Gantt Chart vs. Roadmap vs. Timeline

Gantt chart, roadmap, and timeline ― three common concepts in project management. But what do these terms really mean?

If you’ve been wondering about the true meaning of these terms and their differences, you’re in the right place.

Everything You Need to Know About Gantt Chart Timeline

There are many tools and techniques that come together to help teams deliver successful projects. One such popular tool, the Gantt chart timeline, was updated and reintroduced by Henry Gantt and is used by project managers and project teams across the world.

The Gantt chart timeline not only provides help to teams during the project’s execution but offers capabilities during the planning and the project close phases as well. Here is everything you need to know about Gantt chart timelines and which Gantt chart timeline software can offer your team the most.

ELK Stack Installation and Demo

About ELK

ELK Stack is a collection of open-source products (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) developed, managed, and maintained by Elastic until a few years ago. The ELK application is a combination of Elasticsearch (search and data analysis), Logstash (central logging, log enrichment, and parsing), and Kibana (data visualization). For example, logging user behavior on a shopping site (which browsers customers come from, which countries, which products they visit, etc.) is one of these purposes.


Top 5 Gantt Chart Libraries for Vue.js

Nowadays, the software market offers a variety of ready-made planning and scheduling tools for projects of any complexity level, but these solutions may include excessive functionalities or lack some necessary features. That is why many companies prefer to invest in the development of web-based custom solutions. And it is not surprising, as there is a large and constantly growing number of advanced JavaScript libraries and frameworks allowing web developers to build a feature-packed app that will precisely cover all the needs of any given project. 

In this article, we will consider the top 5 Gantt libraries for Vue-based applications. A Gantt chart is arguably one of the most popular tools for managing projects in various industries, while Vue.js is a lightweight and easy-to-use JavaScript framework that has gained remarkable popularity since its launch in 2014. During the review of selected Gantt libraries, we will pay special attention to the following aspects: key functional capabilities, documentation completeness, availability of demo materials, and license options.

Top 4 Gantt Chart Solutions for React

React has gained considerable popularity among both web enthusiasts and large enterprises that value high performance and reliable web applications. Currently, there’s no shortage of React components of different levels of complexity. Today, we’d like to shed some light on a specific kind of such tools — React Gantt charts. 

To make this article useful for the broadest possible public, we’ll focus on two types of Gantt charts. First of all, we’ll take a look at lightweight charts that provide basic functionality and can fit small companies. After that, we’ll consider those that offer dozens of features and can be a good choice for large companies. Such management tools suit well for complex projects and help to ensure that no detail will escape the attention of a project manager.

How to Create a Simple Gantt Chart Using CSS Grid

A Gantt chart is a handy type of bar chart that is used in project management for showcasing the schedule of tasks. This chart visualizes project activities as cascading horizontal bars, with width depicting the project’s duration. 

As a front-end web designer or developer, you can make use of Gantt charts to manage projects and enhance the productivity within your team. In this article, I’m going to show you how to create a simple Gantt chart using the CSS Grid Layout system — no external libraries or other fluff, just pure CSS. 

How Do Gantt Charts Make Project Managers’ Lives Easier?

Do you want to have a way to see how tasks are progressing? Want to see what roles are there in a project and how others depend on them? If you’ve always wanted a quick view of how far behind or ahead of schedule your project is, then it’s time for Gantt charts.

We believe that you might have already heard about Gantt charts considering their popularity in the project management domain. As a new project manager or team leader, it’s absolutely fair on your part to have some apprehensions about them.