Please Give Me Some Space

There’s all kinds of ways to do that. Some more advisable and better-suited for certain situations than others, of course.

We could do it directly in HTML:

<p>We go from one line...<br><br> down a couple more.</p>

But that’s what CSS is really for:

<p>We go from one line...<span>down a couple more.</span></p>
span {
  display: block;
  margin-block-start: 1.5rem;

Line height can also give us extra breathing room between lines of text:

p {
  line-height: 1.35;

Since we’re talking text, there’s also letter-spacing and word-spacing, not to mention text-indent:

But let’s talk boxes instead of text. Say we have two simple divs:

<div>Twiddle Dee</div>
<div>Twiddle Dum</div>

Those are block-level so they’re already on different lines. We can reach for margin again. Or we could create the impression of space with padding. I suppose we could translate those suckers in either direction:

div:nth-child(2) {
  transform: translateY(100px);

But maybe those elements are absolutely positioned so we can use physical offsets:

div {
  position: absolute;
div:nth-child(1) {
  inset: 0;
div:nth-child(2) {
  inset-inline-start: 100px; /* or top: 100px; */

If we’re working in a grid container, then we get gap-age:

  <div>Twiddle Dee</div>
  <div>Twiddle Dum</div>
section {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
  gap: 100px;

Same deal with a flexible container:

section {
  display: flex;
  gap: 100px;

While we’re working in grid and flexible containers, we could call on any alignment property to generate space.

section {
  display: flex;
  align-items: space-between;
  justify-content: space-between;

There are tables, of course:

<table cellspacing="100">
  <!-- etc.  -->
      <td>Twiddle Dee</td>
      <td>Twiddle Dum</td>

Or the CSS-y approach:

/* We could use `display: table` if we're not working in a table element. */
table {
  border-spacing: 100px;

Let’s go deeper into left field. We can make one element look like two using a linear gradient with a hard color stop:

div {
      to right,
      rgb(255 105 0 / 1) 50%,
      rgb(207 46 46 / 1) 50%,
      rgb(207 46 46 / 1) 100%

Then we do a head fake and insert a hard transparent color stop between the two colors:

As long as we’re fakin’ bacon here, might as well toss in the ol’ “transparent” border trick:

Let’s go back to text for a moment. Maybe we’re floating an element and want text to wrap around it… in the shape of the floated element while leaving some space between the two. We have shape-margin for that:

Dare I even mention the spacer.gif days?

<div>Twiddle Dee</div>
<img src="spacer.gif"> <!-- 🤢 -->
<div>Twiddle Dum</div>

There’s gotta be more

You’re all a smart bunch with great ideas. Have at it!

Please Give Me Some Space originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

Safari 14.1 Adds Support for Flexbox Gaps

Yay, it’s here! Safari 14.1 reportedly adds support for the gap property in flexbox layouts. We’ve had grid-gap support for some time, but true to its name, it’s limited to grid layouts. Now we can use gap in either type of layout:

.container {
  display: flex;
  flex-flow: row wrap;
  gap: 1.5rem;

Apple’s been rather quiet about the update. I didn’t even hear about it until Eric Meyer brought it up in an email, and he only heard about it when Jen Simmons tweeted it out.

I checked the WebKit CSS Feature Status and, sure enough, it’s supported. It just wasn’t called out in the release notes. Nothing is posted to Safari’s release notes archive just yet, so maybe we’ll hear about it officially there at some point. For now, it seems that Maximiliano Firtman‘s overview of iOS 14.5 is the deepest look at what’s new.

And how timely is it that Eric recently covered how to use the gap property, not only in grid and flexbox layouts, but multi-column as well.

The post Safari 14.1 Adds Support for Flexbox Gaps appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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Chromium lands Flexbox gap

I mentioned this the other day via Michelle Barker’s coverage, but here I’ll link to the official announcement. The main thing is that we’ll be getting gap with flexbox, which means:

.flex-parent {
  display: flex;
  gap: 1rem;
.flex-child {
  flex: 1;

That’s excellent, as putting space in between flex items has been tough in the past. We have justify-content: space-between, which is nice sometimes, but that doesn’t allow you to explicitly tell the flex container how much space you want. For that, we’d typically use margin, but that means avoiding setting the margin on the first or last element depending on the direction of the margin — which is annoying gets complicated.

We have gap in CSS Grid and it’s way better. It’s great to have it in flexbox.

But it’s going to get weird for a minute. Safari doesn’t support it yet (nor stable Chrome) so we can’t just plop it out there and expect it to work with flexbox. But shouldn’t we be able to do an @supports query these days?

/* Nope, sorry. This "works" but it doesn't 
   actually tell you if it works in *flexbox* or not.
   This works in grid in most browsers now, so it will pass. */
@supports (gap: 1rem) {
  .flex-parent {
     gap: 1rem;

That got weird because grid-gap was dropped in favor of just gap. I’m sure grid-gap will be supported forever because that’s generally how these things go, but we’re encouraged to use gap instead. So, you might say gap is a little overloaded, but that should shake out over time (a year?). It’s complicated a smidge more by the fact that column-gap is now going to gap as well. gap has a whole bunch of jobs.

I’d say I’m still in favor of the change, despite the overloading. Simpler mental modals are important for the long-term, and there isn’t exactly anything coming up to challenge CSS for styling in the browser. I’d bet my 2-year old daughter writes some CSS in her lifetime.

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The post Chromium lands Flexbox gap appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Exciting Things on the Horizon For CSS Layout

Michelle Barker notes that it’s been a heck of a week for us CSS layout nerds.

  1. Firefox has long had the best DevTools for CSS Grid, but Chrome is about to catch up and go one bit better by visualizing grid line numbers and names.
  2. Firefox supports gap for display: flex, which is great, and now Chrome is getting that too.
  3. Firefox is trying out an idea for masonry layout.

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The post Exciting Things on the Horizon For CSS Layout appeared first on CSS-Tricks.