3 Important Lessons When Supervising DevOps

The cultural philosophy of DevOps requires a paradigm shift in thinking, not just technological processes. The main goal of all the practices that we will look at is to break down the barriers between the development department, managers, and engineers since they usually exist in isolation. This approach previously helped to clearly distribute tasks between groups of performers but excluded interaction as a key factor in high productivity and flexibility.

Well-established communication between all links in the chain of those responsible for the product increases the quality and efficiency of work. Additionally, creative ideas often go beyond the traditional framework, which opens up opportunities for the integration of innovative solutions.

What Matters In Goals?

In most organizations, big-picture thinking comes off as a seasonal flavor often appearing every few months. Mental gymnastics that goes with determining the “why” — meaning or purpose of goals, the promise of a better future, and the excitement of doing something new definitely gets the creative juices flowing. Though not for all, most people in the organization find this phase highly energizing and exhilarating. But does this motivation last long? 

The big picture thinking soon goes out of the picture, being replaced by its nitty-gritty sister who’s only concerned with the “what” — the actual mechanics of getting from point A to point B, steps in the process. With the hostile takeover of the nitty-gritty thinking that’s only concerned with the “what”, the memory of big picture thinking with its “why” soon fades away. What happens then?

How to Write Company OKRs for Effective Goal-Setting

It goes without saying that you can’t successfully run a team without formally documenting goals and objectives. That’s just like a shot in the dark.  The talented employees that you have would be of no use if they don’t have a common objective to look forward to.

Ever wondered how the giants of the industry slay the market with ever growing revenues? The trick lies in OKRs.