Grails 1.0 Released!

This article was originally published on February 5, 2008.

When a new piece of coding material comes out, the entire coding community tends to get pretty excited about it. They care because they know that it means that there are new applications that they can play around with, and it is entirely possible that there will be some incredible new creations that come out of all of this as well. 

Better Scaffolding with jQuery – Part I

Grails scaffolding works great out of the box.  Today I want to see how we can improve adding data to the many side of a one-to-many relationship using jQuery, jQueryUI's Dialog, and some Ajax.  Using the same domain objects as my previous article I want to show how we can add Reminders to an Event without needing to navigate to a new page, assuming it is ok to create events without reminders.  For the sake of clarity, here are the domain objects.

class Event {

  String name

  static hasMany = [reminders: Reminder]

  static constraints = {
class Reminder {

  ReminderType reminderType
  Integer duration

  static belongsTo = [event:Event]

  static constraints = {

  String toString() {
    "${reminderType} : ${duration}"

Note that in Reminder I've added a ReminderType.  This is a simple Enum with the values Email and SMS.  I did this to add a bit of meat to the Reminder form.  Once you have a new grails application up and running you'll need to download a couple of things.  The first is jQuery.  The easiest way to get this in grails is to simply install the plugin.  Execute "grails install-plugin jquery" and then in the views/layout/main.gsp modify the g:javascript tag to use "jquery" instead of "application" for the library attribute.  

Grails With Spring Security

Spring Security touts a number of authentication, authorization, instance-based, and various other features that make it so attractive to secure applications with.

With this in mind, due to Grails use of Spring’s Inversion of Control Framework and MVC setup, developers sought to use Spring Security to secure Grails.