8 Types of Functional Testing

Functional and non-functional testing are the two types of software testing. There are various types of functional testing, that are as below:

  1. Unit Testing
  2. Integration Testing
  3. System Testing
  4. Regression Testing
  5. Smoke Testing
  6. Sanity Testing
  7. Acceptance Testing
  8. User Acceptance Testing

Brief Description of Functional Testing Types

Unit Testing

Unit testing ensures that every piece of code written in a segment produces the best results. Developers just look at the interface and the determination for a part during unit testing. It provides documentation of code progression because each unit of code is thoroughly tested before moving on to the next.

Functional and Non-Functional Testing: The Basics You Should Know

Testing is an essential part and success factor of the software development process. If the test management is carried out correctly, tests can help to avoid software errors and ensure a high quality of the product. There are a lot of testing practices to make sure that your solution works correctly and can be used easily across multiple environments and platforms. These methods are usually divided into functional and non-functional tests.

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Complex Functional Testing, Simplified

A different view on functional testing.

How does functional testing with visual assertions help simplify test development for complex real-world apps? Like, say, a retail app with inventory, product details, rotating displays, and shopping carts?

My special blog series discusses Modern Functional Testing with Visual AI, Raja Rao’s course on Test Automation University. I arrived at Chapter 6 – E-Commerce Real World Example. In this review, I hope to give you an overview of Raja’s examples and how they might apply to your test challenges.

13 Ways For Your Functional Testers To Do More Than Just ‘Testing’

Thirteen reasons why you should do more than just test.

Functional testing of a web application or a website is one of the most essential phases of the SDLC. Providing a scalable infrastructure for cross-browser testing on the cloud, we realize that offering a SaaS platform to our audience with even with a minor bug may lead to a devastating outcome, and not only for us, but also for our customers.

Functional Testing on the Cloud: 12 Ways to Do it Better

A good automated test suite gives actionable feedback, helps fix bugs faster, and enables rapid delivery of software. A good automated test suite on the cloud does it more cost-efficiently. But more often than not, functional testing on the cloud ends up delaying feedback, increasing flakiness, and providing zero visibility into the failures—results that are completely at odds with initial expectations. It ends up hampering the pace of rapid delivery lifecycle.

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To truly make the most of functional testing on the cloud, you have to reconsider the testing practices you follow. At BrowserStack, we help thousands of customers run functional test suites on the cloud every month. Our QA and Support teams identified certain practices that, when applied, can help teams of all sizes get better builds in less time.

Modern Functional Test Automation Through Visual AI

Which looks better, #1 or #2?
"I am confident that once you give this functional test automation approach a try, you will rethink your entire current code-based approach." — Raja Rao, Head of Test Automation University

In this webinar, you'll see the modern, intelligent way of doing web and mobile testing. Specifically, functional, end-to-end UI testing.

The analogy is a gasoline car versus an electric car: both are cars, both need tires, seats, breaks, etc... but the core engine that moves the car is different - which makes a huge difference.

New Research Shows Continous Testing Separates Agile + DevOps Leaders from Laggards

Want further evidence that Continuous Testing has evolved from buzzword to business imperative? New Forrester research found that Continuous Testing, done properly, is a key differentiator between DevOps + Agile leaders and DevOps + Agile laggards. Here are the key findings and recommendations from that research project.

Key Continuous Testing Findings

1. Five Core Continuous Testing Practices Separate Successful Dev Ops + Agile Leaders from Laggards

Firms that are more mature in Agile + DevOps do five key things differently: