How to Bind Methods or Constructors to Functional Interfaces

To bind methods or constructors to functional interfaces, we are going to use the FunctionalInterfaceFactory of Burningwave Core library. FunctionalInterfaceFactory component uses to cache all generated functional interfaces for faster access. Before we start coding, we must add the following dependency to our pom.xml:




Constructors Binding

To bind a constructors to a functional interface, we will use the following constructor:

Calling Java Functional Interfaces from Kotlin


Below is a Functional Interface defined in Java:


Note, that an interface does not need to be annotated with @FunctionalInterface to be treated as one.

Be More Functional: Java’s Functional Interfaces

Learn more about popular functional interfaces in Java, including Consumer, Function, and Predicate.

Hey tea lovers, this post is about the functional interfaces provided by Java. We will talk about the basic ones briefly. These functional interfaces are used by the Streams API heavily, so knowing them will make your life easier. Not just streams you can use it anywhere unless you want to. You can find the code on GitHub and the full project here.


Just make sure you have a solid understanding of functional interfaces and lambdas. This post is dependent on these concepts.