How GPT-Neo Can Be Used in Different Tasks

GPT3 has changed the level of language models and revolutionized AI by its capacity to learn with few examples, as GPT3 is a few-shot learner. However, it is not open-sourced, and access to OpenAI’s API is only available upon request. So EleutherAI is working on creating a similar model to GPT3, which is named GPT-Neo.

GPT-Neo is a transformer-based language model whose architecture is nearly the same architecture as the GPT3 model, and the results are also roughly equal to the lower versions of the GPT3 model. GPT-Neo is trained on the Pile Dataset. Same as GPT3, GPT-Neo is also a few-shot learner. And the good thing about GPT-Neo over GPT3 is it is an open-source model.

OpenAI: A Blessing or a Curse

The human desire to avoid mundane chores and simplify all tasks is as strong and persisting as humanity itself.

Through the ages, this desire manifested itself in many forms. Some, such as slavery or serfdom, were definitely cruel and only served the very few. Later on, the aristocracy went to great lengths to make their lives the best they could be, relying on an entourage of servants to tend to their every need. As the Industrial Revolution introduced the miracle of large-scale manufacturing and eventual automation, we finally discovered a way forward that would not rely on human workers.