Importing All Your Contact Form 7 Data To Forminator Is Now Possible (And Dead Simple!)

Want to instantly teleport all of your existing Contact Form 7 data over to Forminator? As of release 1.11 it can now be done in a matter of clicks. Stick around to see how it works and why we think you should make the transition.

That’s right, the most popular form plugin on WordPress just got a whole lot easier to ditch completely.

Nothing against Contact Form 7 of course… it’s been a staple in the WordPress community for some years now.

We just reckon our Forminator is a superior (and free) alternative. And we’ll prove it to you later in the article (with facts to back it up!).

But first, let’s get the introductions out of the way for those who haven’t yet met our formidable, form-making plugin.

(*WPMU DEV members and those in the know, feel free to skip this section)

Meet Forminator, Your Personal Website Quiz, Poll, And Form Extraordinaire

Our Forminator plugin does it all! From contact forms, to polls and quizzes

If you’re new around here, Forminator is our own free drag and drop form building plugin for WordPress.

With this intelligent and unassuming superhero by your side you can liven up your site with a plethora of interactive quizzes, polls, and forms.

But here’s the kicker…

Even Though Forminator Is A Free Plugin, It Performs Like It’s Premium!

When it was first released, Forminator changed everything by becoming the first completely free, premium form plugin for WordPress.

So even though he costs you nothing, don’t be surprised to see Forminator going “feature for feature” with the top premium WordPress form plugins out there.

It’s also why we have no issue declaring that Forminator is by far the best freely available form plugin for WordPress.

Because when it comes to constantly innovating and bringing you new and exciting plugin features – Forminator keeps up with the best of the best.

Speaking of new features… let’s get into today’s one.

Just in case you missed it in the title of this article…

Forminator Now Allows You To Easily Import All Your Existing CF7 Site Forms!

Something we figured out early on is that it’s not enough to create a vastly superior plugin.

And it takes more than a host of great features for someone to easily switch from something they already know.

This is especially true in the case of website form plugins.

I mean, who wants to completely re-do all of the forms they’ve already painstakingly set up on their website???

Especially if they’re extensive and you have a number of them.

We Knew We Had To Make It Simpler For Users To Migrate From Contact Form 7 To Forminator

This way they could also have easier access to premium form making features without having to fork out the big bucks, or install 50 other add-ons to get the functionality they desired.

And since you’re reading this article, I can confirm we’ve achieved our mission, so without further ado…

Here’s How Forminator’s New Contact Form 7 Importer Works In WordPress

Before we begin, if you haven’t done so, be sure to install Forminator on your site so you can follow along :)

As mentioned earlier it’s free as a bird to install

Once you have Forminator open, navigate to “Settings” and then find “Import.”

Next click on “Import” under the Contact Form 7 as shown below.

Forminator makes migrating Contact Form 7 data a breeze

Once you’ve done this, you’ll then see an Import wizard which allows you to import all of your CF7 forms (or specific forms only).

Additionally, you’ll see the list of supported CF7 add-ons where you can select which add-ons you want to import data and settings from.

As well as forms you can also import some Contact Form 7 add ons

Once you’re finished with your selections simply click “Begin Import” to start the import process. This should only take a few seconds to complete.

And just like that you’ve successfully moved all of your existing website forms to Forminator!

Note: Want to skip straight to the action? You might’ve already noticed this cheeky notification on your WP dashboard that takes you straight to the importing process.

We've set up a notfication for you to make importing even easier!

Time to celebrate???

Not quite yet…

Beware Of Unsupported Form Fields And Settings

Look, nothing in this world is perfect, and the same goes for our dear Forminator.

We’re not the kind of company to tell fibs and say everything will be 100% picture perfect when you transition over.

There are some form fields and settings you won’t be able to bring over as Forminator does not support them.

But don’t worry, we have an alternate solution for all of them.

Unsupported CF7 Settings/Form Fields (And How To Get Around Each)

1. Quiz field: Forminator doesn’t have a built-in quiz field. The good news is you can enable Google’s reCAPTCHA v3 and Honeypot protection on your imported forms.

2. ConstantContact: Our plugin doesn’t integrate directly with ConstantContact. However, you can use Zapier integration to send your leads to ConstantContact.

3. reCAPTCHA v3 integration: At this stage, Forminator can’t import your existing reCAPTCHA integration. You can set this up manually on your imported forms once they are transferred.

4. Additional settings: Forminator doesn’t support CF7’s additional form settings. But rest assured our practical plugin comes jam packed with its own useful features!

5. Custom field IDs: Forminator creates a unique ID for each field, and the conditional logic relies on them. However, you can provide a custom CSS class for each field.

So Why Bother Switching To A New Form Plugin?

This is the obvious question to ask yourself before taking this brand new feature for a spin.

After all, why go to the trouble of switching form plugins when you already have contact forms set up and working perfectly on your site?

But just because you’re comfortable using something, doesn’t mean there aren’t better options out there.

And the simple fact is, Forminator does all Contact Form 7 does, and so much more!

Need proof?

Here’s How The Two Form Plugins Stack Up Against One Another:

Forminator and Contact Form 7 go head to head

As you can see, this comparison reads pretty much like any other “premium vs. free” battle would.

The free version usually gives you the basics, but if you want the real meat and potatoes you’ll have to upgrade.

Only In This Case The Meat And Potatoes Are Free!

Also, keep in mind this table compares “form” features only.

We’re not even scratching the surface when it comes to Forminator’s ability to do other things like creating interactive polls and quizzes for your website.

But we’ll save that for another day.

The real point of this article is to simply introduce you to this exciting new feature.

On that note…

What’s Stopping You From Upping Your Form Game?

With the main hindrance of having to start over in order to switch form plugins gone, what’s holding you back now?

Is it the ability to actually collect and track your form stats?

Is it the crazy big integration with 1000+ 3rd party apps?

Is it the 15+ form field options and the option of styling and profiling your soon-to-be-epic website forms?

Is it the ability to add payment processing to your forms without needing an add-on or another plugin?

Surely not! ;)

If there is something in particular you think Forminator could be better at – be sure to let us know.

We’re always looking to improve our plugins, and our dev team won’t stop until Forminator becomes the “go-to” form plugin on WordPress.

Our Goal Is To Provide The Highest Quality Tools For Our Users

And if we thought one of our plugins wasn’t up to the task we’d be the first to suggest another plugin, or one of our partner’s solutions.

Speaking of our team… a special shoutout and thanks to the superheroes behind the scenes who made this amazing new feature possible:

Developer: Cvetan Cvetanov QA: Devendera Mishra Design: Mukul Chawla

Remember, if you want to take the feature mentioned today, as well as all Forminator’s other fantastic premium features for a spin, you can install the plugin for free over on

Or if you’re really game, you can sign up for a free 30 day trial with WPMU DEV and get instant access to WPMU DEV’s full suite of premium WordPress plugins, as well as 24/7 live support, our new managed hosting, and much more.

Also be sure to check out our Product Roadmap to see what’s on the horizon for Forminator in future updates.

How to Setup a Free Support Ticketing System With WordPress

Can a Free WordPress support ticket system work as well as a paid WordPress support ticket plugin? It definitely can! Just follow this simple tutorial…

A good helpdesk ticketing system should allow your business to handle and prioritize multiple customer support inquiries and manage these so your customers get replied to quickly, by the right support person or team.

Many paid WordPress support plugins can help you do this. But, what about a free one?

Free help desk ticketing systems that can only handle basic customer inquiries are no more useful than just using a plain old contact form.

Unless, of course, you add a pinch of ‘zing’ that will automagically transform a contact form into a full-on WordPress helpdesk and support ticket system… for free!

This is exactly what we are going to do, so watch my hands. (Nothing up this sleeve…)

From Free Contact Form To Free Support Ticket System

Can you say prestidigitation?

It doesn’t matter if you can’t because you don’t need magic tricks to change a plain contact form into a free support ticket system that will allow your business to:

  • Handle multiple customer inquiries.
  • Create separate support tickets for each submission.
  • Assign support tickets created by users to different staff members or areas of your business.
  • Group customer emails and chats with each ticket.
  • And so much more.

Alakazam… but this defies logic! How does one perform this great feat?

Magicians never reveal their tricks, but I’m no magician, so here are the three simple steps we’ll take to make this all happen:

Step 1: First, we’ll create a support ticket form using WPMU DEV’s Forminator plugin.

Step 2: Next, we’ll integrate our form with a complete customer support ticket system from HubSpot.

Step 3: Pffftt! (magic cloud of smoke). There is no ‘Step 3’. Only Step ‘Free’ … Your free WordPress ticket system is done (mwah hah hah)!

Let’s go through this step-by-step and make some customer support magic appear before your very eyes.

Step 1: Create A Customer Support Ticket Form

If you’ve just landed on this page looking for a free WordPress helpdesk plugin or support plugin, download Forminator, our free drag and drop form building plugin for WordPress from the plugin repository.

And if you’re a WPMU DEV member, then you already have access to the powerful Pro version of our expandable form builder plugin along with all the other exclusive goodies our members have access to, so make sure you install The Hub on your WordPress site then go to WPMU DEV > Plugins.

WPMU DEV WordPress menu - add plugins.
You can install all our powerful plugins from your WordPress dashboard.

Download and install the Forminator plugin from your WordPress dashboard.

WPMU DEV plugin list - Forminator
Install Forminator from your WordPress dashboard.

Once Forminator has been installed, activate the plugin and head on over to ‘Forms’ in the Forminator menu.

Forminator menu
Select ‘Forms’ in the Forminator menu to create a form.

Forminator lets you easily create and import forms. For this tutorial, we’ll create a simple contact form, so click on the ‘Create’ button.

Forminator create form screen.
Forminator lets you create and import all kinds of forms, including support ticket forms.

Select a template for your form (e.g. a Contact Form template). You can start with a blank form if you want to create your support ticket from scratch.

Forminator form templates.
Choose a pre-made form template or start with a blank form and customize your own.

Add all the fields your users or customers will need to complete in your support ticket to your form, including options for different products, services, or departments, then save and preview.

An example of fields you can add to your support ticket to direct user submissions to different products.

For detailed tutorials on how to create forms using Forminator, including what kind of fields and options are available, see the Forminator documentation section.

Creating your support ticket submission form is the first step to making the magic happen. It’s just like pulling a rabbit out of a hat. First, you need a hat, which Forminator provides (look, nothing in here…yet!)

Now let’s add the rabbit.

Step 2: Integrate Forminator With HubSpot

HubSpot is an inbound marketing, sales, and service CRM software. You can use this tool for managing all your customer relationships, including tracking interactions with leads and customers, automating sales and marketing activities, sending out newsletter emails, and, more importantly for this tutorial, as a help desk and support ticket system.

Since we’ll be integrating our form with HubSpot in this step, you will need to have an account.

HubSpot home page screen.
HubSpot – Inbound Marketing, Sales, and Service Software.

The good news is that HubSpot’s Service Hub provides all of the functionality we will need to start our WordPress support ticket system for free.

HubSpot Service Hub get started info page.
HubSpot Service Hub is free!

You can upgrade later if you want additional features like customer service automation, knowledgebase, customer feedback, multiple ticket pipelines, and more.

Log into HubSpot if you already have an account. Otherwise, go through their setup process and make sure you confirm your email address and activate your account.

HubSpot account setup forms.
Create a HubSpot account and log in.

Set up your lists, forms, etc. in your HubSpot account.

HubSpot create list screen.
Create a list in HubSpot.

Follow the tutorials in the HubSpot Academy to learn how to use the software, create lists, forms, use support tickets, etc.

HubSpot Academy
Learn how to use HubSpot and create support tickets with HubSpot Academy.

After setting up an account with HubSpot, come back to your WordPress site and go to Forminator > Integrations.

Click on the ‘+’ symbol to integrate HubSpot with Forminator.

Integrate HubSpot with Forminator easily with just a few clicks.

You can also confirm the integration with Forminator inside your HubSpot account.

HubSpot integrations screen.
HubSpot and Forminator Integration.

Once you’ve integrated the app, go back to the Forminator dashboard, click on the gear icon next to the name of your form, and select Edit from the drop-down menu.

Click on the gear icon to edit your form.

Depending on whether your web browser has been resized or not (or if you’re working on your site using a mobile device), you will either see the editing options listed next to your form or displayed in a drop-down menu format in the ‘Navigate’ section.

Forminator edit form screen.
Let’s transform this simple form using integration magic.

Select the ‘Integrations’ option in the Edit Form screen and click on ‘Activate App’ to add the integration with HubSpot to your form.

If you have followed the previous steps in this tutorial, you should already have your lists and forms set up in HubSpot, so the next step is to map the HubSpot and Forminator fields. This ensures that data will be sent through correctly from your form to your ticketing system.

HubSpot and Forminator field mapping.
Map your HubSpot and Forminator fields.

Click ‘Continue’ to create your HubSpot tickets and complete the integration and setup process.

Create your HubSpot tickets.

As per the instructions on the form, in addition to adding new contacts, you can create a new ticket for each form submission just by flicking a switch.

Support ticket demo.
Support ticket demo.

Once your support ticket form has been created, you can add it to any page or post using a form shortcut.

WordPress support ticket system demo.

Hey Presto! Your free support ticket system is now live!

You Can Even Charge Users For Providing Support

Want a free WordPress ticketing system that lets you charge users for support? Forminator lets you add payment fields to your form.

Add a Stripe or PayPal payment field to your form, click the ‘Publish’ or ‘Update’ button (saying “abracadabra” is optional) and your setup will transform like magic into a premium WordPress ticketing support system.

Premium support ticketing system.
Easily create a premium WordPress ticketing support system with payment fields.

The Magic Of Integration

As you can see, integration is the key to transforming a free contact form into a free WordPress support ticket system.

Forminator provides you not only with a way to create a support ticket form for free, but if you integrate Forminator with a third-party application like HubSpot, you will instantly get a complete free ticketing support system added via the backend with the capability to extend support functionality with more advanced features later if required.

In addition to all the automation you can already integrate into your forms, our formidable Forminator team is currently working on new plugin features like:

  • Email routing that will let you send email notifications to specific departments or areas of your business dynamically depending on the options that users select on your forms.
  • Email conditions where you can add as many email notifications as you need and send those emails out conditionally based on what customers input on your form.
  • Dynamic forms that let you pre-fill forms with query parameters, making it easier for customers to lodge support tickets and many other types of forms.

Before You Disappear…

Special thanks to WPMU DEV member @Levent for requesting the HubSpot integration with Forminator and Mukul from our Forminator team for his valuable assistance answering questions about the plugin’s capabilities.

If you haven’t experienced the magic of being a WPMU DEV member yet, then we invite you to step right in and try our 100% risk-free, 30-day trial and get full access to all of our WordPress plugins with no hidden mind tricks or illusions.

How To Create A WordPress Quiz That Delights Your Audience And Drives Sales

Throw out your downloadable e-books and checklists… interactive quizzes are the new way to engage with your audience, collect qualified leads and drive more sales for your business.

Who doesn’t love a good online quiz?

Whether it’s the challenge of testing your general knowledge… or maybe it’s you desperately needing to know which Marvel superhero you are, or which Harry Potter house you’d be sorted into.

(I got Iron Man and Gryffindor FYI)

Point is, people just can’t get enough of them!

And in the spirit of this apparent obsession, let’s kick things off with a little quiz of our own.

Start by taking a look at the following article headlines:

  • “Only People With Perfect Color Vision Can Read These Words”
  • “Community Post: Pick Out An Outfit At Hot Topic And We’ll Tell You How Old You Are”
  • “Only People With Perfect Color Vision Can See These D**ks”
  • “Pretend To Buy Things From Amazon And We’ll Reveal Your Age”

Now see if you can figure out what all of these articles have in common?

Let’s start with the obvious…

First off, two of the articles seem to suggest having perfect color vision is apparently a big deal?

Next, all of these articles are, yep, you guessed it…


And finally… (this is the one you probably won’t have known)

These Four Quizzes Were Buzzfeed’s Best Performing Articles In March 2017 – With A Combined Engagement Of 2,042,505!

Check it out:

Quizzes ranked a top of BuzzFeed's stories in March 2017
Quizzes dominated BuzzFeed’s article content in March 2017

And it doesn’t stop there…

According to NewsWhip during this same month, 50 of BuzzFeed’s most engaging quizzes drove just under 3 million engagements – averaging a massive 60,000 engagements per quiz.

Speaking of engagement…

In a survey conducted by CMI in 2016, 81% of respondents agreed that interactive content grabbed attention more effectively than static content (sorry downloadable e-books and checklists!). 

Heck, even Neil Patel agrees:

“When you make the content interactive, whether it’s text format or image format or anything like that, people will start learning more. Because they’re engaging. And that’s the key to helping people: it’s to make sure that they’re engaged.” – Neil Patel

Why am I telling you all of this?

Because although interactive quizzes are usually viewed as nothing more than a bit of fun between friends on social media…

They’ve recently grown into a legitimate marketing tool.

A powerful one that businesses can use to capture leads, drive more traffic and increase sales. 

And in this article we’ll be looking at real examples of businesses who’ve had great success with interactive quizzes (and explain how you can too!).

I’ll also give you a quick rundown of how you can easily create your own interactive quiz using the Forminator plugin in WordPress.

But before we get to that…

Let’s uncover the psychology behind why people love quizzes so much:

The Psychology Behind Our Obsession With Online Quizzes

People Are More Comfortable Being a “Type”

Although most of us like to think we’re individuals, we all have a habit of categorising ourselves and those around us. 

We also need to feel a sense of belonging and being a part of something bigger than ourselves.

That’s why “which …  do you belong to?” quizzes are so popular and addictive.

Because placing ourselves into boxes or categories is sometimes our way of making sense of this big bad world.

Quizzes Appeal To Our Most Primal Desires

Two of our most primal desires are knowing more about ourselves and showing other people how good we are.

Graded (or knowledge) quizzes for example, provide the perfect opportunity to prove just how smart we are. 

And savvy marketers know this.

As a result, publications often use these kinds of tests to challenge readers intelligence. 

By extension this also makes the person feel more intelligent for reading their publication.

We’re All Searching For Deeper Insights About Ourselves

Although outcome quizzes like: “what your choice of … says about you” seem innocent enough, they’re secretly appealing to our needs as humans to seek deeper insights about ourselves.

These kinds of quizzes can also be reassuring for people.

For example, if you’re feeling underpaid in your job and you come across a quiz titled: “How To Tell If Your Boss Is Paying You Fairly” it’s likely you’ll look to this quiz for validation that your assumptions were true.

Okay Enough With The Deep Insights And Psychology…

I think we’re ready to get to the quiz making!

But first we need to decide:

What TYPE Of Quiz Should You Create For Your Business?

Generally there are two main types of interactive quizzes businesses will create.

These are: 

“Graded” (or knowledge) quizzes.


“Outcome” (or personality) quizzes.

The quiz type you choose will largely depend on your business (you may even choose both!).

However, to help you identify which is right for you, let’s take a look at some real examples of both in action.

Starting With “Graded” Quizzes…

Examples of graded quizzes include such classics as: 

“Only True Movie Buffs Can Name More Than 7 Of These 10 Films.” 


Can You Name These Justin Bieber Songs Judging By One Line Of The Lyrics”

Okay, I may have made those up…

But you get the idea!

As mentioned above, this type of quiz aims to bring out the competitive nature in us so we click through.

BuzzFeed are pros at using this kind of interactive quiz:

A BuzzFeed article that you'd have trouble resisting if you were interested in the topic
BuzzFeed articles do a great job of getting people to click


Another example of the irresistible headlines by BuzzFeed
Could you resist clicking if you were interested in these topics?

Or Maybe An “Outcome Quiz” Would Work Better?

Outcome or personality quizzes are the most popular type of quiz you’ll see shared on social media. 

However, when done right, they can also be a powerful marketing tool for businesses.

The idea of these quizzes is to have participants answer questions with the intention of driving them to a set of predetermined outcomes.

BuzzFeed are also infamous for these types of quizzes… (but enough about them!)

“Oh My Disney” does a pretty good job too:

An example of how Oh My Disney approach outcome quizzes
Oh My Disney love their personality quizzes

The World Wildlife Fund Also Achieved 1,043 Opt Ins Converting At 38.5% With This Simple Outcome Quiz:

The World Wildlife Fund had great success with this outcome quiz

The results screen of WWF's quiz

This Quiz By Warby Parker is Also A Perfect Example Of Using An Outcome Quiz To Drive Sales:

An example of Warby Parker using a quiz to drive sales
Warby Parker nailed this outcome quiz

Although outcome quizzes are often more for entertainment, as you can see from the Warby Parker example, this type of quiz can also be great for driving sales and helping customers with their buying decisions. 

It also makes your customers’ lives easier, so it’s a win-win!

Alrighty, now that you’ve had a chance to see both types in action…

It’s Time To Create Your Own Online Quiz In WordPress!

We’ll be creating your quiz using our popular contact form plugin “Forminator” which comes with a handy (and easy-to-use!) quiz functionality. 

This plugin is also completely FREE to install and add to your WordPress website right now.

Also, for this particular walkthrough we’ll be creating an “outcome quiz.”

But don’t worry, if you’re looking to create a “knowledge quiz” you’ll also find instructions for this on the Forminator documentation page.

In any case, if you’re ready to learn how to make your own outcome quiz in less than 10 minutes…

Let’s get to it!

Step 1: Install Forminator

First of all, you’ll want to install the free Forminator plugin for WordPress if you haven’t already:

The first step is installing Forminator

Step 2: Select The Quiz Option

Once you’ve installed and activated the plugin, head to the Forminator dashboard and scroll down until you find “quizzes.” After you’ve found quizzes, click on create to open a new pop-up.

A look at the Forminator dashboard
Forminator also allows you to create polls and forms!
Select the create quiz button

Step 3: Select Quiz Type

You have the option of choosing between a knowledge and a personality quiz. For the purpose of this walkthrough we’ll select a personality quiz.

Select the personality quiz option
Forminator lets you create two types of online quizzes

Step 4: Name Your Quiz

Now’s when the real fun starts, it’s time to name your quiz. Select an appropriate name (e.g “which superhero are you?”) and then click create.

A pop up asking users to enter the name of their quiz
Time to creative! Name your epic quiz

Step 5: Fill Out The Intro Fields

Next you’ll be greeted with some more introduction options including:

The Title: Which will appear above your quiz.

The Feature Image: The main image visitors will see when they click through to your quiz.

The Description: A short summary of your quiz to help visitors understand what it’s all about.

A screen that allows users to name and describe their quiz

Step 6: Choose Your Personalities

Now it’s time to choose your personalities, or the “outcomes” of your quiz. So if your quiz is titled: “which superhero are you?” Your options might include Superman, Batman and Iron Man.

A screen which lets users select the personalties or outcomes of their quiz
Which superhero would you be?

Step 7: Fill Out Your Questions And Answers

Next fill out the questions and answers of your quiz. Each answer will match up with one (or more) of the appropriate personalities you’ve selected prior.

As an example, if the question is: “what is your superpower?” possible answers could be “super strength” which equals the superman personality, or “super speed” which might equal The Flash etc.

The next screen is all about writing your questions and answers

Step 8: Adjust The Appearance Of Your Quiz

You can also change the appearance and look of your quiz. Play around with adjusting elements like the style and colors. As well as changing the font and the layout:

A screen that gives you the option of changing the design and style of your quiz
Give your quiz a makeover


A screen showing you can change the font and layout of your quiz

Step 9: Social Media Share

Next you can choose to give users a chance to share their results on social media. This a great option if you want to increase awareness and traffic to your quiz.

A screen showing users they can share their quiz on social media
Share your quiz on social!

Step 10: Publish!

Once you’ve completed these steps your quiz is pretty much complete! Simply select publish and it will go live:

A screen showing users where the publish button is

Step 11: Copy Quiz Short Code

But no one’s going to see it if it’s not on a web page right?

To select a web page to host your quiz on, simply navigate back to the Forminator dashboard. Here you’ll be able to copy your quiz’s short code:

A screen showing what your quiz short code might look like

Step 12: Insert Short Code Into Web Page

You should then be able to paste the short code on the appropriate part of the page, or by selecting “add form.”

A screen showing an example of where your quiz might go

And That’s It!

In less than 10 minutes you’ve just created a simple personality quiz for your business.

Of course, a more in depth quiz with a lot of questions will probably take longer… but hey… 10 mins can still be done!

*BONUS TIPS For Getting Maximum Results From Your Quizzes

Get Topical With Your Quiz!

Creating quizzes based on topical events can be a great way to drive traffic and ride the wave of new trends.

Music website Hotnewhiphop did exactly this, taking advantage of rapper Kendrick Lamar’s newly released album:

An look at the Kendrick Lamar quiz that went viral
Kendrick Lamar’s popularity drove the success of this quiz
The results page of the Kendrick Lamar quiz

This particular quiz gained a huge amount of traction on social media and resulted in 48,759 impressions on the web page containing the quiz.

The website had an average click-through rate to their on-page ads of 1.5% and every click was worth $0.75.

This all meant that the quiz brought in $548 on its first day alone!

Keep Your Quiz Running “Evergreen” If Possible

If it’s working like crazy, why not keep it running?

This is exactly what Forbes did back in 2014 with their quiz about which University prospective students should attend:

A look at the Forbes quiz which was a great success
This Forbes university quiz just wouldn’t quit!

Since that time the quiz has been taken over 181,000 times and shared thousands more.

What makes this quiz different is the fact that only 60,000 of participants took the quiz during the first week, and the remaining 120,000 people took the quiz over several months following its release.

This proves your quiz can still be extremely effective without being timely.

Of course, you’ll need to ensure that the theme of your quiz can be evergreen like Forbes’ example.

You’re Now Left With Two Choices…

1. Go Back To Taking Quizzes For Fun On Social Media

Like everyone else, you have a chuckle discovering you’re more “Joker” than “Batman.”


2.Create a Kickass Quiz Of Your Own!

One that gives your customers more than a dull “e-book” or “checklist” to download…

  • A quiz that can easily be created in WordPress in less than 10 minutes.
  • A quiz that drives genuinely interested customers to your website, where they’ll at least be entertained, or who knows… they might even become lifelong customers.

I trust you’ll select the right answer…