10 Web Frameworks for Golang Development

Google is coming with ‘Go’ or actually ‘Golang’. Golang stands for ‘Google’s Go Programming Language’. It is one of the powerful languages to write APIs and other web services. Golang compiles quick-running native code that is very useful for software developers. The software development experts found it easy and comfortable for coding for it is easy to use and gives a closure look like C and C++ programming languages. Golang is an open-source compiled programming language and it is prominently utilized to write native code and create powerful mobile and web applications.

Developers make an efficient application by using Golang with its several frameworks. They choose a framework and then create proper documentation and knowledge of the same. Here are the top 10 most useful frameworks of Golang:

Common Anti-Patterns in Go

It has been widely acknowledged that coding is an art, and like every artisan who crafts wonderful art and is proud of them, we as developers are also really proud of the code we write. In order to achieve the best results, artists constantly keep searching for ways and tools to improve their craft. Similarly, we as developers keep leveling up our skills and remain curious to know the answer to the single most important question — 'How to write good code.'

Frederick P. Brooks in his book 'The Mythical Man Month: Essays on Software Engineering' wrote:

Why Is Golang so Popular These Days?

A Brief History of Golang

Golang, also known as “Go,” is a fast, high-performance, open-source compiled programming language that is statistically typed. It was designed at Google by Rob Pike, Robert Griesemer and Ken Thompson and first appeared in Nov 2009. Go is syntactically similar to C and it made its recently stable release 1.13 on September 3, 2019. However, as additions to C, Go offers memory safety, garbage collection, structural typing, and CSP-Style concurrency.

There are two major implementations: