Multi-Cluster Cassandra Deployment With Google Kubernetes Engine (Pt. 2)

This is the second in a series of posts examining patterns for using K8ssandra to create Cassandra clusters with different deployment topologies.

In the first article in this series, we looked at how you could create a Cassandra cluster with two datacenters in a single cloud region, using separate Kubernetes namespaces in order to isolate workloads. For example, you might want to create a secondary Cassandra datacenter to isolate a read-heavy analytics workload from the datacenter supporting your main application.

Managed Kubernetes Comparison: EKS vs GKE

Kubernetes is changing the tech space as it becomes increasingly prominent across various industries and environments. Kubernetes can now be found in on-premise data centers, cloud environments, edge solutions, and even space.

As a container orchestration system, Kubernetes automatically manages the availability and scalability of your containerized applications. Its architecture consists of various planes that make up what is known as a cluster. This cluster can be implemented (or deployed) in multiple ways, including adopting a CNCF-certified hosted or managed Kubernetes cluster. 

Nextcloud and Kubernetes in the Cloud With Kuma Service Mesh

I recently decided I wanted to start cutting third-party cloud services out of my life. I purchased a shiny Raspberry Pi 400 (which reminded me of the Amiga computers of my youth) and decided to try Nextcloud on it as a personal cloud. It was a far quicker process than I expected thanks to the awesome NextCloudPi project. Within twenty minutes, I had a running Nextcloud instance. However, I could only access it locally on my internal network, and accessing it externally is complicated if you don’t have a static IP address, or use dynamic DNS on a router that supports it.

There are of course myriad ways to solve these problems (and NextCloudPi offers convenient solutions to many of them), but I was also interested in how Kubernetes might handle some of the work for me. Of course, this can mean I am using cloud providers of a different kind, but I would have portability, and with a combination of an Ingress and Service Mesh, could move my hosting around as I wanted.

How Are Zoom, Spotify, etc Slashing Their Cloud Costs by Millions?

In Q1 2021, Zoom reported that its gross margin widened to 73.9% from 69.4% in the previous quarter, primarily thanks to the optimization of public cloud resources. And Zoom is certainly not the only company that realized the value of optimizing the cloud infrastructure. As businesses migrate their workloads to the cloud and build cloud-native applications, they’re starting to realize that overprovisioning and cloud sprawl aren’t just urban legends. 

For startups, the cloud is an essential technology because of its unparalleled support for scalability. But the cloud may quickly turn into a struggle because of growing costs. Here's what a16z wrote in a recent analysis:

Running QuestDB on GKE Autopilot

Recently, I’ve been experimenting with QuestDB as the primary time-series database to stream and analyze IoT/financial data:

While I was able to validate the power of QuestDB in storing massive amounts of data and querying them quickly in those two projects, I was mostly running them on my laptop via Docker. In order to scale my experiments, I wanted to create a more production-ready setup, including monitoring and disaster recovery on Kubernetes. So in this guide, we’ll walk through setting up QuestDB on GKE with Prometheus and Velero.

Upgrading Kubernetes Worker Nodes in GKE, AKS, and EKS

Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration platform that you can deploy on-premise or in the cloud. In this article, you will learn about Kubernetes upgrade options in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS).

What is a Kubernetes Cluster?

A cluster is a unit that includes several Kubernetes pods. A pod is a set of containers, with facilities to allow containers to communicate and share data between them. A cluster consists of the following components:

Graylog With Kubernetes in GKE

We all know that when collecting data from different data sources — whether it is an application, server, or service —  it is a necessity to have a tracking system that tells what went wrong with your system at a specific time, and to know exactly how your system behaves. 

This article aims to demonstrate how to deploy The Graylog Stack — Graylog v3 and Elasticsearch v6, along with MongoDB v3 — use Kubernetes, and how to collect data from different data sources using inputs, and streams.

Google Cloud Run: Serverless, Meet Containers

Screenshot from Cloud Run announcement video

At Google Cloud Next in San Francisco today, Google announced the beta version of Cloud Run, a new product designed to blend serverless with containerized application development. Built from Knative, Google's open source Kubernetes-based serverless platform, Cloud Run can be used to fully manage containers — or they can be turned over to an existing Google Kubernetes Cluster engine via Cloud Run on GKE, also introduced today.