The Essentials of GitOps

GitOps is an operational framework that leverages DevOps core practices used in application development, including version control, CI/CD, and collaboration, for infrastructure automation. This Refcard introduces the fundamentals of a mature GitOps model, the key benefits of GitOps, and the elements of a GitOps workflow for new feature deployment.

Best Practices for Using Git

Git has become ubiquitous as the preferred version control system (VCS) used by developers. Using Git adds immense value especially for engineering teams where several developers work together since it becomes critical to have a system of integrating everyone's code reliably.

But with every powerful tool, especially one that involves collaboration with others, it is better to establish conventions to follow lest we shoot ourselves in the foot.

Import Projects From Git Into Eclipse

Import Projects From Git Into Eclipse

As a VCS (Version Control System) I’m using git in all my projects. And not only for software or firmware projects: I’m using it for hardware design (KiCAD, FreeCAD, …) or for documentation (LaTeX, …) too.

The nice thing with the Eclipse IDE is that it supports nice git integration, making importing projects from git repositories easy.

7 Essential Tools for a Competent Data Scientist

A data scientist extracts manipulate and generate insights from humongous data. To leverage the power of data science, data scientists apply statistics, programming languages, data visualization, databases, etc.

So, when we observe the required skills for a data scientist in any job description, we understand that data science is mainly associated with Python, SQL, and R. The common skills and knowledge expected from a data scientist in the data science industry includes - Probability, Statistics, Calculus, Algebra, Programming, data visualization, machine learning, deep learning, and cloud computing. Also, they expect non-technical skills like business acumen, communication, and intellectual curiosity.

Mirroring Git Changes From One Server to Another Server


Hello all, nowadays most of the development teams using GIT version control, some of you may have a requirement of mirroring your team's git changes from one server to another Git server. This article will help you to achieve the Git mirroring between one server to another server.

Business Case

I got one assignment wherein there will be 2 Git Servers, development will happen in one Git server and the changes should be synchronized to another Git server at regular intervals. But in my case, the complexity is both the servers are in different restricted network. So I have done the small experiment and it worked. And I am sharing the steps to you all in this article.

Best of DZone: Refcardz

Whether you're looking for a full-length introduction to a framework, trying to better understand best-practices around your favorite language, or just need a quick reference for pesky syntax you always forget, look no further than the following Refcardz.

Started in 2008, Refcardz have come to be cornerstone of DZone's content, giving experts and practitioners an opportunity to share all that they know about popular topics in development with our audience. Enjoy!

Understanding Why Secrets Like API Keys Inside Git Are Such a Problem

Table of Contents

  • Why Secrets End up In Git
  • Why Secrets in Git Are Dangerous
  • Real-World Examples: Recent Data Breaches
  • Detecting Secrets in Reviews (or Not)
  • Using Automated Secrets Detection in Git
  • Wrap Up

Why Secrets End up In Git

A seasoned developer may be scratching their heads wondering why anyone may put secrets inside a git repository. But the fact is, secrets inside git repositories is the current state of the world.

Bitbucket Pre-Commit Hooks With Husky for Better Code Quality

BitBucket is Git Management solution from Atlassian. It is free for small teams up to 5 active team members and support all Git repository features. More about Bitbucket could be fount at their website .

Pre-commit hooks are powerful functionality to execute own scripts after staging git changes but before commit them to the local repository. Thanks to this solution developers are able to execute code quality checks and code tests before the code officially lands at the repository. Pre-commit hook is not the only hook supported by Git. Other common hooks are:

DIG in Your GIT — Best Practices

This is one of the easiest best practices, which you can start using in less than 2 minutes. But the impact will be huge.

Today I will share one of my all-time favorite practice - DIG in your GIT

A Bit About Git

This article assumes that you have working experience with Git.

Git is one of the most used versioning systems. Git works on three main concepts: Commit, Tree, Blob.

Jenkins Pipeline With Sonarqube and Gitlab

In this guide, we are going to deploy a continuous integration process between Jenkins, GitLab, and SonarQube.

The end goal will be to review the code quality through SonarQube for GitLab repository using Jenkins. Following is the process flow we need to manage:

How Continuous Integration Can Help You to Make a Simple Deploy in Salesforce

Often, especially if you are new to Salesforce, you tend to take advantage of the changeset mechanism to deploy to Salesforce orgs. This works very well, but with this method, you don’t have a source control system to store and manage your development code. Here are some typical limitations:

  1. Missing version history;
  2. In case of problems, missing a simple way to rollback the target org;
  3. Team members can overwrite one another’s work with conflicting code or configuration changes;
  4. No easy way to clone or merge changes from multiple source orgs for deployment to the target org.

The objective of this short guide is to understand how Git can help you in the deployment process. To do this, we will use Gitlab and breakthrough its pipelines.

GitHub Satellite 2020: Gone Remote, but Not Forgotten

Like so many events this year, GitHub's annual state of the union and feature announcement event went online. However, as I typically watch the keynotes from a satellite meetup in Berlin anyway, it wasn't that different for me this year. As this period of online-first events progresses, organizers and presenters are finding new ways to make the format work, and Satellite was no different. It kicked off with a live-coded DJ set from Sam Aaron, followed by a slightly awkward staged entrance from CEO Nat Friedman where he pretended to be eating his breakfast and to have forgotten about the keynote. Still, humor helps us through these dark times, and it wasn't too awkward.

Anyway, on to the announcements; there were a lot, and a handful were significant.

GitOps for Kubernetes

Cloud-native applications are dominating the market with their improved performance and high efficiency. While there are more resources to support cloud-native applications running as microservices, managing complex cloud architecture is still a challenge. The more microservices you run, the more tasks you will have to deal with in order to keep the cloud environment healthy and running smoothly.

Automation becomes an obvious solution to the problem. Kubernetes, in particular, is now supported by new approaches like Infrastructure as Code and a wealth of automation tools. Still, the CI/CD cycle of today demands more robust and Agile architecture. This is where GitOps for Kubernetes comes in handy.

Create a Secure Blog With Gatsby, React, and Netlify

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Gatsby to create a blog app that integrates with the Netlify content management system (CMS) for content. Your app will allow you to author posts in Markdown and add or edit posts from your browser or Git. As a last step, you’ll secure a section of your app with Okta.

First, let’s take a step back. What is Gatsby? Gatsby is a tool for creating static websites with React. With Gatsby, you can pull data from CMSs, Markdown files, APIs, databases, and more. Gatsby uses GraphQL and webpack to combine your data and React code to generate static files for your website. 

How to Create Your First GitHub Commit

Hello everybody. My name is Mar, and today I want to guide you through the most important step of your Tech career, your first interaction with Github.

I started off as a Computer Science student not long ago, in 2016. However, it took me a whole year to give this Github thing a try. I was hesitant and confused at first, but it did not turn out to be as complex as my peers made it sounds when they were talking about it. All it takes is some motivation! Now let’s dive right into it.

Spring Cloud Config Server

Learn how to set up a Spring config server

Spring Cloud provides tools for developers to quickly build some of the common patterns in distributed systems and it enables engineers to quickly develop cloud-native applications. One of the features is to maintain application configurations ouddtside the application. This will enable configuration change without restarting microservice application.