Pub/Sub Local Emulator

This is the kind of pub they're talking about, right? :P

Pub/Sub is a nice tool provided by GCP. It is really handy and can help you with the messaging challenges your application might face. Actually, if you work with GCP, it is the managed messaging solution that you can use.

You might also like:  Spring Boot and GCP Cloud Pub/Sub

As expected, working with the actual Pub/Sub solution comes with some quota, so for development, it is essential to use something that is not going to cost you.

Serverless on GCP: A Comprehensive Guide

Like many other marketing buzzwords, the concept of "serverless" has taken on a life of its own, which can make it difficult to understand what serverless actually means. What it really means is that the cloud provider fully manages server infrastructure all the way up to the application layer. For example, GCE isn't serverless because, while Google manages the physical server infrastructure, we still have to deal with patching operating systems, managing load balancers, configuring firewall rules, and so on. Serverless means we merely worry about our application code and business logic and nothing else. This concept extends beyond pure compute though, including things like databases, message queues, stream processing, machine learning, and other types of systems.

There are several benefits to the serverless model. First, it allows us to focus on building products, not managing infrastructure. These operations-related tasks, while important, are not generally things that differentiate a business. It's just work that has to be done to support the rest of the business. With cloud —and serverless in particular — many of these tasks are becoming commoditized, freeing us up to focus on things that matter to the business.

Google Cloud Run: Serverless, Meet Containers

Screenshot from Cloud Run announcement video

At Google Cloud Next in San Francisco today, Google announced the beta version of Cloud Run, a new product designed to blend serverless with containerized application development. Built from Knative, Google's open source Kubernetes-based serverless platform, Cloud Run can be used to fully manage containers — or they can be turned over to an existing Google Kubernetes Cluster engine via Cloud Run on GKE, also introduced today.

Elasticsearch on Google Cloud Platform

This tutorial focuses on how one can set up Elasticsearch on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). At the end of this tutorial you will be able to connect to an Elasticsearch instance and use it. In this tutorial, we will deploy Elasticsearch on a compute VM (instead of using on-click install, for the kicks of it.

Before You Start

A basic understanding of Elasticsearch is useful. If new you could browse though below first

This Week in Spring: Spring Boot, Azure, GCP, Tips, Tutorials, and More

Hi, Spring fans and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week, I’m off to pleasant Pittsburgh, PA, to speak at, among other places, DICK’s Sporting Goods. Join me!

Now that my entire six-part series on how to use Spring Boot with Microsoft Azure just concluded, with the final parts being released last week, I wanted to give you the whole thread here for your consumption.

API Authentication With GCP Identity-Aware Proxy

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy (Cloud IAP) is a free service that can be used to implement authentication and authorization for applications running in Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This includes Google App Engine applications as well as workloads running on Compute Engine (GCE) VMs and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) by way of Google Cloud Load Balancers.

When enabled, IAP requires users accessing a web application to log in using their Google account and ensure they have the appropriate role to access the resource. This can be used to provide secure access to web applications without the need for a VPN. This is part of what Google now calls BeyondCorp, which is an enterprise security model designed to enable employees to work from untrusted networks without a VPN. At Real Kinetic, we frequently bump into companies practicing Death-Star security, which is basically relying on a hard outer shell to protect a soft, gooey interior. It’s simple and easy to administer, but it’s also vulnerable. That’s why we always approach security from a perspective of defense in depth.