Package Management in Go

Package management is one of the things Go has always missed. One of the major drawbacks of the previous (pre 1.11) go get was lack of support for managing dependency versions and enabling reproducible builds. The community has developed package managers and tools like Glide, dep, and many others serving as de-facto solutions for versioning dependencies.

“I use go get for production builds.” — said no one ever.

New Dedicated Application Server Revs PHP to Peak Performance

How does this Peak Perform?

Running a PHP application offers a wholly unique experience compared to running applications in other programming languages like Java or Golang. In most languages, you have to start your application in order to respond to a client request; whereas, with PHP, you have a simple “.php” file that sits quietly until it is invoked by a top-level web server like Nginx+PHP-FPM or Apache mod_php.