Building an Application With Go and SQLite

Today we're going to learn how to use SQLite with Go. By the time you finish this tutorial, you can easily build CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) applications with Go.

Go is one of the hottest languages in development right now, known for its simple structure and blazing performance. SQLite has been trending among developers for its ability to host small data very quickly, safely, and contained in a single file.

How to Build a Concurrent Chat App With Go and WebSockets

Go emerged from Google out of a need to build highly performant applications using an easy-to-understand syntax. It's a statically typed, compiled language developed by some of C's innovators, without the programming burden of manual memory management. Primarily, it was designed to take advantage of modern multicore CPUs and networked machines.

In this post, I'll demonstrate the capabilities of Go. We'll take advantage of Go's ability to create concurrent apps to build a chat app easily. On the backend, we'll use Redis as the intermediary to accept messages from the browser and send them to the subscribed clients. On the frontend, we'll use WebSockets via to facilitate client-side communication. We'll deploy it all on Heroku, a PaaS provider that makes it easy to deploy and host your apps. Just as Go makes programming such an application simple, Heroku makes it easy to supplement it with additional infrastructure.

Building a Go Web API with the New Digital Ocean App Platform

Recently, Digital Ocean announced they’re entering the PaaS market with their new application platform. They’ve hosted virtual machines (droplets) and Kubernetes based services for years, but now they’re creating a platform that’s a simple point and click to get an application up and running.

So I decided to try it. In this tutorial, we’re going to build an application on that platform. I will use Go to make a small web API and have it backed by an SQLite database. I’ll show you the steps required, and we’ll see just how easy it is (or isn’t) to deploy applications on the platform.

Optimizing String Comparisons in Go

Want your Go programs to run faster? Optimizing string comparisons in Go can improve your application’s response time and help scalability. Comparing two strings to see if they’re equal takes processing power, but not all comparisons are the same. In a previous article, we looked at How to compare strings in Go and did some benchmarking. We’re going to expand on that here.

It may seem like a small thing, but as all great optimizers know, it’s the little things that add up. Let’s dig in.

Why Is Golang so Popular These Days?

A Brief History of Golang

Golang, also known as “Go,” is a fast, high-performance, open-source compiled programming language that is statistically typed. It was designed at Google by Rob Pike, Robert Griesemer and Ken Thompson and first appeared in Nov 2009. Go is syntactically similar to C and it made its recently stable release 1.13 on September 3, 2019. However, as additions to C, Go offers memory safety, garbage collection, structural typing, and CSP-Style concurrency.

There are two major implementations:

New Dedicated Application Server Revs PHP to Peak Performance

How does this Peak Perform?

Running a PHP application offers a wholly unique experience compared to running applications in other programming languages like Java or Golang. In most languages, you have to start your application in order to respond to a client request; whereas, with PHP, you have a simple “.php” file that sits quietly until it is invoked by a top-level web server like Nginx+PHP-FPM or Apache mod_php.