Game Development Trends To Look for in 2021

2020 was a great motivation and, at the same time, a universal delayer when it came to game app development companies. On the one hand, the restrictive measures, the lack of proper delivery systems, and the challenges of self-isolation made game developers think creatively to develop new strategies, reconsider game development balance, and change the primary direction of the gaming sector. On the other hand, the industry lost its revenue, and the analytics have yet to calculate how much the actual income differs from the projections.

Nonetheless, last year brought about many new trends that are likely to persist in the industry for quite a while. Thus, some aspects, such as virtual reality and augmented reality, have acquired a new role, while the socialization of game app development is expected to become one of the top priorities in the short run. Read on to learn about the prevailing trends in the gaming domain and keep your game app development company on track with world leaders.

how to use winsound in a situation variable in python tkinter

hello ive been trying to get a sound file to play once i press a button in a situation using winsound but i am unable to get the audio to play here is the code i have

import winsound

import tkinter as tk
from functools import partial # a quick way to make a callback function
import choose_your_own_adventure_game_pt2 as AG
import time
winsound.PlaySound('Adrenaline - Intense Suspense Music (No Copyright).wav', winsound.SND_ASYNC)
print('welcome to the')
print('please read each line carefuly once the gui launches')

class Situation(tk.Frame):

    def __init__(self, master=None, story='', buttons=[],song=None, **kwargs):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, **kwargs)

        story_lbl = tk.Label(self, text=story, justify=tk.LEFT, anchor=tk.NW, font=("Play", 10))

        for btn_text, new_situation in buttons:
            btn = tk.Button(self, text=btn_text, command=partial(self.quit_, new_situation),padx=10, pady=10)
        if song:
            winsound.PlaySound(song, winsound.SND_ASYNC)
    def quit_(self, new_situation):

def load(situation=None):
    frame = Situation(root, **SITUATIONS.get(situation))


        'intro to the game.wav',


hello player you have been chosen to embark on your first adventure,

this as a button based game so all your decisions are based on a press of a button,

you will play as a character named Sarah who has a wolf goddess inside her, the goddess' name is Winter,

you as Sarah will have the powers given to you by Winter to get through this game but if you use too much
of that power at any given time your game will end,

pretty soon you will be asked a series of questions your job is to choose the answer that best suits your style of playing the game

but be warned you may end up loosing in the end, so without furthur addo lets start this thing

welcome to 

MOON LANDING EXPIDITION                                             

male scientist:Hello Sarah can you hear me?


            ('YES', 'situation_2'),


male scientist:good... do you know where you are?

        'buttons' :[
            ('yes', 'situation_3'),

            ('no', 'situation_3_1')

male scientist: hmm if you can't hear me
then you wouldn't have responded




male scientist:alright so do you know why you are here?




male scientist: you are in a top secret military space center

male scientist:well then you seem to have the rare ability to read people's minds

(a second scientist enters the room and starts talking to the first on the other side of the glass)

female scientist:Dr. Smith there has been sightings of foreign aircrafts approaching our location

Dr. Smith: alright Susan we need to transport Sarah to the space explorer

Susan:Yes Sir

(Susan looks in your direction)

Susan:Sarah will you please head to the door behind you and follow the yellow lines on the floor
         ('what is going on?','situation_5'),
         ('do not press', 'never_gonna_give_you_up'),
         ('am i in danger?','situation_5_1'),

male scientist:you were chosen out of five million individuals to take part in a space exploration mission to the planet nexu...

(a second scientist enters the room and starts talking to the first on the other side of the glass)

female scientist:Dr. Smith there has been sightings of foreign aircrafts approaching our location

Dr. Smith: alright Susan we need to transport Sarah to the space explorer

Susan:Yes Sir

(Susan looks in your direction)

Susan:Sarah will you please head to the door behind you and follow the yellow lines on the floor
         ('what is going on?','situation_5'),
         ('am i in danger?','situation_5_1'),

were no strangers to love...

you know the rules and so do i...

iiiiiiiii just wanna tell you how im feeling 

gotta make you UNDERSTAND!!!

never gonna give you up never gonna let you down 

*rick astly.exe has sotpped working you will die now*
        ('death', None)


def beginning():
    load() # load the first story
    winsound.PlaySound(None, winsound.SND_ASYNC)
root = tk.Tk()
root.title('Moon landing expedition')
root.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
start_button = tk.Button(root, text="START", command=beginning), rely=.5, anchor='c')


is there anyway i can play a sound file through the SITUATIONS variable?

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With the growth of online activity in many areas of life, outstanding digital marketing competency is needed across all business sectors. On this CIM - approved and accredited programme, developed in consultation with our industry partners, you will extend your existing skills while gaining the digital and social media marketing knowledge needed in todays demanding digital global economy.

You will look critically at current literature on a wide range of digital marketing theories and issues but the programme is also highly practical. You will work on live case study assignments and group projects while running real-life digital marketing campaigns, applying search and social media marketing techniques to support competitive marketing strategies.

Why is Manchester a great place to study Digital Marketing? Master's student Simge Vurtak says

I think I made a perfect decision coming to the University of Salford. Location-wise, Manchester offers digital sectors a great hub for growth and innovation and Salford gives students and graduates advantageous access to key businesses, projects, and people in related sectors.

You will be taught by internationally recognised experts based in the Salford Business School. Looking at the challenges faced by organisations in a dynamic and competitive global environment, you will learn to understand the role that digital marketing plays in addressing these challenges. You will also look at relevant ethical issues, issues of sustainable development, and how digital marketing can support a wider commitment to social justice. In particular, you will develop the range of skills needed to plan, manage and implement a digital marketing plan to support a business strategy.

The programme is highly industry-focussed and culminates in a period of time on work experience. You can choose between a 9-12 month paid placement or the 3-6 month Industry Collaboration Project. Whichever you choose, you will put into practice the knowledge that you've learned.

International students should apply for the MSc route.

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With the growth of online activity in many areas of life, outstanding digital marketing competency is needed across all business sectors. On this CIM - approved and accredited programme, developed in consultation with our industry partners, you will extend your existing skills while gaining the digital and social media marketing knowledge needed in todays demanding digital global economy.

You will look critically at current literature on a wide range of digital marketing theories and issues but the programme is also highly practical. You will work on live case study assignments and group projects while running real-life digital marketing campaigns, applying search and social media marketing techniques to support competitive marketing strategies.

Why is Manchester a great place to study Digital Marketing? Master's student Simge Vurtak says

I think I made a perfect decision coming to the University of Salford. Location-wise, Manchester offers digital sectors a great hub for growth and innovation and Salford gives students and graduates advantageous access to key businesses, projects, and people in related sectors.

You will be taught by internationally recognised experts based in the Salford Business School. Looking at the challenges faced by organisations in a dynamic and competitive global environment, you will learn to understand the role that digital marketing plays in addressing these challenges. You will also look at relevant ethical issues, issues of sustainable development, and how digital marketing can support a wider commitment to social justice. In particular, you will develop the range of skills needed to plan, manage and implement a digital marketing plan to support a business strategy.

The programme is highly industry-focussed and culminates in a period of time on work experience. You can choose between a 9-12 month paid placement or the 3-6 month Industry Collaboration Project. Whichever you choose, you will put into practice the knowledge that you've learned.

International students should apply for the MSc route.

I’m building a webgame


Is there anybody here who's eager to help me building a webgame? It's mostly written in PHP and there are some Javascript and CSS files included. I put it on Github. I haven't been using a framework (yet).

If you first want to know more, just ask (of course).


How can I create a game like 8ball

Hi, I'm curious on how and which tools are used to develop an 8 ball pool game. The one I'm referring to is that you play online with strangers, and friends for coins and tournaments.

Can anyone point me to the right direction. This will be my first attempt in game development, but I'm a full stack developer and a software developer with Java, VB.NET, C++ ( very new)

Boss battle for C# game

I am learning to code and I have been working on a game using what I have learned to make it. So I have been making my version of R type C# game and got everything working so far but I run out of ideas how to make this part of the game work.

I wanted to make the boss appear after 5 min of game play and have the smaller opponents disappear. The boss was going to bounce around the screen like a Windows screen saver till the player destroys it (I know how to do that part since I made a pyame do that). The problem is that I can't figure out how to make the boss disappear till the 5min mark and then reappear.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace game
    public partial class Game : Form
        public Game()
        bool right, left, up, down, space, A;
        //int Plives = 3;//player lives in game
        int score;
        int p = 0;
        int i = 0;
        playerclass pc = new playerclass();
        int miss = 10;//number of missiles

        void start()
            lblgameover.Visible = false;
            powerarmour.Visible = false;

        void Lives()
            if (pc.Plives > 0)
                pc.Plives -=1;
            if (pc.Plives == 3)
                life1.Visible = true;
                life2.Visible = true;
                life3.Visible = true;
            else if (pc.Plives == 2)
                life1.Visible = false;
                life2.Visible = true;
                life3.Visible = true;
            else if (pc.Plives == 1)
                life1.Visible = false;
                life2.Visible = false;
                life3.Visible = true;
            else if (pc.Plives == 0)
                life1.Visible = false;
                life2.Visible = false;
                life3.Visible = false;
        void Health()
            Random hpup = new Random();
            int hp;
            healthup.Left -= 8;
            if (i == 100 && healthup.Left < 0)
                hp = hpup.Next(50, 500);
                healthup.Location = new Point(1200, hp);
                // if (healthup.Left < 0)
            if (i == 500)
                i = 0;
        void HitorMiss()
            foreach (Control j in this.Controls)
                foreach (Control i in this.Controls)
                    if (j is PictureBox && j.Tag == "shot" || j is PictureBox && j.Tag == "missile")
                        if (i is PictureBox && i.Tag == "enemies")
                            if (j.Bounds.IntersectsWith(i.Bounds))


            if (Player.Bounds.IntersectsWith(e1.Bounds) || Player.Bounds.IntersectsWith(e1laser.Bounds) || Player.Bounds.IntersectsWith(e2.Bounds) || Player.Bounds.IntersectsWith(e2laser.Bounds) || Player.Bounds.IntersectsWith(e3.Bounds) || Player.Bounds.IntersectsWith(e3laser.Bounds))
                if (healthbar.Value <= 0)
                if (pc.Plives == 0)
                    lblgameover.Visible = true;
                    lblgameover.Text = "Game over";
                    PictureBox bullet = new PictureBox();
                    bullet.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize;
                    bullet.Image = Properties.Resources.Shoot;
                    bullet.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
                    ((PictureBox)Player).Image = Properties.Resources.explosion;
                    healthbar.Value -= 10;
            if (Player.Bounds.IntersectsWith(healthup.Bounds))
                if (healthbar.Value <= 90)
                    healthbar.Value += 10;

        void BossShoot()
            e4laser.Left -= 50;
            e5laser.Left -= 50;
            if (e4laser.Left < 0 || e4laser.Left < 0)
                e4laser.Left = powerarmour.Left;
                e4laser.Top = powerarmour.Top + 25;
                e5laser.Left = powerarmour.Left;
                e5laser.Top = powerarmour.Top + 60;
        private int _bossTimerIntervalMins => 5;
        void Boss()
            var bossTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();

            e4laser.Visible = false;
            e5laser.Visible = false;
            powerarmour.Visible = false;
            bossTimer.Interval = _bossTimerIntervalMins * 60 * 1000;
            bossTimer.Elapsed += timer1_Tick;
            powerarmour.Visible = true;
            e4laser.Visible = true;
            e5laser.Visible = true;


        void Playermovement()
            if (right == true)
                if (Player.Left < 900)
                    Player.Left += 20;
            if (left == true)
                if (Player.Left > 5)
                    Player.Left -= 15;
            if (up == true)
                if (Player.Top > 20)
                    Player.Top -= 20;
            if (down == true)
                if (Player.Top < 550)
                    Player.Top += 20;
        private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right)
                right = true;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left)
                left = true;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Up)
                up = true;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Down)
                down = true;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Space)
                space = true;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.A)
                if (nomissiles.Value >= 10)
                    nomissiles.Value -= 10;
                    A = true;
        void Missile()
            PictureBox m = new PictureBox();
            m.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize;
            m.Image = Properties.Resources.Missile1;
            m.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
            m.Tag = "missile";
            m.Left = Player.Left + 100;//moves bullet left or right
            m.Top = Player.Top + 55;//55 is perfect
        void movemissile()
            foreach (Control y in this.Controls)
                if (y is PictureBox && y.Tag == "missile")
                    y.Left += 100;//x.Top -= 10;
                    if (y.Top > 900)//<100
        private void Form1_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right)
                right = false;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left)
                left = false;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Up)
                up = false;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Down)
                down = false;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Space)
                space = false;

            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.A)
                A = false;

        void Shot()//positions where players laser shows on the screen
            PictureBox ammo = new PictureBox();
            ammo.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize;
            ammo.Image = Properties.Resources.Shoot;
            ammo.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
            ammo.Tag = "shot";
            ammo.Left = Player.Left + 100;//moves bullet left or right
            ammo.Top = Player.Top + 55;//55 is perfect
        void MoveShot()
            foreach (Control x in this.Controls)
                if (x is PictureBox && x.Tag == "shot")
                    x.Left += 100;//x.Top -= 10;
                    if (x.Top > 900)//<100
            e1laser.Left -= 30;
            if (e1laser.Left < 0)
                e1laser.Left = e1.Left;
                e1laser.Top = e1.Top + 25;
            e2laser.Left -= 30;
            if (e2laser.Left < 0)
                e2laser.Left = e2.Left;
                e2laser.Top = e2.Top + 25;
            e3laser.Left -= 30;
            if (e3laser.Left < 0)
                e3laser.Left = e3.Left;
                e3laser.Top = e3.Top + 25;

        void Enemies_move()
            int a, b, c;
            Random rnd = new Random();
            e1.Left -= 15;
            if (e1.Left < 0)
                a = rnd.Next(30, 560);
                e1.Location = new Point(1200, a);

            e2.Left -= 15;
            if (e2.Left < 0)
                b = rnd.Next(30, 560);
                e2.Location = new Point(1200, b);
            e3.Left -= 15;
            if (e3.Left < 0)
                c = rnd.Next(30, 560);
                e3.Location = new Point(1200, c);
        private void Game_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)



Randomization in PHP

I'm writing a game in PHP. Now the script generates a random number to get the players registered. But: the number generated is the same for every player. It's about this line:

$activationkey = rand( 1000000000, 9999999999 );

Every player gets the same key. How can this be? Any help? Thanks you


Use of JavaScript In Online Games

Do you know which programming language was used to develop your favorite online game? Many people will immediately think about HTML5 and C++, and they are actually right. These are the most common options. But what about JavaScript?

JS is considered to be the most popular and well-known programming language in the modern world. Its popularity is caused by a number of reasons, including user-friendly code and versatility. Indeed, JavaScript can also be an excellent helper when developing online games. Its scripts make it possible to easily combine JS codes with HTML5 and CSS, thereby creating excellent cross-platform applications.

What You Need Know Before GDC 2019

For more than 30 years, the Game Developers Conference (GDC) has been one of the prominent events for displaying the most innovative video game technology to developers around the world. Each year, more than 28,000 developers gather for one week and learn about the advancements taking place in the video game industry and share the techniques and technologies shaping the future of gaming. This year, GDC will run from Monday, March 18 until Friday, March 22 in San Francisco, CA.

In this series, we will cover the significant updates from GDC 2019 each day of the week and recap the conference after its conclusion on Friday, March 22. Even if video games are not the reader's specialty or not of particular interest, GDC 2019 will likely include many noteworthy announcements and innovations that will ripple far beyond video games. Regardless of background, it is essential to digest the wealth of information and transformative technologies that will emerge from San Francisco next week.