How to Use Free SMTP Server to Send WordPress Emails (3 Methods)

Do you want to use a free SMTP server to send WordPress emails?

By default, WordPress uses the PHP mail function, which is unreliable and often marks your emails as spam. Using an SMTP server is the best way to make sure that your WordPress emails actually get delivered.

In this article, we will show you how to use a free SMTP server to send WordPress emails.

How to Use Free SMTP Server to Send WordPress Emails

Why Use an SMTP Server to Send WordPress Emails?

Often website owners complain about the WordPress not sending email issue.

By default, WordPress sends emails through the PHP mail function. Unfortunately, not all WordPress hosting servers are correctly configured to use PHP mail.

Even when the emails are sent successfully, they may get incorrectly identified as spam. This means they could be automatically deleted without ever being seen.

The best way to ensure deliverability for your WordPress emails is by using an SMTP server. It is the standard protocol to send emails on the internet.

SMTP servers use proper authentication to make sure that the email is sent by an authorized sender. This improves deliverability, and your emails safely land in users’ inboxes.

Now, you need a plugin to connect your WordPress site to your SMTP server. We will be using the WP Mail SMTP plugin, which is the best SMTP plugin for WordPress.

Luckily, there is a free version of WP Mail SMTP available as well.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to set up WP Mail SMTP and then how to connect it to popular free SMTP servers.

Installing the WP Mail SMTP Plugin for WordPress

The first step is to install and activate the WP Mail SMTP plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you will see the WP Mail SMTP setup wizard. You can skip the wizard because we will show you how to set up the plugin manually.

WP Mail SMTP Launch Wizard

Just click the ‘Go back to the Dashboard’ link at the bottom.

You should now see the WP Mail SMTP » Settings page, where you can configure the plugin.

If you purchased a Pro license, then you will need to paste the license key and click the ‘Verify Key’ button. You can find the license key in your account area on the WP Mail SMTP website.

The WP Mail SMTP plugin settings page

You need to start by entering your From Email and From Name. WordPress emails will be sent from this email address and name.

You should leave the ‘Force From Email’ box checked. This ensures that all emails from your WordPress site are sent from that email address through your SMTP server.

Entering your From email address for WP Mail SMTP

Tip: Make sure you check the ‘Force From Name’ option so that all emails come from the same name, regardless of any settings in plugins such as WPForms.

Next, you should scroll down to the Mailer section, where you can choose an SMTP mailing service. Simply click on the one that you want to use.

Selecting the mailer service to use with WP Mail SMTP

The next steps depend on which service you choose.

We will cover how to set up a number of free SMTP servers step by step. You need to keep your WP Mail SMTP settings tab open and then follow the instructions for your chosen SMTP server:

Note: If you don’t feel very confident with technical things, then we recommend upgrading to WP Mail SMTP’s Elite account. They have a fantastic White Glove Setup service that will help you through the setup process.

1. Sending WordPress Emails Using Gmail SMTP Server

You can use a free Gmail account to send SMTP emails. If you don’t already have a Gmail account, then you need to create one before following the rest of these instructions.

With a free Gmail account, you can send up to 500 emails per day. However, if you have access to a paid Google Workspace account, then that limit is increased to 2000 emails per day.

First, log in to your WordPress admin, where you should already have installed WP Mail SMTP. On the WP Mail SMTP » Settings page, you must select ‘Google / Gmail’ as your mailer.

Now, connecting WordPress plugins to Gmail and other Google services can be a lot of work. The good news is that the Pro version of WP Mail SMTP offers a one-click setup that is quick and simple. We strongly recommend this.

To get started, simply toggle the ‘One-Click Setup’ option to the on position.

WP Mail SMTP Pro Offers One-Click Setup for Gmail

You will see a notice that you need to save settings before you can proceed, so make sure you click the ‘Save Settings’ button at the bottom of the page.

When you scroll back down the page, you will see that there is now a ‘Sign in with Google’ button. You need to click that button to authorize the plugin.

Sign in With Google so WP Mail SMTP Can Access Gmail

You will be asked to select a Google account, agree to the terms of service, and click an ‘Allow’ button to allow WP Mail SMTP to send email.

Congratulations, you have successfully linked the current site with Google. You can start sending emails through Gmail.

But first, you should go ahead and test that your email is working.

2. Sending WordPress Emails Using Brevo (Sendinblue) SMTP Server

Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) lets you send up to 300 free emails daily from your website.

To use Brevo, make sure you select ‘Sendinblue’ on the WP Mail SMTP » Settings page in the screenshot above.

Next, you need to create an account on the Brevo website. After confirming your email address, you will be asked to fill in some information about your business. You will also receive a text message with a confirmation code to enter.

Next, you’ll be asked to choose a Brevo pricing plan.

Select the Free Brevo Plan

Simply click on the ‘Continue with a Free plan’ button.

You will now see your Brevo dashboard.

The Brevo Dashboard

Creating a New Subdomain for Your Email

Before going further, you need to create a subdomain on your website, such as

To do this, log in to your web hosting or domain registrar account, and then follow their instructions for adding a subdomain.

If you are using Bluehost, then you need to click on the Hosting tab on the left. You can open the control panel by clicking the ‘cPanel’ button at the bottom of the page.

Open cPanel in Bluehost

This will launch the cPanel dashboard for your website.

You can scroll down to the Domains section and then click the ‘Domains’ option.

Click the Domains Option in cPanel

You will now see a page that lists your existing domains and subdomains.

To create a new subdomain, you will need to click the ‘Create A New Domain’ button.

Creating a New Domain or Subdomain in Bluehost

On the next page, you will need to enter the subdomain you would like to create followed by your domain name, such as ‘’.

Next, you need to click the ‘Submit’ button to continue. Bluehost will add the subdomain to your hosting.

Creating a Subdomain on Bluehost

After creating the subdomain, you need to add it to your Brevo account.

Adding Your Subdomain to Brevo

In your Brevo account, you need to go to the Settings page. On this page, scroll to the ‘Your Senders and Domains’ section and click the ‘Configure’ button below it.

Click the Configure Button for Brevo Senders & Domains

Next, you need to click ‘Domains’ from the menu that is displayed, and then click the ‘Add a domain’ button.

Go ahead and enter your whole subdomain, such as You also need to choose your email domain provider from the dropdown menu. If your provider is not on the list, simply choose ‘Other’.

Adding a Domain in Brevo

Make sure you click the ‘Save this email domain’ button when you are finished.

Once the email domain is saved, you will need to verify that it belongs to you. You will need to add 2 codes to your DNS settings. The first will verify that you own the domain, and the second will improve email deliverability.

Tip: Don’t worry if you close this popup by mistake. You can get back to it by clicking the ‘Verify This Domain’ link next to your subdomain.

Next, you need to open the DNS settings for your domain in your web hosting account. Your web host should have instructions for this. Make sure you leave the tab with the Brevo website open so you can copy the settings.

For example, in Bluehost, you need to go to the Domains tab and click the ‘Settings’ button next to your website’s domain name.

Open domain settings in Bluehost

After that, you will see different domain settings in Bluehost.

Simply scroll down and click on the ‘Advanced Tools’ option.

Open advanced DNS settings

Here, Bluehost will show the nameservers for your domain and other records.

To manage DNS records, you can click the ‘Manage’ button next to Advanced DNS Records.

Manage advanced DNS

Next, Bluehost will display a warning message that only advanced users should change the DNS records because, with the wrong settings, you can lose access to your email and website.

You can simply click the ‘Continue’ button.

Continue the warning message

This will take you to a screen where you can manage your WordPress site’s DNS records.

You need to click the ‘Add Record’ button and then add the Brevo code record using the information on the Brevo website. Then, you should do the same to add the DKIM record.

Adding a DNS Record in Bluehost

Once you have added both TXT records to your domain’s DNS settings, you need to go back to the Brevo website.

From here, you need to click the button labeled ‘Authenticate this email domain’. You should be taken to a new page, where you can see a success message that it is authenticated.

Tip: DNS changes can take as long as 24-48 hours to propagate across the internet. If the verification fails, then just try again in a few hours.

Enabling Brevo in WP Mail SMTP

Now, you just need to finish enabling Brevo on your WordPress site. Simply go back to the WP Mail SMTP Settings page that you opened up earlier and find the API key box.

Then, click the ‘Get v3 API Key’ link.

Getting an API Key for Brevo in WP Mail SMTP

This link will open up the correct page of your Brevo account in a new tab.

Here, you just need to copy the SMTP key value.

Copy the Brevo API Key

Once you’ve copied it, return to WP Mail SMTP and paste in the API key.

You will also need to fill in the sending domain that you entered in Brevo earlier, such as

Enter the Brevo API Key and Sending Domain

Make sure you click the ‘Save Settings’ button after doing so.

Congratulations, you have successfully set up Brevo. You just need to wait for them to activate your account.

Now, it’s time to go ahead and test that your email is working.

3. Sending WordPress Emails Using SendGrid SMTP Server

SendGrid offers a free plan that lets you send up to 100 free daily emails.

First, you need to visit the SendGrid website and click the ‘Start For Free’ button to create your free account.

After creating your account, a verification process will be triggered. Your account will be placed temporarily on hold while they ask you some questions via email. They do this to make sure you will use the service in a way that aligns with their policies and values.

Once your application is approved, you can sign in to your SendGrid dashboard.

Creating a Sender Identity

Your first step is to create a sender identity, which is the ‘from’ address used for your emails. To do this, you need to click on ‘Sender Authentication’ in the Settings section at the bottom of the dashboard menu.

Navigate to Sender Authentication in SendGrid

This will take you to the SendGrid Sender Authentication page.

You should scroll down to the Single Sender Verification section and then click the ‘Get Started’ button under ‘Verify an Address’.

Verify Your From Address by Clicking the Get Started Button

This will display a form where you can create a sender.

Then, simply enter the name, email address, and mailing address you want to use for your emails. When you are finished, you can click the ‘Create’ button to store your sender details.

Create a Sender in SendGrid

Important: This ‘Reply To’ email address needs to be the same as the one you entered as your ‘From’ address in the WP Mail SMTP settings.

You will receive a confirmation email in your inbox to verify this business email address.

Make sure you click the link in the message to complete the single sender identity setup.

SendGrid Confirmation Email

Once you’ve verified your email address, go ahead and return to your SendGrid dashboard by clicking the Dashboard link in the sidebar.

Generating an API Key

The next step is to generate an API key so you can connect your website to your SendGrid account and start sending emails.

Using the SendGrid dashboard menu, you need to find the Email API section and click ‘Integration Guide’.

SendGrid Integration Guide

On the next page, you will be asked to choose an integration method.

Inside the SMTP Relay box, go ahead and click the ‘Choose’ button.

Click the Choose Button Under SMTP Relay

You need to give the API key a name that will remind you what you are using it for in the future.

In this example, we named it ‘WP Mail SMTP’.

Creating an API Key for SendGrid

Now, you can click the ‘Create Key’ button to generate the API key.

You should see a message confirming that it was successfully created, and the API key will be displayed underneath.

You will need this key in the next section, so leave the SendGrid tab open in your browser.

Connecting WP Mail SMTP to Your SendGrid Account

Next, return to your WordPress admin browser tab and go to WP Mail SMTP » Settings. You should have already selected SendGrid for your mailer. If not, select it now.

At the bottom of the screen, you will see a box for entering your SendGrid API key. Simply copy and paste it here, then click the ‘Save Settings’ button.

Add the SendGrid API Key to WP Mail SMTP Settings

Next, you need to verify that your integration is working.

First, go to the Email Test tab in your WP Mail SMTP settings. Then, enter your email address and click the ‘Send Email’ button.

Send a Test Email With WP Mail SMTP

You should see a message that the test email was sent successfully. You can confirm this by going to your inbox and checking the email is there.

Now that your test email has been sent successfully, go back to the tab with your SendGrid API page. You need to go ahead and check the ‘I’ve updated my settings’ box. Then, click the ‘Next: Verify Integration’ button.

Check the box to say that you have updated your settings and then click the button to verify

On the next screen, you must click the ‘Verify Integration’ button.

You should then see a message confirming that SendGrid received your email and your setup is complete.

SendGrid Verification Worked

Authenticating a Subdomain in SendGrid

To finish setting up SendGrid, you should create and authenticate a subdomain to help improve your email deliverability.

Tip: If you aren’t able to create and authenticate your subdomain, then the emails from your website will still go out. However, there is a possibility that some emails may not be delivered to their recipients.

Now, you need to create a subdomain on your website, such as You can do this by logging in to your web hosting account and following their instructions for adding a subdomain.

If you are using Bluehost, then you need to log in to your web host account and click on the Hosting tab on the left. You can open the control panel by clicking the ‘cPanel’ button at the bottom of the page.

Open cPanel in Bluehost

This will launch the cPanel dashboard for your website.

You can scroll down to the Domains section and then click the ‘Domains’ option.

Click the Domains Option in cPanel

You will now see a page that lists your existing domains and subdomains.

To create a new subdomain, you will need to click the ‘Create A New Domain’ button.

Creating a New Domain or Subdomain in Bluehost

On the next page, you must enter the subdomain you would like to create.

We suggest using for your subdomain. Make sure you click the ‘Submit’ button to store your new subdomain.

Adding a Subdomain in Bluehost

After creating the subdomain, you need to add it to your SendGrid account.

To do this, you need to go back to the Settings » Sender Authentication page in your SendGrid account. Under ‘Domain Authentication’ you need to click the ‘Get Started’ button.

Get Started With Domain Authentication in SendGrid

Now, you should select your DNS host. This is your website host, such as Bluehost or SiteGround, unless your domain name is registered with a different company.

In the second step, select the ‘Yes’ option for ‘Would you also like to brand the links for this domain?’ This means that your emails will be shown as coming from your domain, not SendGrid’s.

Select your DNS host in SendGrid

Then, simply click the ‘Next’ button.

Now, you need to enter your domain in the ‘Domain You Send From’ box. Below this, click the ‘Advanced Settings’ link to open up some additional options.

From here, you can uncheck the ‘Use automated security’ box and check the ‘Use custom return path’ box. Then, type the first part of your subdomain for the ‘Return Path’.

For instance, if your subdomain is, then type in sg.

SendGrid Domain Authentication Advanced Settings

Once you’ve done this, you must click the ‘Next’ button.

Next, you will see some DNS records that you need to add to your domain. You can consult your web host’s documentation or refer to our Brevo method for help doing this.

Getting your DNS records from Sendgrid

After you’ve added the records, go ahead and click the ‘Verify’ button at the bottom of the screen. You should then see a success message.

Finally, test your SMTP email again to be sure that emails are being sent correctly.

Testing That Your SMTP Mail is Working

The final step for all these methods is to send a test email to make sure everything is working as it should.

First, go to the ‘Email Test’ tab in the WP Mail SMTP settings. Then, enter the email address where you want the test email to be sent if it’s different from the default.

Simply click the ‘Send Email button, and your email will be sent.

Send a Test Email With WP Mail SMTP

You should see a message to let you know that the email was sent successfully.

Next, go ahead and check your inbox to make sure that the test email has arrived.

Test email from WP Mail SMTP

Other Free SMTP Mailer Options

There are other free SMTP mailer options you could use instead of the ones we have covered:

  • Outlook: This involves a longer setup process than other methods, but the advantage is that you can send many emails (up to 5,000 per day).
  • Amazon SES: This service is only recommended if you are confident with technology, as the setup is quite complex. It is free for your first year.
  • This is a robust and reliable option. The drawback is that it is only free for your first 30 days, then you have to pay to use it.

For all these, you can get instructions by selecting the mailer on your WP Mail SMTP settings page and then clicking the documentation link. This will open up the instructions in a new tab.

The documentation link for setting up Outlook in WP Mail SMTP

We hope this article helped you learn how to use a free SMTP server to send WordPress emails. You might also like to check out our articles on the best email marketing services and our comparison of the best virtual business phone number apps (with free options).

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Use Free SMTP Server to Send WordPress Emails (3 Methods) first appeared on WPBeginner.

7 Best SMTP Service Providers with High Email Deliverability (2019)

Are you looking for the best SMTP service providers?

An SMTP service provider helps you reliably send emails from your website to your users.

SMTP servers are especially configured to ensure that your emails reach users’ inbox and don’t end up in the junk mail folder.

In this article, we will share the best SMTP service providers with high email deliverability. We will also show you how to send your WordPress emails using these SMTP services.

Best SMTP service providers for higher deliverability

Why You Need an SMTP Service Provider for WordPress Emails?

All WordPress websites rely heavily on email to do various tasks. For example:

  • Recovering lost password
  • Registering a new account
  • Notifications for comments, new articles, password changes, and more
  • If its an online store, then sending customers order confirmation, invoices, and delivery information via email.

By default, WordPress is configured to send emails using the PHP mail() function. This is the primary reason why users complain about WordPress not sending email issue.

There are a number of problems with the default mail method, and why it doesn’t work.

Most hosting providers don’t have this function configured properly. Some even disable it completely to prevent their servers from abuse.

Misusing this function is a common problem as it does not require authentication and can be used to send spam emails.

Even if the mail function is working on your WordPress hosting, sometimes your WordPress emails may still end up in spam because most spam filters will verify sender email, location, domain name, and it would flag your site email as suspicious or spam.

The only way to fix this problem is by using an SMTP server to send WordPress emails.

What is SMTP?

SMTP or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is the industry standard to send emails on the internet. It uses proper authentication which increases the chances that your emails will actually get delivered in users inbox.

There are both paid and free SMTP service providers. In fact, you can get a free SMTP account with a business email address from Google or Outlook.

However, there is a limit on how many emails you can send using the traditional email services. Usually, these free email providers like Gmail or Outlook don’t want you to use their SMTP servers for automatic emails like those sent by a WordPress website.

This is why you need to sign up with one of the well-known SMTP service providers to ensure that your emails are properly delivered. Don’t worry, a lot of the top SMTP companies offer very generous free SMTP plans that are good enough for most websites.

Let’s take a look at the best SMTP service providers with high deliverability.

Best SMTP Service Providers

There are many SMTP service providers that allow you to send mass emails, WordPress emails, transactional emails, and more.

However, each one of them is different in terms of features, pricing, ease of use, number of emails allowed on free plan, and most importantly their track record on deliverability.

Following are the best SMTP service providers that offer higher deliverability and best set of features.

1. Mailjet


Mailjet is the best SMTP service provider on the market. They offer a beginner friendly email marketing and transactional SMTP email service.

You can easily integrate Mailjet with your website and use it to send WordPress emails using SMTP. They offer a highly robust API with SMTP relay service to ensure that your emails don’t end up in spam.

Other notable features include drag and drop editor with email templates, built-in email marketing features, transactional SMS, marketing automation, and more. They also offer A/B testing and advanced statics to monitor your open rate, delivery rates, clicks, and more.

Pricing: Mailjet offers a free plan with up to 6000 emails every month (200 emails per day). Their paid plans start from $8.69 per month (billed annually) with 30,000 emails per month (no daily limit).

2. SendinBlue


SendinBlue is another top SMTP email service provider on the market. They offer a powerful marketing platform with transactional emails, email marketing, SMS marketing, and live chat.

It works beautifully with WordPress and other third-party platforms like OptinMonster, Salesforce, Google Analytics and many more. They also offer powerful personalization and marketing automation features to help with your marketing campaigns.

SendinBlue has a highly extensible API and SMTP relay service which instantly improves your email delivery for transactional emails.

Pricing: SendinBlue has a forever free plan with 300 emails per day. Their paid plans start from $25 per month with 40,000 emails per month and no daily sending limits.

3. Mailgun


Mailgun is a popular SMTP service provider for developers and businesses. They offer powerful APIs to send transactional emails.

It is easy to integrate into your WordPress website. Whether you are an eCommerce store, a membership website, or a small business, Mailgun offers an easy to scale SMTP service to send your marketing and transactional emails.

It is designed for developers and lacks some of the beginner-friendly features of other SMTP providers on the list.

Pricing: Mailgun offers a ‘pay as you go’ plan with first 10,000 emails free. The free plan is more than enough for small websites. Their paid plans are fairly competitive in the market. However if you want a dedicated IP and improved deliverability, then it starts at $79 per month with 1 dedicated IP address.

4. SendGrid


SendGrid is a powerful cloud-based SMTP email service provider that allows you to send mass emails without managing an SMTP server. It offers higher scalability with a powerful set of features.

Their SMTP relay is easy to setup and works with any WordPress site. It includes delivery optimization tools, email analytics, email templates with a simple email editor, and integrations with third-party apps and services.

If deliverability is your main concern, then SendGrid offers great tools to further improve email delivery including dedicated IP addresses and domain name authentication tools.

Pricing: They offer a free plan with first 40,000 emails free and then 100 emails per day. Their paid plans start at $14.95 per month.

5. Amazon SES

Amazon SES

AWS or Amazon Web Services is the industry leader in cloud computing infrastructure. They also offer Amazon SES or Amazon Simple Email Service as an add-on to their web services.

It is a powerful cloud-based SMTP service for marketers and developers to easily send marketing, notification, and transactional email campaigns.

It offers higher deliverability with cost efficiency of AWS. You get a lot of powerful features, but most of them are suitable for advanced users and developers.

Amazon SES can be easily integrated into your WordPress site with the help of plugins (more on this later in the article). Depending on your usage, Amazon SES can be the cheapest SMTP service in the market.

Pricing: If your website is hosted on AWS, then you can use their free tier to send 62,000 emails each month. For other websites, pricing starts at $0.10 for every 1,000 emails you send.

6. G Suite

G Suite

G Suite is Google’s productivity suite for businesses. It allows you to use calendar, Google Drive, Docs, Photos, and Gmail with your own domain name.

This allows you to get a professional business email address while still using the familiar interface of Google. G Suite allows you to use Google SMTP servers to send out emails which means you can set up an email account for your WordPress site and then use it to send WordPress emails.

However, it is only suitable for small business websites and blogs because it can only send 2,000 messages a day. For details see our article on how to set up a professional email address with G Suite

Pricing: Starts from $6 per user per month.

7. Postmark


Postmark is another easy to use SMTP service provider for websites, marketers, and businesses. It offers lightening fast email delivery with simpler pricing and easy integration.

Sending transactional emails is their expertise, which means they are focused on deliverability and speed. They offer easy to follow email analytics, account security, mobile-friendly responsive templates, message events triggered with simple webhooks, and more.

Pricing: Starting from $10 per month for 10,000 emails then $1.25 per 1,000 emails.

Which is the Best SMTP Service Provider?

Aside from the top SMTP providers that we mentioned above, there are literally dozens of others like Mandrill, Moosend, Pepipost, etc.

The large number of choices make it difficult for users to select the best SMTP service provider for their needs.

When choosing an SMTP service, you need to look at three main factors: email deliverability, scalability, and pricing.

Since every platform in our list offers high email deliverability and with exception of G Suite, all platforms can scale to send millions of emails per day, we will focus on pricing since it’s often a big deciding factor.

At first glance, the free plans look very competitive across all platforms. If you have a small website, then you really can’t go wrong with any of our top three SMTP recommendation: Mailjet, SendinBlue, and Mailgun.

However as your website grows, pricing becomes a pretty big factor. Mailjet offers the most competitive pricing with scalability and most importantly reliable technical support.

For example, if you’re sending 150,000 emails per month, you will pay $68.95 per month, and you will have a dedicated IP. Whereas for the same amount of sending requirement and dedicated IP, SendGrid will cost $79.95 per month and MailGun will cost $109 per month.

Now if you have a technical team in house, then nothing will beat the pricing of Amazon SES because its $0.10 per 1000 emails. This means 150,000 emails per month will only cost $15 on Amazon SES. The big catch is that their technical support is quite limited. For dedicated IP, you just have to pay $24.95 per month.

For large sites, there really isn’t a more cost efficient SMTP solution than Amazon.

Our pick for best SMTP providers for small business: Mailjet and SendinBlue.

Our pick for best SMTP providers for large business and eCommerce websites: Amazon SES.

How to Easily Connect Your SMTP Service to WordPress

Once you sign up with an SMTP service provider, the next step is to integrate it with your WordPress site. This would replace the default WordPress mail function with your SMTP service, so your email actually gets delivered.

WP Mail SMTP is the best WordPress SMTP plugin which allows you to easily send WordPress emails using any SMTP service provider.

It is available as both a free SMTP plugin and the premium version with more features. The paid version gives you access to email controls to choose which WordPress notification emails to send using your SMTP service provider.

You also get email logs and easier setup for popular SMTP providers like Mailgun, SendGrid, Amazon SES, Gmail, Outlook, G Suite, and more. The Elite plan gives you access to their White Glove Setup where an expert from their team will set up your SMTP service.

First thing you need to do is install and activate the WP Mail SMTP plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit WP Mail SMTP » Settings page and enter your license key. You can find this information from your account on WP Mail SMTP website.

WP Mail SMTP settings

After entering your license key, the next step is to configure your mailing service.

Scroll down to the Mail section and enter the from email address. This is the email address you have added to use with your SMTP service provider.

Mail settings

After that, you need to enter a from name. Ideally, this should be your website title, so that your users know where the email is coming from.

Scroll down to the Mailer section. If your SMTP service provider is listed there, then you can select it here.

Choose your SMTP service provider

Choosing an SMTP provider will show you settings specific to that service provider with a link to detailed instructions on how to enter the required information.

However, if your SMTP server is not listed there, then select ‘Other SMTP’ option. WP Mail SMTP works with all SMTP providers.

Below that you will now see the information you need to enter. You can find this information on your SMTP service provider’s website under your account.

Other SMTP provider

You will need the following information.

  • SMTP Host: You smtp host address which usually looks like this
  • Encryption: Usually it is either SSL or TLS
  • SMTP Port: Usually it is 465
  • Authentication: Turn on authentication
  • Username: Username provided by your SMTP service usually it is your email address.
  • Password: Password for your SMTP service

Now, the plugin recommends that instead of saving your username and password in plain text, you add it to your wp-config.php file. See our guide on how to edit wp-config.php file.

After entering all the required information, don’t forget to click on the ‘Save Settings’ button to store your changes.

You can now send a test email to see if everything is working fine. Switch to the Email Test tab and enter an email address to send a test email.

Send test email

WP Mail SMTP will now send a test email to the address you entered. Check your inbox to make sure that you got the test email.

Congratulations, you have successfully set up your WordPress site to use your SMTP service provider.

We hope this article helped you find the best SMTP service provider to send WordPress emails. You may also want to see our guide on easy ways to grow your email list faster.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 7 Best SMTP Service Providers with High Email Deliverability (2019) appeared first on WPBeginner.