5 Reasons Why I Dread Writing Embedded GUIs

A consequence of the massive adoption of Internet of Things technologies across all industries is an increasing need for embedded development skills. Yet, embedded development has historically been a pretty complex domain, and not something that one can add to their skillset overnight.

Luckily, over the last decade, silicon vendors have put a lot of effort into simplifying embedded development, especially for people with little to no experience in the domain. Communities such as Arduino and PlatformIO have also immensely contributed to providing easy-to-use tools and high-level libraries that can hide most of the scary details—yes, assembly, I'm looking at you!—of embedded programming while still allowing for professional applications to be written.

Which Is the Best PostgreSQL GUI? 2019 Comparison

PostgreSQL GUI Comparison

PostgreSQL graphical user interface (GUI) tools help these open source database users to manage, manipulate, and visualize their data. In this post, we discuss the top 5 GUI tools for administering your PostgreSQL deployments. PostgreSQL is the fourth most popular database management system in the world and is heavily used in all sizes of applications. The traditional method to work with databases is using the command-line interface (CLI) tool, however, this interface presents a number of issues:

  • It requires a big learning curve to get the best out of the DBMS
  • Console display may not be something of your like, and it only gives very little information at a time
  • It is difficult to browse databases and tables, check indexes, and monitor databases through the console

Many still prefer CLIs over GUIs, but this set is ever so shrinking. I believe anyone who comes to programming after 2010 will tell you GUI tools increase their productivity over a CLI solution.

An Intro to StaticBox and StaticBoxSizers

There are many widgets that are included with the wxPython GUI toolkit. One of them is a fairly handy widget called wx.StaticBox. This widget accepts a string and then will draw a box with the string in the upper left-hand corner of the box. However, this only works when you use it in conjunction with wx.StaticBoxSizer.

Here is an example of what one might look like:

How AI Will Transform the Testing Process

To what extent will AI fundamentally change the way we work? What about the change management process? Will AI augment or replace testers? How do we introduce an AI initiative and ensure we are taking the testing team along with us on the journey?Image title

Although biology often inspires human innovation, it hardly leads to a direct implementation. Birds taught humans that flying is possible and inspired human creativity for centuries. But the design of today’s planes and helicopters does not have much in common with their biological role models. As humans learn and apply principles, we adapt them to our needs. Instead of creating mechanical legs for our vehicles that can climb over obstacles, we removed the obstacles and paved the way for our wheeled transportation­­ — which happens to be both faster and more efficient.

How to Connect Your MongoDB Deployments to Robo 3T GUI at ScaleGrid

Robo 3T (formerly Robomongo) is a popular desktop graphical user interface (GUI) for your MongoDB hosting deployments that allows you to interact with your data through visual indicators instead of a text-based interface. This open source tool has cross-platform support and actually embeds the mongo shell within its interface to provide both shell and GUI-based interaction.

As a highly-popular GUI leveraged by our MongoDB hosting customers, we’re providing this tutorial on how to quickly connect your ScaleGrid deployment with Robo 3T.