Best Mapping API: Mapbox, Google Maps, or OpenStreetMap?

Google Maps has long been the go-to maps and location data API provider – and it makes sense. Google's solutions are robust and reliable, with a wealth of mapping data available for over 200 countries. With 1 billion monthly active users (and over 5 million active sites and apps using it), you would think that Google Maps is uncontestable. However, ever since Google hiked its Maps API prices back in 2018, developers have been turning to more affordable options. Is it possible to find a budget-friendly alternative to Google Maps without compromising on functionality? Let's find out.

The Google Maps API Dilemma

Google Maps APIs have left a bitter taste in the mouths of many developers. A price hike is understandable – but raising prices this drastically was a controversial move. Before the 2018 pricing change, if a website or app exceeded 25,000 dynamic map views per day, they would need to pay $0.50 for every 1,000 additional requests. That price rose to $5 per 1,000 requests: an increase of 1,400%.

How to Validate and Geolocate an IP Address in Java

An IP Address is used as a unique identifier for network-connected hardware such as computers and smartphonesThese contain four sets of numbers that differentiate each device when it accesses network services such as the internetThis information can be very useful for businesses with websites, as they can verify their user’s various IP Addresses to gather important client-specific and audience information for various purposes.  

Some of the most important usages for IP Addresses is threat tracking and user data such as identifying Tor servers and providing location information that can assist with security and user-experience needs. The following four APIs are centered around these functions and can be used separately or in tandem. This will allow you to ensure the security of your site, as well as providing data that can help optimize your platforms for users. 

Tutorial Part 2: How to Build a Progressive Selfies Web App with JavaScript

If you're looking to build a powerful PWA that takes advantage of the hardware on a device, things are only going to get better. In my previous post, I explained the fundamental concepts of PWA. In this article, I will discuss some PWA features that provide access to your hardware APIs:


To start with this tutorial you must install the following:

How to Develop a Location-Based Application Using React Native

How does Uber always know the pickup location? Or how can Tinder find dates within a two-mile radius from you? It’s simple – you allowed them to know your location.

Location-based apps use customers’ locations to function and control different features. From pizza delivery and taxi to Find My iPhone and displaying the bus schedule, location-based applications have been helping us out with our everyday tasks.