Top Front End Development Trends You Should Know in 2022

New trends that appear in the software world become further popular when prominent organizations adopt them or when there are promising and decisive incentives for adopting trends. 

Front-end development is the creation of a web portal user interface using coding and other applications such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This section describes the Front-End Development Trend forecast for 2022.

Extending Vue.js Components

Do you have components in your Vue app that share similar options, or even template markup?

It'd be a good idea to create a base component with the common options and markup, and then extend the base component to create sub components. Such an architecture would help you apply the DRY principle in your code (Don't Repeat Yourself) which can make your code more readable and reduce the possibility of bugs.

Single Page App Backends: Where Laravel Beats Node.js

I've been commissioned to write a book about building full stack Vue.js apps. Since many Laravel developers are interested in Vue (Vue now ships with Laravel), the publisher wants the book to focus on full stack Vue.js with Laravel.

In preparing for the book, I knew I would have to answer a very important question for myself: why would anyone even want to use Laravel as a backend for a single page app when they can use Node.js?

Using JSX With Vue.js

Love it or hate it, JSX is a popular extension to JavaScript that allows XML tokens in your scripts.

If you want to create templates in your script files and you find Vue's render() function to be difficult to work with, JSX may be just what you need.

Consuming REST APIs With React.js

Recently we have experienced rapid growth of mobile, Internet-based communication. We have smartphones, tablets, netbooks, and other connected devices that create a need to serve appropriate content for each specific front-end profile. Also, the Internet is becoming available for new regions and social groups, constantly increasing web traffic. On the other side, users' computers and browsers, and JavaScript itself are getting more and more powerful, providing more possibilities for processing data on the web via the client-side. In this situation, the best solution can often be to send data as the response, instead of sending page content. That is, we don't need to reload the whole page on each request, but send back the corresponding data and let the client (front-end stuff) process the data.

We can develop a backend application exposing a remote API (usually based on the REST protocol) and a front-end (usually JavaScript) application, which communicates with the API and renders all the data on the device.