have a prefixed name to prevent collisions with other added directives. If you’re looking for an example custom directive, and how it’s created, take a look at GraphQL Public Schema. It is a custom GraphQL directive that has both code and schema-first support for annotating which of an API can be consumed in public.

Wrapping up

So that’s a high-level look at GraphQL directives. Again, I believe directives are a sort of unsung hero that gets overshadowed by other GraphQL features. We already have a lot of control with GraphQL schema, and directives give us even more fine-grained control to get exactly what we want out of queries. That’s the sort of efficiency and that makes the GraphQL API so quick and ultimately more friendly to work with.

And if you’re building a GraphQL API, then be sure to include these directives to the introspection query.. Having them there not only gives developers the benefit of extra control, but an overall better developer experience. Just think how helpful it would be to properly @deprecate fields so developers know what to do without ever needing to leave the code? That’s powerful in and of itself.

Header graphic courtesy of Isabel Gonçalves on Unsplash

The post Working With Built-in GraphQL Directives appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

Why You Can’t Replace REST With GraphQL

When I Googled “what is GraphQL” to learn more about the network protocols, all I saw was a comparison between REST and GraphQL. Most of the conclusions said, “use GraphQL.” It felt very binary (and trendy, for that matter), which is a problem because each product and use case is unique. The fact is, whatever is newest and shiniest gets recommended more loudly. But you have to weigh the trade-offs and come up with a solution that is best for your situation. 

There is a general understanding that either REST is better than GraphQL or vice versa. But the truth is they both address different problems and have different strengths and weaknesses. The question isn’t necessarily which one is better to use, but which one is better to use for specific circumstances. The best way to evaluate GraphQL, REST, or any other technology is to figure out your constraints based on the problem you are going to solve.

Top 10 Web Development Trends: How To Stay Ahead In 2021

Due to the pandemic, 1000s of businesses went online to avoid closure and remain competitive on the market. This transition strengthened the contest between companies and tech solutions that include programming languages and frameworks.

So, running a web project has become more difficult. CTOs and Product Owners can feel FOMO (fear of missing out), considering the number of existing tech trends. The high price for any mistake makes them feel a chill running up and down the spine, especially in the case of large projects.