Why Performance Projects Fail?

Projects involving performance testing and engineering fail for a variety of reasons. The majority of performance project failures occur for various highly complex reasons from every phase of the development life cycle and performance testing life cycle. Sometimes, performance problems are uncontrollable, and it’s out of the control of a project manager, technical architects, or performance engineers. In my experience, from both business and personal levels, most the performance projects fail due to simply a lack of communication between performance engineers, developers, DBA's, business teams, and stakeholders from the beginning, and this ends up causing many other problems which will directly impact application performance and ROI. The only objective of strategic, effective performance testing for any application/product is to achieve a satisfactory return on investment. Performance testing and engineering the applications are risky and always require a lot of trial and error with rigorous testing from the early stages of development.

Failures in performance testing projects must be treated similarly to other business problems. It is essential to understand what went wrong, why it went wrong, and what can be done to prevent it. In most scenarios, the performance engineers have to run the one-man show role to make everyone educate/understand the performance challenges in the end-to-end full life cycle implementations. Working with Practice and COE teams, we continued seeing the same mistakes repeatedly from multiple teams and projects, so, based on my personal experience, I have compiled a  list of reasons Why Performance Projects Fail.

JMeter Tutorials: Test Better, Build Better

Developers and testers love using JMeter for performance testing. In this post, we go over the best JMeter tutorials that DZone has to offer. We take a look at load testing with JMeter, how to use JMeter to test your APIs (REST or otherwise), and more advanced JMeter turorials.  

JMeter Tutorials for Beginners

JMeter Tutorials for Beginners
Being Your Journey With These JMeter Tutorials for Beginners
  1. JMeter Tutorial for Beginners by Sayantini Deb. Learn more about performance testing and why JMeter is the perfect load testing tool for measuring the performance of your apps.

JSON Path Usage for Gatling Tests

As Loadium gives support to the Gatling tool, we thought it would be great to give some tips about Gatling’s data extraction strategies. The purpose of a Gatling test is not different than Apache JMeter test, and that is performing a load test on your application. For a realistic performance test, you need to use dynamic data. To overcome this challenge, you need to extract data from a JSON, XML, or HTML file. Let’s take a look at jsonpath expression usage with some examples.

How to Extract Data With JSONPATH

We are going to use JSON Placeholder web services for JSON Path example.