GitHub Is Bad for AI: Solving the ML Reproducibility Crisis

There is a crisis in machine learning that is preventing the field from progressing as fast as it could. It stems from a broader predicament surrounding reproducibility that impacts scientific research in general. A Nature survey of 1,500 scientists revealed that 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist’s experiments, and over 50% have failed to reproduce their own work. Reproducibility, also called replicability, is a core principle of the scientific method and helps ensure the results of a given study aren’t a one-off occurrence but instead represent a replicable observation.

In computer science, reproducibility has a more narrow definition: Any results should be documented by making all data and code available so that the computations can be executed again with the same results. Unfortunately, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are off to a rocky start when it comes to transparency and reproducibility. For example, take this response published in Nature by 31 scientists that are highly critical of a study from Google Health that documented successful trials of AI that detects signs of breast cancer. 

Top 13 GitHub Alternatives in 2020 [Free and Paid]

If the black cat doesn’t seem cute enough, and you are looking for a reliable yet powerful GitHub alternative, this article unveils some of the top GitHub alternatives you can find today.

Every tool on this list is discussed in detail to help you make a better decision whether to switch over to another git platform or stick with GitHub.