Git Bash (Or Git in Bash)?

Do you know when you install Git Bash on windows what exactly you are installing? Most of the time, developers think they are only installing Git. But that's not true.

Let me repeat it: actually, you are installing Git Bash.

Git Reset HEAD

Recently, I published a detailed guide about Git reset HEAD. In case you need a downloadable pdf copy, you can get it here.

In this Git HEAD guide, I will explain all about the basics. You will learn about the detached head and how you can reset it with a few simple git commands.

Best Practices for Using Git

Git has become ubiquitous as the preferred version control system (VCS) used by developers. Using Git adds immense value especially for engineering teams where several developers work together since it becomes critical to have a system of integrating everyone's code reliably.

But with every powerful tool, especially one that involves collaboration with others, it is better to establish conventions to follow lest we shoot ourselves in the foot.

Git pull request review strategies from three dev teams

Most of us know the definition of a git pull request:

Software developers submit a pull request (often abbreviated to PR) in their git system like GitHub, GitLab or BitBucket to signal to their teammates or manager that a branch or fork they have been working on is ready for review.

The git pull request usually happens in the software development process after coding and before merge.

Git: A New Way of Managing Code

The version control system is a way to manage files/directories to track file changes so that a specific version of files can be tracked later without conflicts.

Git is one of the distributed version control systems that help in:

Commands and Operations in Git

Learn more about Git commands and operations in this tutorial.

Before we get started with commands and operations, let us first understand the primary motive of Git. The purpose of Git is to manage a project or a set of files as they change over time. Git stores this information in a data structure called a Git repository. The repository is the core of Git.

To be very clear, a Git repository is the directory where all of your project files and related metadata are stored. Git records the current state of the project by creating a tree graph from the index and is usually in the form of a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).