Git Reset HEAD

Recently, I published a detailed guide about Git reset HEAD. In case you need a downloadable pdf copy, you can get it here.

In this Git HEAD guide, I will explain all about the basics. You will learn about the detached head and how you can reset it with a few simple git commands.

Git branch naming conventions

We use git branches at DeepSource to organize ongoing work to ensure that software delivery stays effective. If you use git today, there are high chances that you're either using the famed git-flow or the more recent GitHub flow. Both these workflows depend extensively on using branches effectively — and naming a new branch is something many developers struggle with.

A consistent branch naming convention is part of code review best practices, and can make life much more easier for anyone who’s collaborating and reviewing your code, in addition to using static analysis tools.

Best Practices for Using Git

Git has become ubiquitous as the preferred version control system (VCS) used by developers. Using Git adds immense value especially for engineering teams where several developers work together since it becomes critical to have a system of integrating everyone's code reliably.

But with every powerful tool, especially one that involves collaboration with others, it is better to establish conventions to follow lest we shoot ourselves in the foot.

Mirroring Git Changes From One Server to Another Server


Hello all, nowadays most of the development teams using GIT version control, some of you may have a requirement of mirroring your team's git changes from one server to another Git server. This article will help you to achieve the Git mirroring between one server to another server.

Business Case

I got one assignment wherein there will be 2 Git Servers, development will happen in one Git server and the changes should be synchronized to another Git server at regular intervals. But in my case, the complexity is both the servers are in different restricted network. So I have done the small experiment and it worked. And I am sharing the steps to you all in this article.

Stay Safe on GitHub: Security Practices to Follow

GitHub is undoubtedly the largest and most popular social development platform in the world. According to its 2019 State of the Octoverse Report, GitHub is home to over 40 million, and the community keeps expanding every day.

As developers in this deeply interconnected community use open source code to build software, Github security should be a top priority. This is because extensive code re-use increases the risk of distributing vulnerabilities from one dependency or repository to another. As such, every contributor should focus on creating a secure development environment.