GIS: A Game Changer For Telecom Providers

GIS can be used to great success in the telecommunications industry, including designing and applying efficient infrastructure to power 5G. Throughout the stages of development, GIS makes each step easier.

Every part of a telecom’s business involves location. All the vital information and key data points, including customer information, network ownership, weather forecasts, and competitor information, are often managed in separate systems. Using maps and location is often the most intuitive way to gain real operational awareness about where things are happening and how certain user and network behaviors relate to each other.

Conference Report: Esri User Conference 2019

I appreciate the opportunity to attend Esri's 2019 User Conference July 8 -12 at the San Diego Convention Center with more than 18,500 attendees. Prior to the plenary sessions on Monday, there were 18 pre-conference seminars and four summits that ran concurrently with the seminars and the conference:

  • Engineering — which explored how engineering companies today are using new GIS technology