How to Add Custom Code to WordPress

There are many books and tutorials that share useful code snippets for WordPress. For example, you can find hundreds of custom functions right here at You can also find them in my WordPress books, tutorials, and code snippets. For many code snippets and custom functions, the usage instructions will say something like:

Add this code to your theme (or child theme’s) functions.php file, or add the code via simple custom plugin.

So what does that actually mean? Let’s take a closer look. First we’ll go through how to add custom code via the functions.php file. Then we’ll explain how to add code by making a simple custom plugin. Finally we’ll wrap things up by explaining the difference between the two methods and how to go further.


Add custom code via theme functions.php

Every WordPress theme can have a file named functions.php. If present in a theme, the functions file must be located in the root directory of the theme:


If the functions file does not exist, create it. Then open the file in a code or text editor and add your custom code. Save the file, upload to the server, and done. It is very straightforward. Just make sure to test any new code on a private/test site before adding to a live production site.

Learn more about building themes in my book, WordPress Themes In Depth.

Add custom code via simple custom plugin

With WordPress, plugins add functionality, and themes display content. There is some overlap (and grey area), but in general the best way to add functionality to WordPress is with a plugin. That’s one reason why there are over 50,000 plugins in the WordPress Plugin Directory.

Plugins range in complexity. They can be very advanced, comprising many files and lots of code. Or they can be very simple, made with one file and a few lines of code. To add a custom code snippet, a simple plugin will suffice.

How to make a simple custom plugin

To make a simple custom plugin, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new PHP file
  2. Name the file whatever makes sense, can be any alphanumeric string (plus dashes and underscores if needed)
  3. Open the file and add the header code provided below
  4. Save the file and done

After creating this file, it is ready for your custom code snippet(s). To save you some time, I’ve created an example plugin that you can download below. It’s ready to go for any custom code that you want to add.

Download a simple custom plugin

Download a copy of our simple custom plugin, ready for your custom code.

Download Simple Custom Plugin (ZIP file < 1 KB)

Usage: Download and unzip the file. Open simple-custom-plugin.php and customize the file header as explained below. Then add your custom code snippet, save changes and done.

Plugin file header

At the beginning of your plugin file, add the following lines:

	Plugin Name: Simple Custom Plugin
	Plugin URI:
	Description: This is a simple plugin template for adding custom code to WordPress.
	Author: Jeff Starr
	Author URI:
	Requires at least: 5.9
	Tested up to: 5.9
	Version: 1.0

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) die();

// add custom code snippets below this line..

You can customize the header lines with your actual information. As our simple plugin is meant only for your site and will not be distributed publicly, the file header can be much simpler than what’s required for plugins destined for the WP Plugin Directory. Learn more about plugin file headers at

Also: notice this line:

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) die();

That line is included to prevent direct access to the file. It basically checks if WordPress is loaded; if not, the script simply exits. This is a basic security measure to help prevent anyone from meddling with your custom code.

Remember to use code snippets only from trusted sources. And then test the code on a private site before going live.

What’s the difference?

What’s the difference between adding code via theme functions vs. simple plugin? The main difference is scope. When code is added via your theme template, it will run only when the theme is active. So for example, say we add a custom code snippet that displays social media buttons on posts. If we change themes, the custom code will not run, and the buttons will not be displayed.

Contrast that with adding custom code via simple plugin. As long as the plugin is active, the custom code will run always, regardless of which theme you’re using. Going the plugin route also benefits in terms of things like extensibility and maintainability. Managing custom code via plugins generally is easier than burying it within the theme’s functions file.

So which is best? Neither. The two methods are just different. Which one is best for any given code snippet depends on various factors. Most importantly whether or not the custom code is theme specific or global in scope.

For an easy, no-fuss way to add custom code snippets, check out WPCodeBox.

Going further..

The above simple plugin example is the most basic possible. To go further with plugin development, visit the Plugin Developer Handbook at

Check out my complete video course on developing WordPress plugins »

Questions and comments welcome! :)

Tutorial: How to Define SQL Functions With Presto Across All Connectors

Presto is the open-source SQL query engine for data lakes. It supports many native functions which are usually sufficient for most use cases. However, there is maybe a corner case where you need to implement your own function. To simplify this, Presto allows users to define expressions as SQL functions. These are dynamic functions separated from the Presto source code, managed by a functions namespace manager that you can set up with a MySQL database. In fact, this is one of the most widely used features of Presto at Facebook, with over 1000s of functions defined.

Function Namespace Manager

A function namespace is a special catalog.schema that stores functions in the format like mysql.test. Each catalog.schema can be a function namespace. A function namespace manager is a plugin that manages a set of these function catalog schemas. The catalog can be mapped to connectors in Presto (a connector for functions, no tables or view) and allows the Presto engine to perform actions such as creating, altering, and deleting functions.

Using Absolute Value, Sign, Rounding and Modulo in CSS Today

For quite a while now, the CSS spec has included a lot of really useful mathematical functions, such as trigonometric functions (sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan(), atan2()), exponential functions (pow(), exp(), sqrt(), log(), hypot()), sign-related functions (abs(), sign()) and stepped value functions (round(), mod(), rem()).

However, these are not yet implemented in any browser, so this article is going to show how, using CSS features we already have, we can compute the values that abs(), sign(), round() and mod() should return. And then we’ll see what cool things this allows us to build today.

Screenshot collage - a 2x2 grid. The first one shows the items of a full-screen navigation sliding down with a delay that's proportional to the distance to the selected one. The second one shows a cube with each face made of neon tiles; these tiles shrink and go inwards, into the cube, with a delay that depends on the distance from the midlines of the top face. The third one is a time progress with a tooltip showing the elapsed time in a mm::ss format. The fourth one is a 3D rotating musical toy with wooden and metallic stars and a wooden crescent moon hanging from the top.
A few of the things these functions allow us to make.

Note that none of these techniques were ever meant to work in browsers from back in the days when dinosaurs roamed the internet. Some of them even depend on the browser supporting the ability to register custom properties (using @property), which means they’re limited to Chromium for now.

The computed equivalents


We can get this by using the new CSS max() function, which is already implemented in the current versions of all major browsers.

Let’s say we have a custom property, --a. We don’t know whether this is positive or negative and we want to get its absolute value. We do this by picking the maximum between this value and its additive inverse:

--abs: max(var(--a), -1*var(--a));

If --a is positive, this means it’s greater than zero, and multiplying it with -1 gives us a negative number, which is always smaller than zero. That, in turn, is always smaller than the positive --a, so the result returned by max() is equal to var(--a).

If --a is negative, this means it’s smaller than zero, and that multiplying it by -1 gives us a positive number, which is always bigger than zero, which, in turn, is always bigger than the negative --a. So, the result returned by max() is equal to -1*var(--a).


This is something we can get using the previous section as the sign of a number is that number divided by its absolute value:

--abs: max(var(--a), -1*var(--a));
--sign: calc(var(--a)/var(--abs));

A very important thing to note here is that this only works if --a is unitless, as we cannot divide by a number with a unit inside calc().

Also, if --a is 0, this solution works only if we register --sign (this is only supported in Chromium browsers at this point) with an initial-value of 0:

@property --sign {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false /* or true depending on context */

This is because --a, being 0, also makes --abs compute to 0 — and dividing by 0 is invalid in CSS calc() — so we need to make sure --sign gets reset to 0 in this situation. Keep in mind that this does not happen if we simply set it to 0 in the CSS prior to setting it to the calc() value and we don’t register it:

--abs: max(var(--a), -1*var(--a));
--sign: 0; /* doesn't help */
--sign: calc(var(--a)/var(--abs));

In practice, I’ve also often used the following version for integers:

--sign: clamp(-1, var(--a), 1);

Here, we’re using a clamp() function. This takes three arguments: a minimum allowed value -1, a preferred value var(--a) and a maximum allowed value, 1. The value returned is the preferred value as long as it’s between the lower and upper bounds and the limit that gets exceeded otherwise.

If --a is a negative integer, this means it’s smaller or equal to -1, the lower bound (or the minimum allowed value) of our clamp() function, so the value returned is -1. If it’s a positive integer, this means it’s greater or equal to 1, the upper bound (or the maximum allowed value) of the clamp() function, so the value returned is 1. And finally, if --a is 0, it’s between the lower and upper limits, so the function returns its value (0 in this case).

This method has the advantage of being simpler without requiring Houdini support. That said, note that it only works for unitless values (comparing a length or an angle value with integers like ±1 is like comparing apples and oranges — it doesn’t work!) that are either exactly 0 or at least as big as 1 in absolute value. For a subunitary value, like -.05, our method above fails, as the value returned is -.05, not -1!

My first thought was that we can extend this technique to subunitary values by introducing a limit value that’s smaller than the smallest non-zero value we know --a can possibly take. For example, let’s say our limit is .000001 — this would allow us to correctly get -1 as the sign for -.05, and 1 as the sign for .0001!

--lim: .000001;
--sign: clamp(-1*var(--lim), var(--a), var(--lim));

Temani Afif suggested a simpler version that would multiply --a by a very large number in order to produce a superunitary value.

--sign: clamp(-1, var(--a)*10000, 1);

I eventually settled on dividing --a by the limit value because it just feels a bit more intuitive to see what minimum non-zero value it won’t go below.

--lim: .000001;
--sign: clamp(-1, var(--a)/var(--lim), 1);

--round (as well as --ceil and --floor)

This is one I was stuck on for a while until I got a clever suggestion for a similar problem from Christian Schaefer. Just like the case of the sign, this only works on unitless values and requires registering the --round variable as an <integer> so that we force rounding on whatever value we set it to:

@property --round {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false /* or true depending on context */

.my-elem { --round: var(--a); }

By extension, we can get --floor and --ceil if we subtract or add .5:

@property --floor {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false /* or true depending on context */

@property --ceil {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false /* or true depending on context */

.my-elem {
  --floor: calc(var(--a) - .5);
  --ceil: calc(var(--a) + .5)


This builds on the --floor technique in order to get an integer quotient, which then allows us to get the modulo value. This means that both our values must be unitless.

@property --floor {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false /* or true depending on context */

.my-elem {
  --floor: calc(var(--a)/var(--b) - .5);
  --mod: calc(var(--a) - var(--b)*var(--floor))

Use cases

What sort of things can we do with the technique? Let’s take a good look at three use cases.

Effortless symmetry in staggered animations (and not only!)

While the absolute value can help us get symmetrical results for a lot of properties, animation-delay and transition-delay are the ones where I’ve been using it the most, so let’s see some examples of that!

We put --n items within a container, each of these items having an index --i. Both --n and --i are variables we pass to the CSS via style attributes.

- let n = 16;

.wrap(style=`--n: ${n}`)
  - for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)
    .item(style=`--i: ${i}`)

This gives us the following compiled HTML:

<div class='wrap' style='--n: 16'>
  <div class='item' style='--i: 0'></div>
  <div class='item' style='--i: 1'></div>
  <!-- more such items -->

We set a few styles such that the items are laid out in a row and are square with a non-zero edge length:

$r: 2.5vw;

.wrap {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-evenly;

.item { padding: $r; }
Screenshot showing the items lined in a row and DevTools with the HTML structure and the styles applied.
The result so far.

Now we add two sets of keyframes to animate a scaling transform and a box-shadow. The first set of keyframes, grow, makes our items scale up from nothing at 0% to full size at 50%, after which they stay at their full size until the end. The second set of keyframes, melt, shows us the items having inset box shadows that cover them fully up to the midway point in the animation (at 50%). That’s also when the items reach full size after growing from nothing. Then the spread radius of these inset shadows shrinks until it gets down to nothing at 100%.

$r: 2.5vw;

.item {
  padding: $r;
  animation: a $t infinite;
  animation-name: grow, melt;

@keyframes grow {
  0% { transform: scale(0); }
  50%, 100% { transform: none; }

@keyframes melt {
  0%, 50% { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 $r; }
  100% { box-shadow: inset 0 0; }
Animated gif. Shows 16 black square tiles in a row growing from nothing to full size, then melting from the inside until they disappear. The cycle then repeats. In this case, all tiles animate at the same time.
The base animation (live demo).

Now comes the interesting part! We compute the middle between the index of the first item and that of the last one. This is the arithmetic mean of the two (since our indices are zero-based, the first and last are 0 and n - 1 respectively):

--m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));

We get the absolute value, --abs, of the difference between this middle, --m, and the item index, --i, then use it to compute the animation-delay:

--abs: max(var(--m) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--m));
animation: a $t calc(var(--abs)/var(--m)*#{$t}) infinite backwards;
animation-name: grow, melt;

The absolute value ,--abs, of the difference between the middle, --m, and the item index, --i, can be as small as 0 (for the middle item, if --n is odd) and as big as --m (for the end items). This means dividing it by --m always gives us a value in the [0, 1] interval, which we then multiply with the animation duration $t to ensure every item has a delay between 0s and the animation-duration.

Note that we’ve also set animation-fill-mode to backwards. Since most items will start the animations later, this tells the browser to keep them with the styles in the 0% keyframes until then.

In this particular case, we wouldn’t see any difference without it either because, while the items would be at full size (not scaled to nothing like in the 0% keyframe of the grow animation), they would also have no box-shadow until they start animating. However, in a lot of other cases, it does make a difference and we shouldn’t forget about it.

Another possibility (one that doesn’t involve setting the animation-fill-mode) would be to ensure the animation-delay is always smaller or at most equal to 0 by subtracting a full animation-duration out of it.

--abs: max(var(--m) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--m));
animation: a $t calc((var(--abs)/var(--m) - 1)*#{$t}) infinite;
animation-name: grow, melt;

Both options are valid, and which one you use depends on what you prefer to happen at the very beginning. I generally tend to go for negative delays because they make more sense when recording the looping animation to make a gif like the one below, which illustrates how the animation-delay values are symmetrical with respect to the middle.

Animated gif. Shows 16 black square tiles in a row, each of them growing from nothing to full size, then melting from the inside until they disappear, with the cycle then repeating. Only now, they don't all animate at the same time. The closer they are to the middle, the sooner they start their animation, those at the very ends of the row being one full cycle behind those in the very middle.
The staggered looping animation.

For a visual comparison between the two options, you can rerun the following demo to see what happens at the very beginning.

A fancier example would be the following:

Navigation links sliding up and then back down with a delay proportional to how far they are from the selected one.

Here, each and every one of the --n navigation links and corresponding recipe articles have an index --idx. Whenever a navigation link is hovered or focused, its --idx value is read and set to the current index, --k, on the body. If none of these items is hovered or focused, --k gets set to a value outside the [0, n) interval (e.g. -1).

The absolute value, --abs, of the difference between --k and a link’s index, --idx, can tell us whether that’s the currently selected (hovered or focused) item. If this absolute value is 0, then our item is the currently selected one (i.e. --not-sel is 0 and --sel is 1). If this absolute value is bigger than 0, then our item is not the currently selected one (i.e. --not-sel is 1 and --sel is 0).

Given both --idx and --k are integers, it results that their difference is also an integer. This means the absolute value, --abs, of this difference is either 0 (when the item is selected), or bigger or equal to 1 (when the item is not selected).

When we put all of this into code, this is what we get:

--abs: Max(var(--k) - var(--idx), var(--idx) - var(--k));
--not-sel: Min(1, var(--abs));
--sel: calc(1 - var(--not-sel));

The --sel and --not-sel properties (which are always integers that always add up to 1) determine the size of the navigation links (the width in the wide screen scenario and the height in the narrow screen scenario), whether they’re greyscaled or not and whether or not their text content is hidden. This is something we won’t get into here, as it is outside the scope of this article and I’ve already explained in a lot of detail in a previous one.

What is relevant here is that, when a navigation link is clicked, it slides out of sight (up in the wide screen case, and left in the narrow screen case), followed by all the others around it, each with a transition-delay that depends on how far they are from the one that was clicked (that is, on the absolute value, --abs, of the difference between their index, --idx, and the index of the currently selected item, --k), revealing the corresponding recipe article. These transition-delay values are symmetrical with respect to the currently selected item.

transition: transform 1s calc(var(--abs)*.05s);

The actual transition and delay are actually a bit more complex because more properties than just the transform get animated and, for transform in particular, there’s an additional delay when going back from the recipe article to the navigation links because we wait for the <article> element to disappear before we let the links slide down. But what were’re interested in is that component of the delay that makes the links is closer to the selected one start sliding out of sight before those further away. And that’s computed as above, using the --abs variable.

You can play with the interactive demo below.

Things get even more interesting in 2D, so let’s now make our row a grid!

We start by changing the structure a bit so that we have 8 columns and 8 rows (which means we have 8·8 = 64 items in total on the grid).

- let n = 8;
- let m = n*n;

  - for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)
    | .item:nth-child(#{n}n + #{i + 1}) { --i: #{i} }
    | .item:nth-child(n + #{n*i + 1}) { --j: #{i} }
.wrap(style=`--n: ${n}`)
  - for(let i = 0; i < m; i++)

The above Pug code compiles to the following HTML:

  .item:nth-child(8n + 1) { --i: 0 } /* items on 1st column */
  .item:nth-child(n + 1) { --j: 0 } /* items starting from 1st row */
  .item:nth-child(8n + 2) { --i: 1 } /* items on 2nd column */
  .item:nth-child(n + 9) { --j: 1 } /* items starting from 2nd row */
  /* 6 more such pairs */
<div class='wrap' style='--n: 8'>
  <div class='item'></div>
  <div class='item'></div>
  <!-- 62 more such items -->

Just like the previous case, we compute a middle index, --m, but since we’ve moved from 1D to 2D, we now have two differences in absolute value to compute, one for each of the two dimensions (one for the columns, --abs-i, and one for the rows, --abs-j).

--m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));
--abs-i: max(var(--m) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--m));
--abs-j: max(var(--m) - var(--j), var(--j) - var(--m));

We use the exact same two sets of @keyframes, but the animation-delay changes a bit, so it depends on both --abs-i and --abs-j. These absolute values can be as small as 0 (for tiles in the dead middle of the columns and rows) and as big as --m (for tiles at the ends of the columns and rows), meaning that the ratio between either of them and --m is always in the [0, 1] interval. This means the sum of these two ratios is always in the [0, 2] interval. If we want to reduce it to the [0, 1] interval, we need to divide it by 2 (or multiply by .5, same thing).

animation-delay: calc(.5*(var(--abs-i)/var(--m) + var(--abs-j)/var(--m))*#{$t});

This gives us delays that are in the [0s, $t] interval. We can take the denominator, var(--m), out of the parenthesis to simplify the above formula a bit:

animation-delay: calc(.5*(var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j))/var(--m)*#{$t});

Just like the previous case, this makes grid items start animating later the further they are from the middle of the grid. We should use animation-fill-mode: backwards to ensure they stay in the state specified by the 0% keyframes until the delay time has elapsed and they start animating.

Alternatively, we can subtract one animation duration $t from all delays to make sure all grid items have already started their animation when the page loads.

animation-delay: calc((.5*(var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j))/var(--m) - 1)*#{$t});

This gives us the following result:

Animated gif. Shows an 8x8 grid of tiles, each of them growing from nothing to full size, then melting from the inside until they disappear, with the cycle then repeating. The smaller the sum of their distances to the middle is, the sooner they start their animation, those at the very corners of the grid being one full cycle behind those in the very middle.
The staggered 2D animation (live demo).

Let’s now see a few more interesting examples. We won’t be going into details about the “how” behind them as the symmetrical value technique works exactly the same as for the previous ones and the rest is outside the scope of this article. However, there is a link to a CodePen demo in the caption for each of the examples below, and most of these Pens also come with a recording that shows me coding them from scratch.

In the first example, each grid item is made up of two triangles that shrink down to nothing at opposite ends of the diagonal they meet along and then grow back to full size. Since this is an alternating animation, we let the delays to stretch across two iterations (a normal one and a reversed one), which means we don’t divide the sum of ratios in half anymore and we subtract 2 to ensure every item has a negative delay.

animation: s $t ease-in-out infinite alternate;
animation-delay: calc(((var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j))/var(--m) - 2)*#{$t});
Grid wave: pulsing triangles (live demo)

In the second example, each grid item has a gradient at an angle that animates from 0deg to 1turn. This is possible via Houdini as explained in this article about the state of animating gradients with CSS.

Field wave: cell gradient rotation (live demo)

The third example is very similar, except the animated angle is used by a conic-gradient instead of a linear one and also by the hue of the first stop.

Rainbow hour wave (live demo)

In the fourth example, each grid cell contains seven rainbow dots that oscillate up and down. The oscillation delay has a component that depends on the cell indices in the exact same manner as the previous grids (the only thing that’s different here is the number of columns differs from the number of rows, so we need to compute two middle indices, one along each of the two dimensions) and a component that depends on the dot index, --idx, relative to the number of dots per cell, --n-dots.

--k: calc(var(--idx)/var(--n-dots));
--mi: calc(.5*(var(--n-cols) - 1));
--abs-i: max(var(--mi) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--mi));
--mj: calc(.5*(var(--n-rows) - 1));
--abs-j: max(var(--mj) - var(--j), var(--j) - var(--mj));
  calc((var(--abs-i)/var(--mi) + var(--abs-j)/var(--mj) + var(--k) - 3)*#{$t});
Rainbow dot wave: dot oscillation (live demo)

In the fifth example, the tiles making up the cube faces shrink and move inwards. The animation-delay for the top face is computed exactly as in our first 2D demo.

Breathe into me: neon waterfall (live demo and a previous iteration)

In the sixth example, we have a grid of columns oscillating up and down.

Column wave (live demo)

The animation-delay isn’t the only property we can set to have symmetrical values. We can also do this with the items’ dimensions. In the seventh example below, the tiles are distributed around half a dozen rings starting from the vertical (y) axis and are scaled using a factor that depends on how far they are from the top point of the rings. This is basically the 1D case with the axis curved on a circle.

Circular grid melt (live demo)

The eighth example shows ten arms of baubles that wrap around a big sphere. The size of these baubles depends on how far they are from the poles, the closest ones being the smallest. This is done by computing the middle index, --m, for the dots on an arm and the absolute value, --abs, of the difference between it and the current bauble index, --j, then using the ratio between this absolute value and the middle index to get the sizing factor, --f, which we then use when setting the padding.

--m: calc(.5*(var(--n-dots) - 1));
--abs: max(var(--m) - var(--j), var(--j) - var(--m));
--f: calc(1.05 - var(--abs)/var(--m));
padding: calc(var(--f)*#{$r});
Travel inside the sphere (live demo)

Different styles for items before and after a certain (selected or middle) one

Let’s say we have a bunch of radio buttons and labels, with the labels having an index set as a custom property, --i. We want the labels before the selected item to have a green background, the label of the selected item to have a blue background and the rest of the labels to be grey. On the body, we set the index of the currently selected option as another custom property, --k.

- let n = 8;
- let k = Math.round((n - 1)*Math.random());

body(style=`--k: ${k}`)
  - for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)
    - let id = `r${i}`;
    input(type='radio' name='r' id=id checked=i===k)
    label(for=id style=`--i: ${i}`) Option ##{i}

This compiles to the following HTML:

<body style='--k: 1'>
  <input type='radio' name='r' id='r0'/>
  <label for='r0' style='--i: 0'>Option #0</label>
  <input type='radio' name='r' id='r1' checked='checked'/>
  <label for='r1' style='--i: 1'>Option #1</label>
  <input type='radio' name='r' id='r2'/>
  <label for='r2' style='--i: 2'>Option #2</label>
  <!-- more options -->

We set a few layout and prettifying styles, including a gradient background on the labels that creates three vertical stripes, each occupying a third of the background-size (which, for now, is just the default 100%, the full element width):

$c: #6daa7e, #335f7c, #6a6d6b;

body {
  display: grid;
  grid-gap: .25em 0;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(2, max-content);
  align-items: center;
  font: 1.25em/ 1.5 ubuntu, trebuchet ms, sans-serif;

label {
  padding: 0 .25em;
      nth($c, 1) 33.333%, 
      nth($c, 2) 0 66.667%, 
      nth($c, 3) 0);
  color: #fff;
  cursor: pointer;
Screenshot showing radio inputs and their labels on two grid columns. The labels have a vertical three stripe background with the first stripe being green, the second one blue and the last one grey.
The result so far.

From the JavaScript, we update the value of --k whenever we select a different option:

addEventListener('change', e => {
  let _t =;'--k','r', ''))

Now comes the interesting part! For our label elements, we compute the sign, --sgn, of the difference between the label index, --i, and the index of the currently selected option, --k. We then use this --sgn value to compute the background-position when the background-size is set to 300% — that is, three times the label’s width because we may have of three possible backgrounds: one for the case when the label is for an option before the selected one, a second for the case when the label is for the selected option, and a third for the case when the label is for an option after the selected one.

--sgn: clamp(-1, var(--i) - var(--k), 1);
      nth($c, 1) 33.333%, 
      nth($c, 2) 0 66.667%, 
      nth($c, 3) 0) 
    calc(50%*(1 + var(--sgn)))/ 300%

If --i is smaller than --k (the case of a label for an option before the selected one), then --sgn is -1 and the background-position computes to 50%*(1 + -1) = 50%*0 = 0%, meaning we only see the first vertical stripe (the green one).

If --i is equal --k (the case of the label for the selected option), then --sgn is 0 and the background-position computes to 50%*(1 + 0) = 50%*1 = 50%, so we only see the vertical stripe in the middle (the blue one).

If --i is greater than --k (the case of a label for an option after the selected one), then --sgn is 1 and the background-position computes to 50%*(1 + 1) = 50%*2 = 100%, meaning we only see the last vertical stripe (the grey one).

A more aesthetically appealing example would be the following navigation where the vertical bar is on the side closest to the selected option and, for the selected one, it spreads across the entire element.

This uses a structure that’s similar to that of the previous demo, with radio inputs and labels for the navigation items. The moving “background” is actually an ::after pseudo-element whose translation value depends on the sign, --sgn. The text is a ::before pseudo-element whose position is supposed to be in the middle of the white area, so its translation value also depends on --sgn.

/* relevant styles */
label {
  --sgn: clamp(-1, var(--k) - var(--i), 1);
  &::before {
    transform: translate(calc(var(--sgn)*-.5*#{$pad}))
  &::after {
    transform: translate(calc(var(--sgn)*(100% - #{$pad})))

Let’s now quickly look at a few more demos where computing the sign (and maybe the absolute value as well) comes in handy.

First up, we have a square grid of cells with a radial-gradient whose radius shrinks from covering the entire cell to nothing. This animation has a delay computed as explained in the previous section. What’s new here is that the coordinates of the radial-gradient circle depend on where the cell is positioned with respect to the middle of the grid — that is, on the signs of the differences between the column --i and row --j indices and the middle index, --m.

/* relevant CSS */
$t: 2s;

@property --p {
  syntax: '<length-percentage>';
  initial-value: -1px;
  inherits: false;

.cell {
  --m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));
  --dif-i: calc(var(--m) - var(--i));
  --abs-i: max(var(--dif-i), -1*var(--dif-i));
  --sgn-i: clamp(-1, var(--dif-i)/.5, 1);
  --dif-j: calc(var(--m) - var(--j));
  --abs-j: max(var(--dif-j), -1*var(--dif-j));
  --sgn-j: clamp(-1, var(--dif-j)/.5, 1);
      at calc(50% + 50%*var(--sgn-i)) calc(50% + 50%*var(--sgn-j)), 
      currentcolor var(--p), transparent calc(var(--p) + 1px))
      nth($c, 2);
    calc((.5*(var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j))/var(--m) - 1)*#{$t});

@keyframes p { 0% { --p: 100%; } }
Sinking feeling (live demo)

Then we have a double spiral of tiny spheres where both the sphere diameter --d and the radial distance --x that contributes to determining the sphere position depend on the absolute value --abs of the difference between each one’s index, --i, and the middle index, --m. The sign, --sgn, of this difference is used to determine the spiral rotation direction. This depends on where each sphere is with respect to the middle – that is, whether its index ,--i, is smaller or bigger than the middle index, --m.

/* relevant styles */
--m: calc(.5*(var(--p) - 1));
--abs: max(calc(var(--m) - var(--i)), calc(var(--i) - var(--m)));
--sgn: clamp(-1, var(--i) - var(--m), 1);
--d: calc(3px + var(--abs)/var(--p)*#{$d}); /* sphere diameter */
--a: calc(var(--k)*1turn/var(--n-dot)); /* angle used to determine sphere position */
--x: calc(var(--abs)*2*#{$d}/var(--n-dot)); /* how far from spiral axis */
--z: calc((var(--i) - var(--m))*2*#{$d}/var(--n-dot)); /* position with respect to screen plane */
width: var(--d); height: var(--d);
  /* change rotation direction by changing x axis direction */
  translate3d(var(--x), 0, var(--z)) 
  /* reverse rotation so the sphere is always seen from the front */
  /* reverse scaling so lighting on sphere looks consistent */
No perspective (live demo)

Finally, we have a grid of non-square boxes with a border. These boxes have a mask created using a conic-gradient with an animated start angle, --ang. Whether these boxes are flipped horizontally or vertically depends on where they are with respect to the middle – that is, on the signs of the differences between the column --i and row --j indices and the middle index, --m. The animation-delay depends on the absolute values of these differences and is computed as explained in the previous section. We also have a gooey filter for a nicer “wormy” look, but we won’t be going into that here.

/* relevant CSS */
$t: 1s;

@property --ang {
  syntax: '<angle>';
  initial-value: 0deg;
  inherits: false;

.box {
  --m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));
  --dif-i: calc(var(--i) - var(--m));
  --dif-j: calc(var(--j) - var(--m));
  --abs-i: max(var(--dif-i), -1*var(--dif-i));
  --abs-j: max(var(--dif-j), -1*var(--dif-j));
  --sgn-i: clamp(-1, 2*var(--dif-i), 1);
  --sgn-j: clamp(-1, 2*var(--dif-j), 1);
  transform: scale(var(--sgn-i), var(--sgn-j));
    repeating-conic-gradient(from var(--ang, 0deg), 
        red 0% 12.5%, transparent 0% 50%);
  animation: ang $t ease-in-out infinite;
    calc(((var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j))/var(--n) - 1)*#{$t});

@keyframes ang { to { --ang: .5turn; } }
Consumed by worms (live demo)

Time (and not only) formatting

Let’s say we have an element for which we store a number of seconds in a custom property, --val, and we want to display this in a mm:ss format, for example.

We use the floor of the ratio between --val and 60 (the number of seconds in a minute) to get the number of minutes and modulo for the number of seconds past that number of minutes. Then we use a clever little counter trick to display the formatted time in a pseudo-element.

@property --min {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

code {
  --min: calc(var(--val)/60 - .5);
  --sec: calc(var(--val) - var(--min)*60);
  counter-reset: min var(--min) sec var(--sec);
  &::after {
    /* so we get the time formatted as 02:09 */
      counter(min, decimal-leading-zero) ':' 
      counter(sec, decimal-leading-zero);

This works in most situations, but we encounter a problem when --val is exactly 0. In this case, 0/60 is 0 and then subtracting .5, we get -.5, which gets rounded to what’s the bigger adjacent integer in absolute value. That is, -1, not 0! This means our result will end up being -01:60, not 00:00!

Fortunately, we have a simple fix and that’s to slightly alter the formula for getting the number of minutes, --min:

--min: max(0, var(--val)/60 - .5);

There are other formatting options too, as illustrated below:

/* shows time formatted as 2:09 */
content: counter(min) ':' counter(sec, decimal-leading-zero);

/* shows time formatted as 2m9s */
content: counter(min) 'm' counter(sec) 's';

We can also apply the same technique to format the time as hh:mm:ss (live test).

@property --hrs {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

@property --min {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

code {
  --hrs: max(0, var(--val)/3600 - .5);
  --mod: calc(var(--val) - var(--hrs)*3600);
  --min: max(0, var(--mod)/60 - .5);
  --sec: calc(var(--mod) - var(--min)*60);
  counter-reset: hrs var(--hrs) var(--min) sec var(--sec);
  &::after {
    /* so we get the time formatted as 00:02:09 */
      counter(hrs, decimal-leading-zero) ':' 
      counter(min, decimal-leading-zero) ':' 
      counter(sec, decimal-leading-zero);

This is a technique I’ve used for styling the output of native range sliders such as the one below.

Screenshot showing a styled slider with a tooltip above the thumb indicating the elapsed time formatted as mm:ss. On the right of the slider, there's the remaining time formatted as -mm:ss.
Styled range input indicating time (live demo)

Time isn’t the only thing we can use this for. Counter values have to be integer values, which means the modulo trick also comes in handy for displaying decimals, as in the second slider seen below.

Screenshot showing three styled sliders withe second one having a tooltip above the thumb indicating the decimal value.
Styled range inputs, one of which has a decimal output (live demo)

A couple more such examples:

Screenshot showing multiple styled sliders with the third one being focused and showing a tooltip above the thumb indicating the decimal value.
Styled range inputs, one of which has a decimal output (live demo)
Screenshot showing two styled sliders with the second one being focused and showing a tooltip above the thumb indicating the decimal value.
Styled range inputs, one of which has a decimal output (live demo)

Even more use cases

Let’s say we have a volume slider with an icon at each end. Depending on the direction we move the slider’s thumb in, one of the two icons gets highlighted. This is possible by getting the absolute value, --abs, of the difference between each icon’s sign, --sgn-ico (-1 for the one before the slider, and 1 for the one after the slider), and the sign of the difference, --sgn-dir, between the slider’s current value, --val, and its previous value, --prv. If this is 0, then we’re moving in the direction of the current icon so we set its opacity to 1. Otherwise, we’re moving away from the current icon, so we keep its opacity at .15.

This means that, whenever the range input’s value changes, not only do we need to update its current value, --val, on its parent, but we need to update its previous value, which is another custom property, --prv, on the same parent wrapper:

addEventListener('input', e => {
  let _t =, _p = _t.parentNode;'--prv','--val'))'--val', +_t.value)

The sign of their difference is the sign of the direction, --sgn-dir, we’re going in and the current icon is highlighted if its sign, --sgn-ico, and the sign of the direction we’re going in, --sgn-dir, coincide. That is, if the absolute value, --abs, of their difference is 0 and, at the same time, the parent wrapper is selected (it’s either being hovered or the range input in it has focus).

[role='group'] {
  --dir: calc(var(--val) - var(--prv));
  --sgn-dir: clamp(-1, var(--dir), 1);
  --sel: 0; /* is the slider focused or hovered? Yes 1/ No 0 */
  &:hover, &:focus-within { --sel: 1; }

.ico {
  --abs: max(var(--sgn-dir) - var(--sgn-ico), var(--sgn-ico) - var(--sgn-dir));
  --hlg: calc(var(--sel)*(1 - min(1, var(--abs)))); /* highlight current icon? Yes 1/ No 0 */
  opacity: calc(1 - .85*(1 - var(--hlg)));

Another use case is making property values of items on a grid depend on the parity of the sum of horizontal --abs-i and vertical --abs-j distances from the middle, --m. For example, let’s say we do this for the background-color:

@property --floor {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

.cell {
  --m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));
  --abs-i: max(var(--m) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--m));
  --abs-j: max(var(--m) - var(--j), var(--j) - var(--m));
  --sum: calc(var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j));
  --floor: max(0, var(--sum)/2 - .5);
  --mod: calc(var(--sum) - var(--floor)*2);
  background: hsl(calc(90 + var(--mod)*180), 50%, 65%);
Screenshot showing a 16x16 grid where each tile is either lime or purple.
Background depending on parity of sum of horizontal and vertical distances to the middle (live demo)

We can spice things up by using the modulo 2 of the floor of the sum divided by 2:

@property --floor {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

@property --int {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

.cell {
  --m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));
  --abs-i: max(var(--m) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--m));
  --abs-j: max(var(--m) - var(--j), var(--j) - var(--m));
  --sum: calc(var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j));
  --floor: max(0, var(--sum)/2 - .5);
  --int: max(0, var(--floor)/2 - .5);
  --mod: calc(var(--floor) - var(--int)*2);
  background: hsl(calc(90 + var(--mod)*180), 50%, 65%);
Screenshot showing a 16x16 grid where each tile is either lime or purple.
A more interesting variation of the previous demo (live demo)

We could also make both the direction of a rotation and that of a conic-gradient() depend on the same parity of the sum, --sum, of horizontal --abs-i and vertical --abs-j distances from the middle, --m. This is achieved by horizontally flipping the element if the sum, --sum, is even. In the example below, the rotation and size are also animated via Houdini (they both depend on a custom property, --f, which we register and then animate from 0 to 1), and so are the worm hue, --hue, and the conic-gradient() mask, both animations having a delay computed exactly as in previous examples.

@property --floor {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

.🐛 {
  --m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));
  --abs-i: max(var(--m) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--m));
  --abs-j: max(var(--m) - var(--j), var(--j) - var(--m));
  --sum: calc(var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j));
  --floor: calc(var(--sum)/2 - .5);
  --mod: calc(var(--sum) - var(--floor)*2);
  --sgn: calc(2*var(--mod) - 1); /* -1 if --mod is 0; 1 id --mod is 1 */
  --hue: calc(var(--sgn)*var(--f)*360);
Grid wave: triangular rainbow worms (live demo).

Finally, another big use case for the techniques explained so far is shading not just convex, but also concave animated 3D shapes using absolutely no JavaScript! This is one topic that’s absolutely massive on its own and explaining everything would take an article as long as this one, so I won’t be going into it at all here. But I have made a few videos where I code a couple of such basic pure CSS 3D shapes (including a wooden star and a differently shaped metallic one) from scratch and you can, of course, also check out the CSS for the following example on CodePen.

Musical toy (live demo)

The post Using Absolute Value, Sign, Rounding and Modulo in CSS Today appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

Analyzing Functional in Rust

Being a developer, it is easy to jump on the hype train and learn or even use in pet projects the latest libraries, frameworks, and why not programming languages.

In a sector where everything evolves at a very high speed, sometimes it is difficult to keep the focus and not go crazy with the constant changes.

The Interface of Java and the Many Faces of It

Before beginning the post of Interface of many faces, have you ever heard a phrase, “Man Of Many Faces”? if not, it means a person can be of everything or anything when it comes to portraying something. It can be one thing and a minute after another without losing its strength.

Java’s interface fits perfectly for this title. It is an integral part of java and has become so powerful over the years, that it shifted the way a Java programmer thinks. It has added various ways of doing things in Java. Depending on the number of methods only, an interface’s definition as well as the object creating process changes.

Stateful Functions: An Open Source Framework for Lightweight, Stateful Applications at Scale

At Flink Forward Europe 2019, Stephan Ewen from ververica announced the release of Stateful Functions, an open-source framework that reduces the complexity of building and orchestrating distributed stateful applications at scale. Stateful Functions brings together the benefits of stream processing with Apache Flink and Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) to provide a powerful abstraction for the next generation of event-driven architectures.

In this article, we will explain the motivation behind building Stateful Functions, and why we proposed the project to the Apache Flink community as an open-source contribution.

What’s in a Name: Java Naming Conventions

Imagine a world without names. What would happen if nothing in this world had a name? This article would have been a very different story. Oh sorry, we wouldn’t even be able to tell the story. What about if we had weird names? Then what will aliens think about us? So, basically, everything is in the name, especially when it comes to programming languages.

Programming is a story; every character and scene needs to have a name that properly tells you what it is and what it does. You should be careful while naming things: You don’t want to make your code hard to read or debug. Remember: You are the creator here. You can name anything from babies, stars, trees, and mountains, almost anything (almost). Paying little attention to this feature will make your code more readable, easy-to-debug, and whatnot. And you should be able to look at it after months and be able to understand it without any trouble.

Become a Cleaner Coder Quickly

What is the clean code? Well, in simple terms, clean is a code that can be easily understood and modified.

Why clean code? You need clean code because code is meant to be read by humans, not by machines, the cleaner it is the easier it will be understood. You’ll be building systems that are not static and will be expanded/changed when new requirements arise, and because the code will have bugs and they need to be fixed. There is also another very important reason when someone else (or maybe even yourself after a few months) needs to use or change the code it will be easier for them to be productive if they can understand your code quicker.

Dependency Injection in Azure Functions

Azure Functions V2 supports ASP.NET Core functions like dependency injection. It is especially good if we write wrapper functions for shared libraries and components we are also using in web and other applications of our solution. This blog post shows how to use dependency injection in Azure Functions.

To get started with the code, check out Azure Functions with DI GitHub repository by @MikaBerglund. It's simple and minimal Visual Studio solution without any overhead.

Ultimate Guide to Integrating Zapier with WordPress Form Plugins

You’ve just designed the perfect form that’s going to hook your leads like fish at the end of a line, and you’re ready to reel them in.

But what happens when the responses come flooding in? Who’s going to end up with the task of copying and pasting all those leads from your forms to your Salesforce, e-mail list, or even Trello?

With Zapier and a quality WordPress form plugin you can automagically categorize the data captured by your site and share it with over 1200 other applications.

Zapier web app integrations
Zapier makes it easy to integrate your WordPress forms with over a thousand web apps.

Sounds difficult and super technical, right? Zapier provides this level of integration to users with almost no skill. And in this post we’ll look at what Zapier is, how to setup and test your first zap, and how to integrate your WordPress form with Salesforce or any of the +1200 web apps built to work with Zapier. So let’s dive in!

What is Zapier?

Zapier is basically a web application that helps you automate the process of moving information from one app to another, by creating a bridge so that both apps can “talk” to each other. For example, you can send information collected from Forminator or Hustle directly to your Salesforce account.

Zapier’s strength lies in its ability to not just send unordered information from your WordPress form plugin, it is also able to automatically categorize the information it receives, and send it exactly where you decide.

Using Zapier, you can send data from both Forminator and Hustle to:

  • Your Salesforce account and Google calendar
  • One Google sheet or several
  • A Trello board
  • Your Dropbox account
  • Acuity Scheduling
  • Manychat
  • …and hundreds more

Some forms are able to seamlessly integrate with a  number of popular web services without the help of Zapier. For example, Forminator allows you to seamlessly share your WordPress-acquired data with Mailchimp, Google Sheets, Trello, Active Campaign, Campaign Monitor, Aweber, and Slack. For other applications,  Zapier is available as the most networked guest at the party, to help you connect your WordPress plugin form to around 1200+ more services.

What can you do with your WordPress form?

If you’re wondering about what sort of Zapier integrations you can achieve with that WordPress form that’s on fire, here are some automations your list can handle using Zapier:

  • Create a new customer in Stripe
  • Create a new lead in Salesforce
  • Add a lead to a campaign in Salesforce
  • Send an email from your Outlook account
  • Create a new task or project in Asana
  • Update a row in a Google spreadsheet
  • Find a contact profile by exact match email in ClickFunnels. Optionally add a new one if no exact match is found.
  • Add a reminder for yourself or a teammate in Slack
  • … and lots more.

So as you can see, the possibilities of what you can do with your WordPress form are endless. Now let’s check out the setup process.

In this example, we’ll explore how to create a new lead in your Salesforce account with the information submitted via your WordPress form using Zapier.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we’ll be using Forminator, our free form plugin, to collect your leads. However, this tutorial is beneficial for any Zapier-integrated WordPress form plugin… so keep reading! You can get Forminator free on or become a WPMU DEV member to get Forminator and our entire suite of marketing, performance, security, hosting, backup, and services free for the next 30-days.

How to connect your WordPress form to your Salesforce account using Zapier

#Step 1. Activate the Zapier webhook to connect your form

This section will guide you through the steps required to correctly link your WordPress form to your Zapier account. Once you have set up your WordPress form correctly, you should end up on a page asking you to enter your webhook URL.

Set up your form in Forminator

  • Go to your Forminator form on WordPress, and click on Edit > Integrations.
  • On the Integration page, scroll down and click on the “+” sign on the right to integrate Zapier.
  • You will get a pop-up asking you to “Setup Webhook”. Keep this open and go to the “Set up your Zapier webhook” section.

#Step 2. Set up a Zapier webhook

    Now let’s look at how to set up your Zapier webhook.

  • In a separate window, log into your Zapier account. In the top right corner of your account dashboard, click on “Make a Zap”
How to create a Zap
  • You will be directed to a page asking you to Choose a Trigger App. Type in “webhooks by Zapier” and click on the application. Webhooks are basically pathways through which automated messages are sent from one application to another.
WordPress Zapier integration webhook
  • Select Catch Hook > Save and Continue.
Zapier WordPress integration – select trigger
  • You should now have a webhook URL. Copy this,  go back to your WordPress form page and paste it in the webhook URL box.
Zapier integration pick a sample to set up your zap
  • Click on “Okay, I did this”.

#Step 3: Create an action in Zapier

Now, it’s time to set up the action that you want the Trigger to lead to.

  • In the bottom left column of the Zapier page, click on Action/Search
  • Search for Salesforce using the Search field.
  • You should see a dropdown list offering a variety of options regarding what to do with your data. You can Create a new lead, Add a lead to an existing campaign, Create a custom object, Add a contact to a Campaign, or Create a new contact. You also have the option to search for existing accounts using a field and any value you choose.
  • Select the action you desire. For the purpose of this example, we want to create a new lead in Salesforce using the information provided in the forms, so we select Create Lead > Save & Continue
  • In the next step, you will need to add your Salesforce account by logging into it, then clicking “Continue”
  • You will now have the option to match the fields in the Salesforce form with the fields in your Forminator form by selecting corresponding fields using the “+” sign. Add as many fields as are available on your form, and when finished, click “Continue”.
Zapier integration with Salesforce

#Step 4. Test your Zap

  • On the action tab (bottom left), click on “Test this step”. Ensure you have filled out all the information that is required on this page. For this step, you will need to actually type the information required in the fields as you may not be able to “pull” information from your lists at this point.
  • Scroll to the bottom and click “Continue”.
    You should get confirmation that the test was successful. If this step is not successful, look through your list again and ensure that you have valid information inside the fields – for example, you have an actual e-mail address inside the e-mail fields, etc.
  • If all works well, don’t forget to turn the Zap on to start sending leads automatically to your Salesforce account (top right corner of the same page)

This guide shows you how to easily integrate one form with the Salesforce app, using a free, basic Zapier account. The possibilities of what can be done with Zapier are endless, especially with a premium account.  You can maximize your productivity by automating multiple integrations with one trigger. For example, once a form is filled on your website, you can add a lead to your Salesforce account, send the same lead to your email list, and send your team a Slack notification. All you need to do is click the “+” button between the steps in your  Zap.

Your powers have been granted!

So easy! If you’ve read this far and still haven’t downloaded Forminator or Hustle, what are you waiting for? Get started for free with Hustle and Forminator on or start your WPMU DEV membership.

Congratulations on your newly-acquired super-zap-powers. I hope you have found this tutorial helpful for learning how to use Zapier to integrate your WordPress forms with your favorite web applications.

Custom Functions in Power Flows DMN

This article will be dedicated to modern and interesting decision engines, and to be precise, I will focus on one in particular — Power Flows DMN. This project is a library written in Java with open-source code and is available on GitHub. There are many standards and notations for decision engines. One of the most popular is OMG DMN 1.1, and the following project was based on such.

The basic idea of the decision engine is to evaluate rules and return the result. Different engines support different languages to create dynamically calculated expressions. Thanks to this approach, the rules are more generic and re-usable. They often allow us to describe rules that are simply not possible statically. 

Fun With SQL: Text and System Functions

SQL by itself is great and powerful, and Postgres supports a broad array of more modern SQL including things like window functions and common table expressions. But rarely do I write a query where I don't want to tweak or format the data I'm getting back out of the database. Thankfully, Postgres has a rich array of functions to help with converting or formatting data. These built-in functions save me from having to do the logic elsewhere or write my own functions. In other words, I do less work because Postgres has already done it for me, which I'm always happy about.

We've covered a set of functions earlier, and today we're going to look at some different categories of functions to dive deeper.Image title

Map and Filter Function in Python

Machine learning is no doubt the most trending topic right now, and python is the most used versatile language in machine learning.

In this article, I’ll tell you about some of the most used python function maps in machine learning.