React Hooks vs. Redux: Choosing the Right State Management Strategy

In my day job, I work with a lot of React developers. When I ask them about their preferred state management strategy, I get a mixed response. Some rely on Redux, the popular state container for JavaScript applications, while others prefer React Hooks.  

In this article, I’ll explore both and introduce a hybrid third approach. Throughout, I’ll make useful recommendations based on experience and discussions I’ve had with developers building production-grade data visualization tools with our React SDKs.

Adding Dimension With a Swimlane Matrix

Swimlanes organize graph visualizations in a simple, user-friendly manner. Typically, process flows use swimlane diagrams to group components into individual categories, or lanes. Each node represents a task or activity and the lanes organize them by role, function, or department. However, because swimlanes are usually defined along a single axis, they tend to be used as alternatives to other graphical cues like text, coloring, or icons. In this scenario, swimlanes only add one additional dimension of data. Tom Sawyer Perspectives can help you show more.

In this Purchase Order workflow, the vertical lanes show the days on which tasks need to be performed, while the horizontal lanes define the task type. This helps keep the overall process on schedule.

Getting Started With ReGraph — The Graph Visualization Toolkit for React

At Cambridge Intelligence, we recently launched an Early Access Program (EAP) for ReGraph, our brand new graph data visualization toolkit for React developers. The response from evaluators has been fantastic, and now we’re inviting more organizations to join the ReGraph EAP.

To help you get started with ReGraph, this step-by-step tutorial covers everything you need to know. Once we’ve created our visualization in a React app, we’ll load an example network of suspected terrorists and show how easy it is to apply the key analysis techniques your users need to uncover threats.