The Ultimate Vue.js and Laravel CRUD Tutorial

CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) are the basic operations of data storage, and one of the first things you learn as a Laravel developer.

But what happens when you add a Vue.js single-page app as the front-end to this the stack? Suddenly you have to deal with asynchronous CRUD since operations now occur without a page refresh. This will require special attention to ensuring the state of the data is consistent in both the front-end and backends.

Creating Spring Boot and React CRUD Full Stack Application with Maven

This guide helps you create a full-stack application with CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) features using React for the frontend and Spring Boot as the backend REST API. 

You Will Learn

  • What a full-stack application is.
  • Why developers create full-stack applications.
  • How to you use React as a frontend framework.
  • How to you use Spring to create a backend REST Service API.
  • How to you call Spring Boot REST API from React using the axios framework.
  • How and when to use different REST API Request Methods — GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.
  • How to you perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations using React and Spring Boot.
  • How to create a form in React using Formik?

Here’s Why Full-Stack Development Is Critical for IoT

When it comes to IoT development, full-stack engineers are likely the way to go.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is in the process of completely revolutionizing our daily routines, interactions with appliances, electronics, and even how we transport ourselves.

Companies like Philips, Xiaomi, Belkin, etc. have jumped into making IoT-capable smart devices, including devices like light bulbs, switches, air purifiers, and even general household appliances like Internet-enabled refrigerators and washing machines.

Spring Boot and React: Happily Ever After

So you have mastered Spring Boot and started toying around with React. Now you want React to talk to your Boot app as your backend API. That's fabulous. You probably already know how to do this, but there is a kicker. You want to package them and start both of them as just one project.

Well, you're in luck! This post is going to take a couple of simple projects and combine them into one. Lace up your boots and get ready to React!

Vue CLI 3 Full-Stack App Structure

If you're creating an app with Vue.js, you'll most likely want to utilize the best-practice scaffolding provided by Vue CLI 3.

But if the Vue app is the client layer of a full-stack JavaScript app, for example, in a "MEVN" configuration (Mongo, Express, Vue, Node), it's not entirely clear how Vue CLI 3 should be integrated into such a structure.

How to Use Backendless With React.js, Part 4: Build and Deploy

In this article, we are going to continue developing our React.js web application using Backendless for the backend. This is Part 4 of our series, so be sure you've read through parts 1-3, linked below:

If you have already read those then read on. Otherwise, we recommend you either read read all of the articles and build the app step-by-step, or you can clone the app from this GitHub repository and use this commit as a starting point. Today we will build our app for the first time and deploy it to Backendless Files.

Create a Simple Shopping Cart Using React and Node

Web development has never been more exciting than now, with the introduction of new technologies and techniques, thanks to the dynamism and evolution of JavaScript. Now a web application can be configured using only JavaScript. This is made possible through the introduction of Node.js, which can be used on the server-side to manage data, and also the creation of several JavaScript frameworks, such as React.js, Angular, and Vue.js, which manage and control the client-side of the application.

In this article, we will be learning how to build a simple shopping cart app, using React.js as the front-end framework, and a backend server built using Node.js and Express.js.

MEAN Stack and Startups: Are they Made for Each Other?

The MEANing of the MEAN Stack

The MEAN stack is an assortment of various technologies — MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js — bound together by a single, dynamic programming language, JavaScript, for building a robust web application. From client to server to database, MEAN is used for full-stack JavaScript development.

MEAN Stack Architecture

Netflix switched from Java on the server-side and JavaScript on the client-side side to Node.js because they had to write everything twice for error handling, activity tracking, and debugging. As Node.js acts as a common language for both the server-side and client-side, it brought down the startup time to under a minute from 40+ minutes.

The Rise of Full Stack Developers and the Benefits of Becoming One

"Jack of all trades, master of none" is one of the common sayings that is often associated with full-stack developers. However, a full-stack developer shouldn’t be so easily condemned, as these are some of the smartest and resourceful people that are available.

These days, the tech industry has become obsessed with full-stack developers, with rumors of many companies only hiring only full-stack developers to fuel their projects. However, at the rate at which the technological world is expanding, it has become impossible to become a master of all trades. This has resulted in full stacks becoming multiple full stacks. Web development has its own stack, while mobile development comes with its own.